Chapter 5: Victims

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"Chloe, can I visit Kate?" I asked while giving Chloe puppy eyes and Chloe glared at me at first, then smiled. "Alright, but be back by 12:00, We'll be grubbing with Max at Two Whales." Chloe shouted as I snatched my backpack from the bed and rushed to the door. "I WILL!" I answered leaving Chloe to do her business. Few minutes later.... I'm at Blackwell and I ran into Principal Wells. "Zabrina!" He shouted and waved his hands at me. "Hey, Principal Wells." I greeted as I wrapped my arms around him. "How you doing?" He questioned and raised a brow at me. "I'm good for a former student here, it's weird, but I'm paying a visit today in Blackwell to see how everyone's doing." I said and Principal Wells nodded. "Sure, as "A Guard of Arcadia Bay," teachers and students would love a visit from their protector." He said gleefully as he stepped aside to let me pass. "Zabrina?" Justin, Trevor, Dana, Hayden, Stella, Brooke, Juliet, Steph, Mikey, and Drew now older questioned and I waved nervously. "Hey guys, Nice to see you all again." I smiled and all of them hugged me one by one. "Damn, Zabrina, you've grown." Dana said as she was checking me out. "You were pretty much shorter when we met, now you're almost taller than me." She chuckled checking our height with her hand. "Well, that's what you get for calling me shorty." I laughed and they smiled. "Now, you're the Arcadia bay protector. I've seen you on the news taking out bad guys like on the cartoons." Steph said gleefully, but I looked down. "Not all of them. Like I helped when Rachel disappeared." I said sadly and Mikey and Steph eyes widened. "Oh, Rachel.... I'm so sorry, Zabrina, I forgot..." Steph said sadly and I raised my hand and shrugged. "It's fine, Steph, but I really just came to visit all my friends," I said and I walked away, "I'll talk to you guys soon." I shouted as I went towards the girls dorm, I went upstairs to see some new faces and some old. I went to Kate's dorm and I saw Victoria coming out of the other room with an evil grin. That does look kinda suspicious. I went into the dorm she was in and I noticed that wasn't her dorm. "Max?" I questioned to myself as I looked at her polaroid photos of her time in Seattle. Her parents were always strict with her, I'd bet it must've been hard for them to let her go. I glanced around to see what that evil Victoria Chase did, some of the drawers were out of place and Max's clothes were scattered.Poor Max, I never knew she was bullied. I sighed and I folded her clothes, fixed her bed, and i realized there was a graffiti on Max's wall that read: "DON'T MESS WITH ME, BITCH!". "Nathan?" I said in a mere whisper and I placed my knee on the bed to hear a loud crinkle of old paper. "Holy shit." I said as I glanced in shock at the artwork. Max head was right next to a deer skull and Max eyes were scratched out. "Gross." I growled as I crinkled the paper and tossed it into the trash. I decided I'd looken for too long, but as I was about to exit the room, Max walked in. "Zabrina?" That one voice made me jump in place and turn around in fear. "Oh, shit. Sorry. I-I just saw Victoria come out of your dorm, I-I'm sorry." I stammered as I tried to leave, but Max grabbed my hand. "It's cool. No big deal. I just forgot my bath kit." She said as she grabbed her small kit, I blushed nervously when I realized she was wearing her short shorts. "S-so, Have you seen Kate? I...Uhhh.... wanted to talk to her." I said and Max smiled. "Kate should be meeting me in the bathroom." She said and we walked towards the bathroom to see Kate brushing her teeth. I snuck behind her and hugged her. "Hey Kate." I said and she turned around, her eyes gleamed with joy. "ZABRINA!" She squealed at me and we embraced each other. "Nice to see you, too." I chuckled in the hug. "You hadn't been here for about 3 months and I missed you so much since you decided to graduate so early." Kate sighed and I nodded. "I missed you, too." I said and Max smiles at us. "Hey, Kate. How are you doing?" Max asked softly and Kate nodded. "I'm here. Thanks again for standing up for me yesterday. I needed that." She sighed and Max nodded. "Anytime. That guy has issues." Max growled referring to David. "Doesn't everybody here?" I crossed my arms and smirked at Max and Kate. "By the way, Max, do you still have my copy of "The October Country"?" Kate asked and Max smiled. "Oh. Yes, of course. It's