Chapter 3: No more mercy!

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Warning: This is my first smut scene on here so sorry if I messed up

August 23, 2013

"Chloe, you ready?" I asked as we were in front of the Blackwell pool to where the vortex party lies. "Hella ready." She sighed as we exit the truck. I shuddered... "You okay?" Chloe asked and I looked away from her. "This was the place where it happened, I know it was four months ago, but it felt like it was just yesterday when-" I sighed as tears filled my eyes, she placed a hand on my cheek and used her thumb to wipe my tears. "We'll find her." She said and I nodded. We headed to the pool building and saw a lot of people jumping in the pools, dancing, and drinking. "Shit. You weren't kidding about the place being full." Chloe muttered and I rolled my eyes at her. "Come on, Captain Bluebeard." I whispered at her and she followed me. "
"Names please- Zabrina? Chloe? Is that you?" A girl asked in shock and disbelief. "Y-Yeah, hey Courtney it's me." I said shyly and she leaped over the table to give me a welcoming hug. "How are you?" She asked as blue eyes began to scan me. "I'm fine, Courtney, thank you." I said and she laughed. "How you been?" I asked her and she nodded. "I'm fine now since the light of the party has shown up! Go on in you two." She said as she returned back to her seat. We went inside the tent and everyone was there. "Zabrina and Chloe!!" Justin shouted and I noticed that he was wobbly. "Is he drunk?" I asked and Chloe nodded. "Justin, have you seen Nathan?" She asked and he nodded. "I think he was in the room with the barista or something like that? At the bar?" He slurred as he tried to point in a direction, but fell on the floor passing out. "Well, some help he is...Now let's just find Nathan and-" "Why do you want Nathan for?" I turned to see my old nemesis. "Victoria Chase." I greeted and she gave me a smile. "About time you showed up. I seriously thought you left." She giggled and I rolled my eyes. "Can it, Victoria, I need your help. Do you know where Nathan is?" I asked and she nodded. "Yeah, I know where he is... Why is it so important?" She asked. "I need to know where Rachel is-" Before I can finish Victoria laughed. "That slut is long gone, Why the fuck are you still trying?" She asked and that boiled my blood. "Victoria," I sighed. "Don't you ever talk about Rachel like that... ever." I growled and gave her a most vicious stare. "Why do you want Nathan for?" She asked and Chloe growled. "We just want to talk to him, nothing more to that, and if we hear you talking shit about Rachel, you better hide." Chloe threatened and Victoria sighed. "Alright, whores, Nathan's in the bar with some asshole, probably." She pointed at a direction and I smiled. "Thank you, Victoria." I cooed and she rolled her eyes blushing. "Whatever." She scoffed and walked away. "Let's go, Zabrina." Chloe said and I trailed behind her. We saw Nathan no longer in a blue jacket, now he's red. "Zabrina?" He questioned smelling like nothing but alcohol. "My how you've grown." He slurred as he wobbled over towards me, but was blocked by Chloe. "Don't. Fucking. Touch her!" She snarled and he raised a brow at her. "Come on now... Don't be difficult." He smiled and he raised a brow at her. "I don't bite." He chuckled. Chloe and I glared at him, he glanced at the nearest seat. "Please, sit down." He said and we sat down, Chloe sat in between Nathan and I, as he left to get something flashing money in our faces. "Zabrina, he has money..." Chloe said and I raised a brow at him. "So?" I questioned and she smiled at me. "If we have some money, we can be able to pay off Frank." She whispered and I glared at her. "Are you fucking insane? Nathan is hella fucking dangerous than he is, while he's drunk, and you are insisting on bribing him?" I growled and she raised a brow, "He's helpless, we got this, he'll just slip out the truth." She said and I looked at her in extreme worry. "Chloe, I don't think-" "Hey, ladies, I got you two a couple of drinks, on the house." He slurred as he passed two martini's to us and Chloe smiled at him. "Thanks, Nathan." Chloe said as she took a few gulps and I pushed it towards him. "I don't drink." I said as I stood up, but he blocked my way. "Hey, don't go. We were just getting started, the night's still young." He smiled at me and I glared at him. "Leave me alone." I growled and I ended up running through a crowd of people, leaving Nathan behind. "Chloe, can you fucking believe him, He had a nerve to-" I turned and I realized Chloe wasn't near me. "Chloe?" I called and there was no answer, except a whole lot of people dancing.

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