I live in paradise?

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Chapter twelve:

The bus pulled up in front of the Vocal Tower. I heard my friends gasp at the left of me. The doors of the bus swung open and I hoped off, while Kiki and Yuki were shaking their way off. They are stars struck.

"Well this is were I live now."

"Y-you l-live here?" Stammered Kiki.

"Yup," I shrugged.

"B-but only Vocaloids live here. Your not a Voca- " Yuki cut herself off. "Omg, you are one, aren't you?"

"Yeah," I said kind of embarrassed by it. I looked up at there faces, I was afraid that they think Im a monster or something. Their faces were in shock and in awe.

"That is awesome!" exclaimed Yuki.

"I cant believe on of my best friends are a Vocaloid." said Kiki, she seemed proud of me and her.

"Well lets go inside!"

We walked inside, and the more we moved inside the Vocal Tower the more Kiki and Yuki freaked out. They would fan girl over the littlest of things. They also were comparing things to what they read and what they were seeing now. Saying that "This was not the same..." and "The magazine had lied about....." To be honest it was the funniest thing I have seen in forever, just watching them fan girl. I cant wait till they meet Gumi, they were big fans of her. As soon as I thought Gumi, she crossed our paths. Yuki and Kiki started to reach a new fan girl level, now it was hilarious watching them.

"Hi Gumi." I called over my friends fan girling.

"Hey Miku, its great to see you back from school! How was it?" She asked.

"It was ok, but its more boring than here." I sighed. I turned to my friends. "Oh Gumi these are my friends, Yuki and Kiki."

"Hi, its very nice to meet you! Hopefully Miss. Akita lets you guys over more, it would be fun for all of us to hang out."

"You would hang out with us?"

"Yeah y-your a Vocaloid and we aren't." added Yuki.

"Yeah I would love to hang out with you guys. From what Miku tells me about you, you both sound fun." smiled Gumi.

"I think Ive died...." breath Yuki.

"I'll see you in heaven." Replied Kiki.

Me and Gumi just laughed our ass off. After talking with Gumi for a short time, she left us and we continued our way to my room. When we got to my door of my room Dell and Len stood there.

"Hi Dell. Hi Len." I smiled at both of them. They moved their bangs into there faces to hide there blushing.

"Sup." said Dell trying to playing of his blush.

"H-How was school?" stammered Len.

"It was good, I just kept getting weird looks, but you know whatever." I shrugged. I heard a slight giggle come from Kiki and Yuki. What the hell is their issue?

"Well if anyone does give you trouble, let us know. We'll kick their asses." said Dell, still trying to hide his blushing.

"Ok..." I said. "Thanks, but can I ask you guys a quick question?"

"Sure." they both said.

"Why are you guys here, like at the front of my dorm room?"

They both looked at me their eyes wide, and still blushing.

"Ummmmmmm well Miku, we gotta go, bye!" said Len as he sprinted off.

"That asshole shorta......" sighed Dell. "yeah ah I gotta go kick his ass so uh bye." Dell managed to say before running after Len. Me and my friends watch as Dell ran after Len grabbing his collar of his shirt before turning the hallway corner.

"Bakas...... " I said as I opened the door. Leading my friends inside my dorm, I through my bag onto Mikuo's bed and flopped onto mine. my friends did the same before jumping next to me. they were still giggling like dumb asses. " So why are you both giggling like a small child who has a secret?"

They laughed for a moment, then they sat up in my bed with me.

"So Miku which one of those boys is your boyfriend?" asked Yuki.


"Well another question, which one do you like more?" added Kiki.

"What the hell? Why are you guys asking these questions?" I asked slightly blushing.

"Well it seems like you got both those boys wrapped around your little finger without even realizing it." sighed Yuki.

"Damn Miku, you live in paradise." smirked Kiki.

"How do I live in paradise?"

"You have a chance with two boys. Live with the coolest people in the world. You have your whole live sit out for you." Explained Kiki.

"Its not as this paradise, your thinking it is. Its like a hell here-"

"Is it more hell then school?" Yuki cut me off.


"To me, this place is like heaven compared to what we go through." Yuki said.

"I was there to with you guys."

"Yeah we know, but you have been gone for awhile and it was even harder than usual." explained Kiki.

"Im sorry guys. I promise that life will get better, somehow it always does." I choked out my words. I wanted to cry for them, but I didnt. I had to put on a strong face for them, so they can have faith that life will become better. All I want to is to take all the pain from my family and friends and bare it all for them. Wanting to see their colors of their world..... I want to break them from their insanity. The insanity they know as Hell.

Hatsune Miku the Vocaloid Book 1: AwakingWhere stories live. Discover now