great so far. I didn't realize Bradbury was such a poet." Max said and Kate nodded. "Can you please bring it back to my room this morning? I just need to take some notes for class." She stated and Max nodded. "Absolutely. I'll bring it by later." Max said as she left to take a shower. "Oh, Kate we have soooo much to catch up on!" I shouted as I leaned onto the wall and told her all about what happened, but I never mentioned Nathan or anything. "And maybe I could take you to meet the wolves. I'm sure they'll like you, What do you say, huh?" I asked, but Kate stared blankly at the mirror looking sad. "Kate? Are you okay?" I asked and she stared at me as if she just woke up from a dream. "Kate, What's wrong?" I asked but before she could answer, Victoria and Taylor enter the bathroom and approached us. " What's up, Kate and Zabrina?" Victoria asked and I glared at her. "Just chatting with Kate." I answered sternly and I glanced at Taylor. "Hey Taylor. Nice to see you again." I said as she waved at me. Taylor is one of my friends, but she's always following Victoria, the queen of all bitches. How did she get stuck with her? Kate moves behind me and not making eye contact with Victoria. "School." She answered and Victoria raised a brow."That's it?" She questioned perking up her lips and glares at her. "That video of you clubbing didn't look like homework..." Victoria teased and I raised a brow. "What video?" I asked and Kate gave her a frightened stare. "Victoria, that wasn't me..." Kate said in a shaky voice and Taylor smiled at her. "Oh, my God. Right." Taylor chuckled and I glared at her. "Don't be shy. I think it's awesome you set a tongue record on video..." Victoria smirked and Taylor laughs, my eyes widened. "You're going to be sorry someday." Kate said as her voice cracked as she leaves. "Kate-" I shouted and I glared at Victoria. "WHAT DID YOU DO?!" I growled at her and she smiled. "Nothing, Just found a dumb video of Kate making out at a Vortex club." She said, but I immediately saw through her lies. "You're such a bad liar! I know you posted that fucking video on purpose, and invited her to go to the Vortex Club to drug her! If Rachel was here-" I spat at her and she rolled her eyes. "Rachel's not here. I hope that whore is dead in a sewer." She growled and I transformed into a wolf, pinned her down, and snarled. "DON'T SAY THAT ABOUT HER!" I snarled showing teeth and she glared at me. "Calm down, bitch, I could say the same about you. But guess what? She's gone. Just give the fuck up." She shouted in aggression. My eyes widened and I backed away from her. "Oh, boohoo, I'm sorry you're a slut and coward, but I'm sure Kate had fun." Victoria smirked and I growled at her. I rushed out of the bathroom and headed towards Kate's dorm, I knocked. "Kate? Is the door open?" I asked I heard Kate sigh from inside her room. " Yes, it's open. Come in, Zabrina..." I opened the door and entered her room, which looks dark even for her and she's on the computer. "Don't listen to them bullies... I'm a close friend of the principal. Maybe I can do something about them." I growled and I sat next to her. "Or I could get my wolves, it's been a long time since they ate a bratty teenage girl." I joked and Kate gave me a weak smile. "Kate, you can tell me anything... I'll be here to listen. Always." I said and I gave her my pinky, she stares at it blankly, then slowly intertwined her pinkie with mine. "Pinky swear means forever and I never. EVER. Break those promises." I said and she sighed as Max came in with her book. "Uh, hey, Kate, I brought your book..." Max said as she entered the room and handed Kate her book. "Thanks, but Max, why did you step in between David and me yesterday?" Kate asked and Max crossed her arms. "I hate bullies. David Madsen should know better." Max growled and I nodded in agreement. "I was hoping he would. But it's nice to see that you care about me.." Kate said with a weak smile. "Kate, I..." Max stopped mid-sentence and walked towards me. "We actually do care." Max said and I nodded. "So, what's the story with you and my step-douche?" I asked and Kate looked down. "Well... He's a total paranoid ass! He thinks I'm part of the Vortex Club. Yeah, right." She muttered and I raised a brow. "Why does he think that?" I asked and she gazed at me. "Because he saw the video." She sighed and she gave me and Max a sad look. "Do you know how humiliating this is for me?" She asked and Max gave her a sad