Chapter 1: I'll kill my enemies

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Today is the day of my revenge plan....

I managed to sneak out in the middle of the night to head over to Blackwell. Frank was there. He greeted me and we drove towards the mountains. "What's up?" He asked raising a brow at me. "What?" I asked sharply and he furrowed his brow. "Something's in your mind?" I looked out of the window. "I never snuck out on my own before. I mean-" He gazed at me. "Zabrina, we have to make them pay and get some answers about Rachel's disappearance." He said in bravery. "Can you call your wolves?" He asked and I turned into a wolf, Frank opened the window and I released a long, open throated howl. A few seconds later, A big wolf and six others were following him. "They're here." I said to Frank and he nodded. I've met my pack a few months ago. They just kept following me wherever I went. When I decided to confront them, I realized that they weren't following me, because they were animals. They were gems just like me. They led me to their leader, Janesh and his mate, Ruelle. The wolves always lived in isolation, but they were actually watching me for a long, long time.

Janesh is a brown haired wolf like me, but way taller than an average wolf and his gem is on his chest like mine, but is known as a Apatite.

His mate, Ruelle, is a red wolf and she is very protective over me, her gem is a ruby and its planted on her head.

Canagan is her first-born son, he is always taking his royal lessons seriously and he is a young adult male. He has a Tazanite on the back of his head.

Celtic is the second-born and he is usually sluggish and snappy, but he is extremely protective over me and his family. He has a red opal on his side.

Cana is one of her youngest wolf pups, she is always ready for anything. She has a Turquoise on her left paw.

Tala is on of the best hunters in the forest, one time she taught me how to hunt and we both chased down a cougar that lasted for months. After that day, I've still been taking lessons until I'm able to hunt on my own. She has a garnet on her tail.

When we reached the mountains, Frank had to divide us to surround the building and I planted my paws on the ground. "Zabrina!" I turned my head to see Cana pacing towards me. "Daddy wants to see you." She said and I followed her to Janesh. "Zabrina, what's going on? Why did you call us?" He bowed his head down to meet my level. "These men had took Rachel Amber and I think they-" I showed them my cuts all over me. Damn, in my wolf form my cuts look worse. Janesh and his pack looked at me in shock and Ruelle came by my side, licked my cheek reassuringly. "We'll get them for what they done." She said in a bitter growl.


The men were playing around and drinking, I glanced at them and Frank was beside me. "You can start. We'll follow. Pompidou watch her back." I glanced at Pompidou. "You ready?" "Ready when you are, Zabrina." He answered and I sneaked through the trees being as quiet as possible. One of the guys were away from the group. Perfect. I snuck to the over-weight man. That I remembered from last night, Erin Douglas. He was too busy watching a video about naked people, to notice me. I glanced at the pack. Nodded and prepared to start killing. I pounced, but he ended up screaming as soon as I took a bite on his shoulder. Pretty soon his group were already attacking my wolves. Frank and Pompidou started attacking a few people who I didn't know. One of the other men from last night, Shaun Douglas, came towards me with a shotgun and blasted near me, but misses. I outmaneuvered him and sank my fangs into his throat, causing him to choke on his own blood and I made sure to snap his neck. He fell to the ground with a loud thump. I seen the other man was trying to run away, Lucas Douglas, but he fell to the floor and I pounced on him. He had a frightened expression and was sweating, crying tears. "P-Please don't-" He gasped and I released a evil laugh. "You shoulda thought of that before you touched me, Asshole." I sneered and I raised my paw up and crushed his skull till it popped open. His screams were blocked and so was the world. I saw nothing, but red. There was the last man who touched me trying to shoot at my wolves. I stomped in front of him and he smiled. "I knew I'd remember you from somewhere. You were a pretty good toy for my men-" I roared and I immediately pounced on him, but I pushed him into a tree and he fell to the ground. He tried to get up. I placed my paw onto his back till I heard a pop. He released screams on pain. "HELP ME! SOMEONE PLEASE!!" He cried but I couldn't care less of what he said. I felt so furious and I couldn't even see the fear of Frank's eyes. "Where's Rachel?" He asked and the man glared at him. "WHO THE FUCK IS RACHEL?! I DON'T KNOW NO RACHEL!!" He screamed at him tears streaming down his face. "Wrong answer." I snarled and bit into his side. He screamed out and Frank glared at me. "Zabrina, stop!" He shouted and I bent my head to meet the mans face. "WHERE IS SHE!?"  I growled. "Before I bite off your spine.... you are gonna tell me right here and right now, where is she?" I asked and the man nodded. "I know that- that- Prescott drove up with you and a girl, he gave us you and l-left with the girl. I swear." He whimpered and I walked around him. "I ain't-" I sank my teeth into his neck and snapped his head. "Zabrina, Why the hell did you do that?!" Tala asked and I glared at her. "It had to be done, Tala." I growled and before she could retort, Pompidou stepped in. "Tala, Zabrina's right. See it from a different angle, If she would've let him go, he would've been able to inform arcadia bay about your pack. They would certainly hunt you down." He said and Tala looked at the body. "Y-yeah I guess that makes sense." She sighed and Frank looked at us. "Let's head back." We all walked with Frank back to his RV. I turned back into a human, but nothing except blood covered me. "You need to get cleaned up." Frank said. I nodded and my wolves led me to a stream of fresh water. Tala made sure it was fresh by drinking it. She nodded her head. I can't believe I went all psycho on those people. I stepped into the water, my breathing hitched, as a shiver ran up my spine as I grew accustomed to the new temperature. I sighed as I placed my body in the water. I started swimming around and a stream of red blood escaped from my skin and nails. I swam underwater and I watched as my wolves jumped in also. Bubbles cascaded everywhere as each bubble raced to the top. I got up and I seen that Cana was swimming towards me. "The water's soooo coooollldddd!" She laughed out and I smiled at her. "It's always like that when you jump in. If you keep moving you'll be warm." I said with a smile on my face. Canagan was splashing his brother, Celtic and he ended up chasing him. I only can understand them when I'm a wolf, but I can easily understand Cana, We kinda had a mother-daughter relationship, because I was with her when she was born and she reminds me as a pet, but waayyy more loyal than any other dog I knew. "Zabrina-" I turned and Frank came back with new clothes and a towel. I noticed he was giving me a weird stare and I completely forgot that I was naked under his gaze. "H-Hey, don't look!" I shouted as my face heated up and I called to Janesh . He rushed to my side and blocked me from Frank, who was red as a tomato, as he passed me the clothes and towels. "Do you want me to take you home?" He asked nervously and I shrugged. "I don't know, How would you think Chloe felt if I ran away in the middle of the night and being brought back by her drug dealer?" I asked and he started petting Janesh and Ruelle. "I'll take that as a no then." He rolled his eyes and I jumped on Ruelle. "Thanks Frank, but I still need to find some answers... About Rachel." I said to him and he sighed. "Zabrina, look at your stomach..." I glanced down to see a lump on my belly. shit. "Just try not to hit your stomach, okay? For me?" He asked and I nodded. "See you around, Frank."

