Chapter 2: Two months later...

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WARNING: some rape references is in here.... Sorry.. This is my first pregnant scene I'm sorry

"AAGHHH-" I winced in pain and I glanced at my belly which now grew into a giant ball, but the only person who is suspicious was Chloe. "Zabrina? You okay?" Chloe asked from the other side of the door as I was stuck in the restroom tears filling my eyes. "Y-Yeah, I'm fine, Chlo. I just feel sick." I shouted from the restroom covering my stomach with my shirt. "I told you eating all that food was bad." She retorted and I rolled my eyes. I need to get to my wolves without Chloe noticing. "Chloe, you can head to the junkyard without me, I need to take a walk.." I lied and she glanced down at me. "Can't you just take a walk at the junkyard?" She asked and I shook my head rushing to the door. "Nah, I like the forest. It's so peaceful." I said walking out with Chloe eyeballing me on the way.  Time to deliver...

I went to the sacred hideout of my wolves, who were there to greet me. Cana, who is now a young adult glanced at me, "Zabrina? What the hell are you-" I groaned in pain. "Zabrina! What's wrong? Is it-" "I-I think... The baby's coming!" I whimpered as the pain grew in my lower area. Her eyes widened. "Right! Come on you need to deliver. I will take you to Ruelle." She shouted and grabbed my by her mouth and took me to the den. "MOTHER, ZABRINA'S HAVING THE BABY!!" Cana shouted letting echoes fill the cave and soon the whole pack was awake. Ruelle made whimpers and Cana turned towards me. "Zabrina, Mom wants you to turn into a wolf so that the delivery can be quick and painless. I obeyed only to find out the pain was two times worst. "AHGHHHHH!!!" I cried as I fell to the floor. "Zabrina!" Janesh cried and I screamed out loud. All of the sudden Cana growled. "Someone's in the den!" Janesh left for a second and I heard a scream. He came back with a familiar friend in his mouth. "J-Janesh, drop her." I muttered in pain and he let go, causing the girl to fall to her knees. "C-Chloe, Did you just follow me?" I asked and she glanced at me in anger. "Damn right I did. What the hell is-" I roared in pain as the wolves stepped back and I pushed. "Zabrina? Oh my god!" Chloe shouted as her eyes widened with shock, she walked beside me and laid my head on her knees. "Chloe, It hurts!" I cried as tears swelled my eyes and she glanced at me helplessly. "I know. I know. It's okay, I'm here." She hugged my wolf head and I screamed once more. All of the sudden there was no more pain. Chloe smiled and I suddenly heard a cry. I turned my head back and my heart dropped. My wolves were licking my blood off the baby, who was crying and moving. I sat up and turned back to a human, picked it up, and rocked it. "Woah..." Cana started and Chloe looked at her wide eyed. "Your wolves can talk?" She asked and I chuckled not taking eyes of my baby. "I taught her." She tilted her head and the baby yawned as it's cries suddenly calmed down. "She's so cute and small, I'd didn't think she'd be small." Cana said and my wolves suddenly laid down surrounding Chloe and I with their warm fur. "She's so healthy and strong. Just like her mother, congrats Zabrina." Ruelle cooed and rubbed her face on mine. "Thank you, Ruelle." I said as I used my wolf head to keep the child warm. "Have you thought of a name?" Tala asked and I glanced down. "Well, it's a girl so-" I slowly said and I started thinking of some names. "I was thinking... Ayana." They all looked at me in confusion. "Ayana?" "It means beautiful blossom." Chloe then leaned into my shoulder caressing her fingers in Ayana's small hand. "It's a perfect name." She sighed and suddenly the baby opened her eyes slightly... Blue eyes...Just like Nathan Prescott.. I sighed and Cana noticed this. "Zabrina, what's wrong? Do you like the baby?" I shook my head. "Of course I do! I never loved anything more. It's just-" I sighed again and Ruelle jumped in. "Are you worried?" I nodded and she smiled. "Don't be. You'll be a great mother. You'll be surprised with how quickly you adjust to your child." She chuckled and I ended up laughing. "Thanks Cana and Ruelle." Chloe then raised a brow. "But Zabrina, If you don't mind me asking who is the dad?" Chloe asked and I glared away and I looked down. "Chloe, can you and I talk outside, privately?" I asked and she glanced at me. "Sure, but do you want me to leave Ayana?" She asked not knowing whether to leave her with a pack of wolves she just met. "Just give her to Celtic." "Who the hell is Celtic?" "The one with the gem on the back of his head!" I shouted and she placed Ayana gently in between his paws. We walked away from the den and sat next to the river. "Zabrina, What's going on? I never seen you this nervous since Rachel disappeared." She joked and I started crying. "I'm so sorry!" I cried out and she raised a brow. "Hey, it's okay, why are you getting teared up about?" She asked and I sobbed into her shirt. "I can't lie to you anymore. The night when Rachel disappeared, Nathan came and drugged us! He took me away to these perverted men and they raped me! I-I wasn't strong enough! I-I couldn't save her!! Frank ended up finding me and I made plans to attack them. That's why I snuck out in the middle of the night just to kill them and I couldn't even kill Nathan. I was just so fucking scared that you would be disgusted and not want to be with me. That's why I avoided your suspicions, because I never wanted what happened to me happened to you! I'm