look. "I know this sucks, Kate, but...tell us about the video and maybe we can help." Max said bravely and I nodded. "Yeah, we got your back." I said and she gave us a smile, but it suddenly disappeared. "Basically, I went to one Vortex Club party and ended up making out with a bunch of people...and I have no memory of it..." Kate started and I glared. "That's fucked up! So, how did that happen?" I asked and she shook her head. "It's a long story. I'm still trying to sort it all out..." She simply said and I shook my head. "You have to tell me more than that. What happened at the party? Did you drink?" I questioned and she shook her head. "I swear to God I had one sip of red wine. And then I drank water." Kate said and I glanced at Max. "That's not enough to end up on a viral video." Max said and I glance back at Kate. "Did somebody drug you?" I asked and Kate stared at me wide eyed. "I remember...I remember getting sick and dizzy... " She started and Max nodded. "Go on..." Max insisted and Kate stared at me. "Then Nathan Prescott said he would take me to the hospital..." NATHAN?! I growled at her and she tensed up. "Nathan Prescott? Oh, shit!" Max shouted and Kate nodded. "He was being nice for a change when he offered to help me." Kate said and I shook my head. "He's the opposite of nice." I growled and Kate raised a brow. "H-How do you know?" Kate asked and I felt the room become quiet. I took a deep breath. "Kate, the real reason why I never came back to school was not because of just Rachel being missing," I stared at her and I closed my eyes. "I-It was because of Nathan. He did the exact same thing to me, but far from worst of your condition. H-He took Rachel away and he paid these men" I placed my hands on my face to prevent myself from crying, but it wasn't an option, because Kate put two and two together. "Oh my god..." Kate gasped and placed a hand over her mouth in shock. I took a deep breaths. In and out. In and out. "What he did to me... was actually one of the reasons why I chose to graduate early, that way, I wouldn't have to worry about running into him and getting hurt." I sobbed and I reached for her hand. "I'm so sorry, Kate. I shouldn't have left you and never warned anyone about anything." I cried and she gave me a hug, my heart stopped but my tears still streamed down my face. "It's okay, Zabrina. I-It's not your fault, I'm a forgiving person." Kate whispered in my ear and I noticed a cross on her necklace, close to her heart and I hugged her back. "A forgiving angel." I corrected and she smiled at me. "What happened next?" I asked and Kate shook her head. "All I recall is driving for a long time...then I woke up in a room...I thought it was a hospital because it was so white and bright..." Kate started and Max nodded. "Go on, we're listening." Max cooed and Kate stared at us both sadly." Somebody was talking to me in a soft voice...I thought it was a doctor...until I heard Nathan and felt a sharp sting in my neck...and...and..." Kate stammered and my eyes widened. "T-That's what happened to me, b-but....Nathan was the one who gave Rachel the needle." I said and reached for the back of my hair to show them the strange mark. on the back of my neck I showed the marking and their eyes widened. "Eleven." Kate said while reading it, but then she removed her sleeve and showed me hers. "Seventeen" I looked at her wide-eyed. "Wait... If I'm eleven and your seventeen... Then where's twelve, thirteen, fourteen, fifteen, and sixteen." I asked and Kate eyes widen. "Were there other people before and after us?" She asked and I glanced at Max. "I have no idea, Kate, but we'll figure it out. We'll check back later, okay?" Max said and Kate nodded. "Thanks, Max and Zabrina... Max, You can put my book here, near my bag." Kate said and Max places the book next to Kate's bag. "So, Max, can I ask you two a question? And please be honest." She said and we nodded. "Absolutely, Kate. Anything." Max said and she stared at me. "I need to find out if Nathan Prescott helped me...or hurt me after that party." She started and then she glanced at us both. "Should I go to the police?" She asked and I took a deep breath. "Yes, you should definitely go to the police, Kate. I totally believe every word you say. Nathan Prescott is truly dangerous." I said and She smiled at me. "Bless you, Zabrina. I will go to the police...and also Principal Wells. With you two as my back-up witness, they'll have to take us seriously