Ruelle started running to my house and she looked at me sadly. "Something on your mind, Ruelle?" I asked and she whimpered and let out a small bark. I turned into a wolf. "What did you say?" I asked and she licked my cheek. "Your pregnant? Is that why you killed those men?" She asked and I lowered my head. "No... Frank thinks they... y'know." She nodded. "Don't worry in two months you will deliver, but I'll help you raise it. For now, just pretend it's yours not Nathan's." She said as she gazed at my stomach. "Now let's get you home." She used her muzzle to grab me my neck and she rushed me to Blackwell.

Few minutes later...

Nathan was pacing outside. All alone, which gave me time to see him. "Okay, Nathan, your cool man, okay? Zabrina was hurt, but it's okay she probably doesn't remember a thing, right?" He whispered to himself.

"I remember way more than you think, Prescott."

I growled and he jumped. "WHATTHEFUCK-" I pounced on him and sunk my claws to his chest. "Zabrina-" I pushed it more causing him to choke. I glared at him.

'I-I can't kill him... I could make it quick and painless, but what will killing him get me? It won't make me feel better it would only hurt me more.'

I looked into his eyes, full of fear, tears already streaming down.

'Does did make me a monster like him? I can't kill him... Why can't I kill him?'

My tears blurred my vision and my face heated up. "T-This is all your fault, Nathan. I-I don't understand why you would do this!!" I sobbed and his eyes widened. "I-I-" He stammered and I growled at him. I took a deep breath and he closed his eyes, bracing himself for the death to come quick. Instead, I roared at him and all the birds and squirrels around us scurried to their home. I glared at him. "Don't you EVER touch me again." I ended up running away as students ran towards a breathless Nathan. I ran through the woods out of Anger and sadness, I left him scared and helpless. I ran away knowing I left behind a unknowing friend, who is the father of my child. I cried helplessly in the forest. "I WaNNa DiE!!" I cried through my cries and I called out for anyone to answer my prayers. "Please, mom, if your out there, I feel so alone." No answer. "Why aren't you here when I need you the most?" I asked and decided to return home. Luckily no one was there, except Chloe. "Zabrina, Where were you? You snuck out in the middle of the night without me, how rude-" She stopped in mid-sentence and she rubbed a thumb on my cheek to wipe my tears away. "Don't worry, we'll find her." She said so bravely and I nodded. I can't tell Chloe... Not yet in the least. I just have to deliver my baby and it'll be over. Right?

Nathan's pov:

Rachel's cries were unbearable. I decided to walk out of the dark room. While He works on the binder for Rachel.

"T-This is all your fault, Nathan. I-I don't understand why you would do this!!"

That one cry remained in my head for the rest of the day and I couldn't help but feel guilty. "Anything on your mind, Nathan?" The man asked and my heart jumped. "N-No sir." I stammered. Why the fuck do this in front of him. "Nathan, you need to calm down. You broke the young precious guard. It's only a matter of time." He gleefully cheered. "But, I feel so bad!" I shouted and he placed a hand on my shoulder. "Soon you'll feel no more pain. So what if she loved you? You deserve better than Zabrina hanging out with that slut and her punk sister. " He growled and I sighed. "Y-You're right." "Am I always." He answered and He glanced at the barn. "Now let's have some fun with Rachel." We both walked back in the dark room to see Rachel taped up and we grab our cameras and we.. what was it?

Captured her innocence.

I'm sorry it's short! I know, but I fractured my left hand so please don't hate me. I will get started with the next chapter and luckily I won't need surgery, but it may take a month to heal.

"Don't be surprised. If one day... I'm just out of here."


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