sorry! Please don't leave me like everyone else did! You're all I got left." I sobbed into her leather jacket and I felt arms wrap around me. "Zabrina... It's okay... I'm never leaving you." She said softly and I felt tears hit my face. "I should be sorry. I should've been there with you I-" I placed my hand on her cheek and I place my forehead on hers. "Don't you go blaming yourself." I sighed and she placed her hand in my hand. "I love you, Chloe and I always will." "And I love the kid who protected me all my life." She joked and I laughed. "You're silly." I mocked at her. She playfully punched my shoulder. "I'll be sure to make that fucker pay." She growled and I smiled. "Hell yeah! He ain't getting away that easily." We both laughed and we headed back to the den. "Ayana.." I cooed and she suddenly glanced at me with her blue eyes and auburn brown speckles of hair. "She's finally opened her eyes." Cana said and I smiled. "Sapphire eyes, just like her sapphire gem mama." She joked and I head-butt her.  "She's perfect." I smiled and I picked up Ayana, who smiled at me. "Bye guys! Thanks for everything." I shouted and I grabbed Chloe's hand. They howled goodbye. Chloe led me to the truck, while I fondled my baby. "Mommy's here. Mommy loves you soo much. Nothing will ever happen to you, Ayana." I cooed and she squealed at me. Chloe smiled watching us. "Zabrina, we need to talk. About Ayana." She said and I raised a brow. "What about her?" She started driving and we drove on a road. "Look, I know you love your daughter, but how on earth are we going to take care of her? I mean I know you can, but mom and step-douche won't allow a baby into the house. You'll get found out." She explained as she took quick glances at Ayana. "She's my daughter! I don't care what David says. I'm pretty sure mom would love to care for a baby." I said as I tightly gripped my daughter. "Zabrina, take it from me. If they find out who the father is, they will probably try to get answers from the Prescott's and you. They even might take away Ayana, if they find out about your DNA and your gem." She sighed and I looked down. "Y-Yeah, you're right. What do we do?" I asked and I glanced into her eyes. "I don't know." She answered. "I think I might know what to do with her." I said and Chloe raised a brow. "What?" "I can give her to the Ambers." The car halted to a stop. "Ah! Chloe, what the-" "Are you serious?!" She shouted and I glared at her. "They are broken, Chloe, broken. They need someone to look after until I find Rachel." I said and she rolled her eyes. "Look. It may not be important to you. But it is to me." I growled. "Take me to their house." We locked eyes sending glares at each other, then Chloe gave up. "Fine. But you owe me." "How about a strawberry chocolate cake?" "Deal." She started driving again and I smiled, but I hoped that James will accept her. "Don't worry, Ayana, I'll always visit you." She glanced at me and tried to reach my face. After a fifteen minute drive, we made it to Rachel's house, I took a deep breath, and opened the truck's door. I held Ayana in my hands and walked towards the doors. I rang the doorbell. I heard footsteps coming close to the door and the door opened, Rose Amber, Rachel's step-mom, appeared. "Zabrina?" She wiped her eyes. "What are you-" She glanced down at Ayana. "Is that a baby?" She asked and I nodded. "Can I please talk to you and James for a moment?" I asked and she moved aside. James was in the house pacing around and I glanced at him. "James?" He turned his head and smiled at me. "Zabrina, how are you doing?" He asked and furrowed his brows. "Is that a baby?" He asked and I glanced at him. "My baby.." I answered and his eyes widened. "Do you want to sit?" He asked and I sat on the couch, while they sat on a table. "I need to tell you something." I took a deep breath. "The night when Rachel went missing... I-I was raped. I ended up having Ayana." I glanced at her and I felt eyes watching me. "But that's two months of pregnancy. How is she-" "Mirembe told me that wolves natural pregnancy last two months and I don't know how it affected me." I interrupted James. "And why would you bring her here?" James asked and I sighed. "I want you two to look after her. Raise her just until I find Rachel." I said and he nodded. "Are you sure you want to?"Rose asked and I nodded. "I'll visit everyday. Don't worry." I said and Rose walked up to me, picked up Ayana. "Okay, we will." They agreed and I nodded. "Thank you." I said as I walked up to them and held Ayana's small hand. "Don't you worry, Ayana, I'll visit you. You'll never be alone. James and Rose will take care of you, okay?" I asked as my voice cracked and a tear streamed down my cheek. "I'll always love you. Mommy loves you so much." I cried and James rubs my shoulder. "Don't worry, Zabrina. We'll always be here if you want to talk." He said nd I nodded. "See you guys around." I said as I walked off and they nodded. I cried on the way to Chloe's truck and I was greeted with a hug. "It's okay." She cooed as she planted a soft kiss on my forehead. "We have to find Rachel.... We have to find her...." I cried in between my breaths and she nodded. "We will. Then we can be able to leave Arcadia for good to raise Ayana." She whispered and we drove off. We went back home and luckily David or Joyce wasn't there. David was probably patrolling Blackwell and mom was probably working the night shift. I took a warm shower and Chloe was laying in the bed smoking a cigarette. I laid down and we didn't say a word to each other.