now." Kate said and Max eyes widened. "Back-up witness? Well, I mean, I believe you and everything, but...we're still just spoiled punk students to the cops and faculty... I just think we need to be very careful here..." Max said as Kate stared at her wide-eyed. "Why? Careful of what?" She asked and I placed my hand on her shoulder, she looks up at me. "Nothing...except the Prescotts are a powerful family. I hope this won't backfire on us, that's all. Even though that rich bastard has earned some serious bad karma. He'll get it..." I growled and she glanced at us blankly, then goes back on her computer. "We left the room and Max stops me. "Wait, Zabrina. You actually told Kate to go to the police and the Principal... Now the police will definitely drag you into this shit. Are you sure you-" Max started and I shrugged. "I can't keep this a secret, Max. It's just eating me out from the inside. If the police wants the truth...Fine. I'll give them the truth." I said and we walked towards my friend, Juliet. "Hello, Juliet." Max greeted and Juliet's eyes gleamed. "Hey, Max, did you check out Kate's hot video yet?" She asked and I glared at her. "That's so not cool." Max growled and Juliet rolled her eyes. "I didn't get wasted on camera and get busy with the Vortex Club." She said and I crossed my arms. "Kate's not like that and you know it." I growled and Juliet raised a brow at me. "Really? Check her out and tell me what she's like." She smirked and Max crossed her arms. "Do you believe everything you see? Like Zachary sexting Dana?" Max asked and I gave her a shocked stare. "Touche. Now I feel like an ass. Thanks for finding out the truth yesterday." Juliet said sadly and I raised a brow. "Wait... Zachary cheated on you?" I asked and she nodded. "Yeah, Victoria made me accuse Dana over that shit and Max here found out that it was Victoria." Juliet explained and I crossed my arms. "That lying piece of shit-" I muttered under my teeth and Max stared at Juliet. "What did you do about Victoria pulling that crap?" Max asked and Juliet shrugged. "Nothing...yet. My mind works in devious ways too." She scoffed and Max smiled. "Glad to see you're back in action." Max said and Juliet smiled at both of us. "You have a good heart, Max... And I won't watch Kate's video anymore. Or pass it on." She said and I smiled. "That's the spirit! Thanks, Juliet." I said and she nodded. "Sure, talk to you later, Guard of Arcadia Bay." She said as she went back on her phone. I saw my other friend Brooke. "Hey, Brooke." I greeted and she smiled at me. "Oh, hi, Zabrina and Max." Brooke greeted back and Max raised a brow. "Did you see the freak snowfall yesterday?" She asked and Brooke nodded. "I was riveted by that weird snow flurry yesterday. " She said and Max stared at her blankly. "I can't tell if you're being serious or not... Um, since I'm a science noob, I was wondering if you could explain it... " Max asked and Brooke shrugged. "I'm serious. Even meteorologists can't explain that snow. I bet Warren can. Did you talk to him yet?" He asked and she smiled. "I will later." She said and Brooke gave her a disappointed glare. "Lucky you. I'm sure he'll track you down, Max. I'll see you around, Zabrina and Max." She said and I smiled. We walked towards Dana's room and she smiled brightly at me. "Well, if it isn't the Guard of Arcadia Bay." She said as she hugged me and I hugged back. "Hi, Dana, how are you?" I asked and she nodded. "I'm great now that your here." She said and She glanced at Max. " And much better than yesterday. I'm glad we talked, Max." Max nodded. "Me too. I know it's good to just talk about...this stuff." She said and I raised a brow. "Talk about what?" I asked and Dana looked behind me to make sure no one was near, except Max of course. She leaned next to my ear. "I...was pregnant...was." She said sadly and my eyes widened. "Oh." I said and she leaned away and sat on her bed. "Don't worry. I-I was in that situation, too." I whispered at her and her eyes widened. "Was that the reason why you left?" She asked and turned towards me. "Or was it Rachel?" I glanced at her and I sighed. "Both." I answered and she gave me a sorrowful stare. "Oh, Zabrina, I'm so sorry." She said and I shrugged. "It's fine, Dana, don't worry. I visit her every day." I sighed and she raised a brow. "Who's the father?" She asked and I glared at her. "I wouldn't let my daughter call him a father, more like a fucking rapist, his name is...Nathan Prescott." I growled and her eyes widened. "ARE YOU SERIOUS?! WHY WOULD HE-" Dana whispered at me and then glared at me. "I hope karma gets him good, NOBODY messes with my friend, especially the young ones." She growled and I nodded. She then glanced at Max. "By the way, the best and biggest news of the day is that Trevor asked me to the Halloween shindig." She said gleefully and Max smiled. "That's awesome, Dana." Max said and She raised a brow at us. "At least we're showing our faces together in public... So you two absolutely should go with us. Borrow one of my outfits and come as a cute geek couple with your bitch Warren and Chloe..." She said towards Max and I. "Err, I'm not big on cosplay." Max said and I rolled my eyes. "Don't let life pass you by, Max. So, are you coming to the party or not?" Dana asked and I nodded. "I'm in if Max's in." I said and Max sighed. "Why the fuck not? If I hate it, I can always go my room." She said and Dana smiled. "That's the spirit, Max! After this, you'll be ready for a rave..." She said and Max laughed. It does sound like fun. Now I have to go contemplate my party future.." Max said and we leave the room and we went outside of the dormitories and I spotted my other friend, playing and feeding the squirrel. "Hey, Samuel." I greeted and he glanced up at Max and I slowly. "Oh--hello, young Max and Guard Zabrina. I do love the early morning. Everything is so calm and quiet...and I can feel the animals waking up with me." He said and I smiled around me. "That's one thing I truly love about Arcadia Bay, it's all those cool animals in the forest." I said and he smiled at me. "The squirrels always come in the morning...for food. I can hear them whisper... What animals do you see in the forest?" He asked and I smiled. "I have a pack of wolves that watch over me and protect me when I need help." I said and Max smiled at Samuel. "Don't laugh, but...We also saw a doe that seemed to be looking right at it was trying to communicate..." She said and He smiled. "Oh, that's your spirit animals! Nothing weird there, except you saw yours. Could be a sign about your destiny... What do I know? My spirit animal is a squirrel." He said and I nodded. We saw Taylor and she was glaring at us. I sighed and poked Max's arm. "Max, I need to talk to someone." I said and she nodded. "Okay, I'll wait here." She said as she sat on a bench. I walked towards Taylor. "Hi, Taylor... " I stated and she glared at me. ""Hi, Taylor." Just because you were nice to Victoria doesn't mean I have to be nice to you." She mocked and I lowered my head. "I don't want to fight with you or Victoria. Instead of smacktalk...let's just talk. For once." I said and she nodded. "You're funny. Well, I'm not doing anything at the talk." She said and I nodded. "Why do you hang out with Victoria? She's pretty mean to you and Courtney." I said and she nodded in agreement. " And she's bossy, too! Look, you don't know her. I do. And she's one of the best friends you could have." She said and I raised a brow.
"I guess I've had mean, bossy best friends too. Better than having mean, bossy parents..." I said and she glared at me. " I would love it if my mom was mean or bossy instead of sick...but whatever." She said and I widen my eyes. I used to visit her and her mother's house when Rachel was here. I didn't know she was sick! I feel bad now. I turned into a wolf and sat next to her. "You've never told me that your mother was sick. I'm so sorry. What--what happened to her?" I asked and she glanced up at me. "Well, if you do care... My mom had back surgery. Victoria was there for me. Like you are for Kate. I'm not about tearing people down, Zabrina." She answered and she leaned on my furry chest. "I know. That's why I wanted to talk." I said and she petted my fur. "I'm...glad we did. Thanks Zabrina, maybe you can come visit her, I'm sure she'll be thrilled to see you." She said as I stood up. "Anytime, Taylor." I said as I walked off to see Max talking with Warren. "...By the way, thank you for stepping in. You were pretty badass, Warren. I owe you." Max said and he nodded showing off his black eye. "Oh, yes, you do. I got knocked on my ass by that dick. I'm some personal superhero." Warren said and Max nodded. "You're a real "Everyday Hero." You stood up to a bully and it was awesome." Max chuckled and he raised a brow at her. "Even though you left me with said bully and ran off with that girl... She's pretty punk rock, how do you know her?" He asked and I walked near them. "Just a pirate I call sister." I answered and his eyes widened. "Zabrina, wait, you know Max?" He questioned and Max smiled at me. "They're old friends. Chloe and Zabrina Price? We haven't seen each other in a while." Max said as she nudged my arm and I nudged her back. "I bet you were glad to see them blast up in that truck like a rock star. Which begs the question--why is Nathan Prescott getting psycho on you?" He asked raising a brow. "I busted him in the bathroom yesterday with a gun. I'll give you the story later. Principal Wells is taking care of it now, I hope."