1:00 AM

I just couldn't think straight or sleep. I just wanted to shut my eyes and wake up to this all being a dream. "Chloe," I whispered, she turned from her side and shuffled next to me. "I miss her." I sighed and she wrapped her arms around me, holding me close, and I sighed into her. "I know. She's gonna be just fine. I swear. We can both visit her and I know they won't leave." She whispered and I looked into her blue eyes. "I know they won't. Not with Rachel being gone." I said as I glanced up into the ceiling. "I wish Rachel was here." I sighed and I glanced at he. "We'll find her. I just know it." Chloe said with a little hope and I shook my head. "What if we don't?" I ask and she didn't give me a answer. "We need more answers." I said and I stood up. I started searching our drawers and finally found a paper. "Vortex club?" Chloe asked. "They have one every three months. A big party for every student of Blackwell and Nathan always comes along. Once we find him-" "We'll find Rachel." Chloe interrupted and I nodded. "That's right." I answered. "On August 23, they will have the vortex party for the seniors, all we need to do is go in and out. We are already on the list, due to the last time we attended." I explained and she nodded. "Hell yeah. I'll be hella ready if he tries to touch you again." She smiled at me and I nodded. "Well, we had a hella hard day today. So let's get some sleep before step-douche and mom comes in."  Chloe sighed getting comfy under the covers and I joined her. She wrapped her arms around me, cuddling me, protecting me, and loving me. Her body was so warm. I always feel protected and safe in her hands. I can't remember when, but I ended up falling asleep.



I woke up and Chloe wasn't in the bed. Strange. Chloe's never wakes up before me. I glanced around the dark room. "Why is it so dark in here?" I asked and I got up. The floor started moving each step I took. "Is this water?" I asked and I splashed my foot on the black floor. "Hello?" I shouted and I heard clicking. "RACHEL, STAY STILL!" A voice shouted and I walked toward the noise. Rachel was on the floor and was crying. "Rachel!" I shouted running towards her and she started murmuring. "The dark room. The dark room. The dark room." My eyes widened at her. "Rachel please! You need to calm down c-can you tell me where you are so I can find you." I shouted and she looked at me in fear. "PLEASE HELP ME! I DON'T WANT TO DIE!!!" She shrieked at me and I felt something on the back of my head behind me. I turned around to see a gun going off.

"RACHEL!!!NO!!PLEASE NO!!!" I screamed out in absolute panic and David and Joyce comes rushing into our room. Chloe jumps out of bed and wide-eyed and in panic. "Zabrina, are you okay?" David asked as he got near me, but I transformed into a wolf. "DON'T YOU TOUCH ME!" I snarled and looked at them. They're scared. "I-I'm sorry... I-" I sobbed and Joyce, Chloe, and David comes near me and hugs me. "Honey, I know how much you miss Rachel, but sometimes we need to move on." Joyce said softly and I shook my head. "N-No. I-I can't give up on her now, mom, I can't." I whimpered and David nodded at me. "Don't worry about a thing Zabrina. I can help you. I just need to get a few things." He said and I smiled. "Thank you, David." That dream...Felt so real....I sighed into my mom.

I have to find Rachel. No matter who or what gets in my way.

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