She said and Warren nods, looking up a the sky. "Weird fucking week. Like that bizarro snowfall yesterday. Speaking of dystopia, that drive-in is having a 70's "Planet of the Apes" marathon. Let's "Go Ape"! " He said and I raised a brow. Is he asking Max out? So cute. "No, I don't think I can concentrate on going out to the movies. I just feel like escaping." She said and He glared at her. "Fine. Be a damned dirty human. I'll "Go Ape" myself." He said and we left the dormitories. She walks across the Main Campus and notices David Madsen and Nathan Prescott arguing. "David talking to Nathan cannot be a good thing." Max whispered at me and I glared at them. "This has something to do with Kate...or Rachel..." I suggested and Max walks towards the school bus. "Wait-" I said and she stares at me. "You want to ride that?" I asked and she nodded. "I always ride the bus to places." She said and I transformed into a wolf. I heard some students gasp my name in awe. "Come on, hop on my back, I'll take you to Two Whales." I said as I leaned my head down. She stood on my paw and I lifted my arm as she climbed onto my furry back. "D-Don't drop me." She stammered and I clanked back at her. "I won't." I said and I watched the students watch Max in jealousy and I winked at them, they smiled back, and I ran. She stares out in excitement as the streets of Arcadia Bay fly past as I came into a complete halt next to Two Whales Diner and Max gets off. "Talk about going back in time...the diner looks exactly the same." Max said and I smirked at her. "Heh, yeah, the same as always." I chuckled and some people smiled at me. "Hey, Zabrina!" Some shouted and I waved back kindly in response. "Popular these days, huh?" Max asked and I rolled my eyes. "Cute. Nah, they just like to see me around considering I'm their guard." I said and she raised a brow. "What is this "Guard" deal? Sounds serious." She said and I nodded. "Very serious. My mother was their guard and her name was Alexandra Wolf. Long story short... She was the guard of Arcadia bay, defender of the weak along with the brave, and I decided to maintain her bloodline, by becoming the next guard of Arcadia Bay." I explained and she nodded. "That's cool." She said and I grabbed her hand. "Hold up. There's someone I'd like you to meet." I dragged her into the back of the diner, where Jane doe was. "Hi there, Jane." I greeted reaching for my backpack and pulled out eight granola bars, 10$, and a water bottle. "Here's some food I brought from my house, and money as well." I smiled and she took the things. "Thank you, Zabrina... I'm thankful to you." She said as I transformed into a wolf and she petted me. "Hello." Max greeted and Jane smiled at her. "Aw, look at you. A fine example of youth." She said and I stood up. "Max, this is Jane doe, Jane doe, this is Max." I said as they gave each other a smile. "I bet you're a senior student." Jane said and Max nodded. "Yes, I go to Blackwell Academy." Max replied and Jane nodded. "I could tell you're a wise young woman. I know all about Blackwell and this town..." She said and Max smiled. "You must know Joyce Price from the Two Whales Diner... " Max said and Jane nodded."She's fed me more than my own family. Has a daughter your age who's always in trouble and this one who's fighting for the weak. Married to a real prick." She growled at the mention of my step-dad. "His name is David Madsen... " I said and she nodded. "He told me to "get a job" once. Asshole. Not sure what Joyce sees in him, but he better treat her right." She said and I nodded. "Believe me, Jane, I'll make sure he will." I said and she nodded. "How long have you lived in Arcadia Bay?" Max asked and she shook her head."A thousand years. I've gone through the same changes as the town..." Jane answered and I raised a brow. "What changes to the town?" I asked and she turned towards me. "Ones it takes a lifetime to see. There's a lot of beauty here, but a lot of darkness too. Greedy bastards that ruined this town, put people out of work...out of home. Like me." She muttered and Max glanced at her sadly. "I'm sorry... Have you ever lived outside of here?" Max asked and Jane looked at her. "Where the hell would I go? I hate the sun and love the mist. I might be homeless, but Arcadia Bay is still my home." She said and I nodded. "We have to go now, Jane. I'll come by later this afternoon okay?" I questioned and she nodded. "I'll be here." She said and we walked towards the diner. "Man, that smell of breakfast and the sound of clanging silverware... Makes me feel thirteen again..." Max sighed and I chuckled. "Let's sit here." I said pointing at a stall and I saw Trevor and Justin. "Hey, Trevor and Justin What's up?" I asked and he smiled at me and Max. "Getting my coffee on before I cut class and destroy some rails. Shouldn't you be guarding the town?" He asked and I rolled my eyes. "I am always guarding the town with my own wolf pack." I scoffed and he rolled his eyes. "You crack me up, Brina. Of course, I'm baked, so I'll laugh at anything." He said. I rolled my eyes and crossed my arms. "You should be studying, bad boy." I murmured and he chuckled, he looks at Max. "So where's all your homework, schoolgirl?" Justin asked and Max shrugged. "School. Speaking of buds, I saw your bro Trevor sneaking out of Dana's room." She chuckled and he rolled his eyes. "Trevor finally told me about him and Dana hooking up. He got there first, so I snooze and I lose... See ya later, Max and Zabrina." He said and he looked down in defeat. "Hey, Trevor." I greeted and he smiled. "Hola, Max and Zabrina. By the way, I know you saw me in the dorm." He smirked and I nodded. "Yeah, we saw you coming out of Dana's room. " I chuckled and he rubbed the back of his neck. "Yeah, and I finally had to tell Justin, because, well, he was into her too." He said and I widened my eyes. "How did Justin react?" I asked and he gave me a thumbs up. "I got him blazed. He was cool. Nobody has secrets in Blackwell anyway... See you in class, Max and Zabrina." He said and Max and I sat down at the booth. Joyce walks over, holding a pot of coffee. "And there she is--a lovely young woman. How are you doing, Max?" Joyce asked as she pours coffee into the mug in front of Max. "Hi, Joyce, it's nice to see you again. You look the same." Max replied and Joyce raised a brow. "Like I'm still a waitress at Two Whales after all these years?" She asked and Max shook her head. "No, like you still look pretty." Max said and Joyce smiled at her as she poured orange juice in my cup. "Nice save, kid. You're still smart. But I wish you had been here to help save Chloe. She got busted yesterday smoking out. Again." Joyce said sadly and I crossed my arms. "I know. Chloe told me that her stepfather hit Zabrina..." Max said and Joyce widened her eyes. "He hit you, Zabrina? Why?" She asked and I shook my head. "I-I tried to stand up to David. I just hate it when they fight...It was a stupid idea." I said and she shook her head. "No it wasn't... And he will be punished, But Chloe does push David and it's not fair. He paid his dues in war. He does care about her, along with all the students at Blackwell." She said and Max shook her head. "That's no excuse to hit a girl. He's an adult." Max said and Joyce rubbed my head. "I don't like it either, Max. David swore it would never happen again. He's true to his word. I just want us to be a family soon. I guess...I guess it's all about time..." She said and Max nodded. "I think you're right, Joyce." Max said and Joyce glanced at Max. "I am sorry that was your introduction to David. I hope you get to know him on your terms, not Chloe's. He's a good man... He just--" "Yeah, I'm sure he is, since you married him, but...don't be so harsh on Chloe." Max said interrupting Joyce and she nodded. "It's good you're here.I was hoping you could be a good influence in their life now..." Joyce said and Max nodded. "I will be. Promise. I know things were hard for you, Zabrina, and Chloe. I feel bad I didn't call. Now my folks are in Seattle and I'm all alone at Blackwell. It's my karma." Max sighed and I shook my head. "It's fine, Max." I said and Joyce nodded in agreement. "You did the right thing. You moved forward with your life. I did, Zabrina did, after William passed on. Chloe...Chloe chose to stay angry... Anyway, I hope we see more of you. Chloe needs an old friend again and her sister." Joyce said and Max shook her head. "Joyce, I am so sorry about William. I have great memories of him." Max said and Joyce smiled. "I'm glad, Max. That was his gift to us...wonderful memories. Even if Chloe doesn't understand yet." Joyce sighed and Max shrugged. "Chloe must have changed a lot during that time..." Max said and Joyce nodded. "Oh, she hit all the phases...expulsion, running away, drugs, bad boys, tattoos, piercings, blue hair... Now she's gotta rebel against her stepfather." Joyce said and Max glanced at me. "What phases did Zabrina hit?" Max asked and I looked away. "Uhhh-" "The same exact thing...You should see the tattoo she got." Joyce said and she rolled up my right sleeve. "Y-Yeah, Chloe wouldn't stop bothering me for a tattoo." I shrugged at my arm, it was a tattoo of a moth on top of forest leaves. "So if she jumps off the bridge would you?" Joyce chuckled and I looked at Max. "Y-Yes, why wouldn't I-" Now don't answer that. Now let's get down to the nitty-gritty. What do you want to eat?" Joyce asked us both. "The last good Belgian waffle I had was here when I was thirteen years old. So, bring it on." Max said and I nodded. "Can I have a bacon omelette...:" I asked and Joyce nodded. "Now finish your coffee and orange juice." Joyce said as she walks off. I glanced at the T.V. and Max followed my movement. "Coming up at noon, KBAY 7 News will explore the mystery of yesterday's unusual snowfall on a warm and sunny late afternoon that confused and delighted Arcadia Bay residents. We'll be talking with Portland meteorologists in the area and look at some of your fun video reactions to the odd snow flurry. Who knows, maybe Mother Nature was pranking us all? So, stay tuned to KBAY 7 News for the real story... " The news reported announced and I stared at Max. "Max, do you think-" I started and she sighed. "I-I don't know right now, Zabrina, maybe we need to keep an eye out for anything relating to that vision we had." Max whispered and then smiles at the window. "The lighthouse looks so mysterious... I wish I could stay in this moment forever... I guess I actually can now. But then it wouldn't be a moment..." Max sighed as she glanced at the window. "This is like fourth-dimensional deja vu... I keep going back in time..." Max said as she took a sip of her coffee and I looked down. "Incoming! I can hear your stomach rumbling from here, Max and Zabrina. Here. You'll love this." She said as she handed our plates in front of us. "I'm drooling like a baby." Max said as she and I begin to eat. "Still can't believe you're a woman, Zabrina and Max. When I look at pictures of Chloe--speak of the devil..." She said as Chloe enters the diner and Chloe and Trevor high-five and then fist bump. "Mom and Max, together again!" Chloe shouts and Joyce rolls her eyes. "And Chloe, looking for a free meal. You've put your whole damn college fund on your tab." She grumbled and Max smiled at Chloe. "I'm treating Chloe for breakfast." She said and Joyce glares at her. "No, you're not. This is my treat. To you, for coming back to rescue my daughters." Joyce said and Chloe rolled her eyes. "Nobody needs to rescue us." Chloe mumbled and Joyce glares at her. "Unless you set your room on fire smoking out..." Joyce started and Chloe crossed her arms. "Oh, God, here it comes. Didn't you and Sergeant Pepper already read me the riot act last night?" Chloe scoffed and Joyce glares at her. "Call him David if you don't want to be lectured. You only get one damn slice of bacon today." Joyce growled as she returns to the kitchen to bring Chloe's breakfast. "You guys are still the same..." Max chuckled and Chloe smiles at Max. "Another reason to blow this town. What is this shit on the jukebox?" Chloe asked as she approaches the jukebox and changes the tune from pop to punk rock. "Now that that's out of the way..." Chloe started as she jumps onto the seat across from Max and next to me. "Let's talk about your superpower..." Chloe whispered and Max rolled her eyes. I don't have any explanation... And I can't explain why Zabrina and I saw that crazy fucking tornado..." Max said and Chloe shook her head. "Come on, that's just a daydream. I want proof you can rewind time." Chloe said and Max shrugged. "This is all happening so fast..." "We'll start slow. Right here. Now." Chloe said and Max tilted her head at me. "Mm...I can tell you every single thing you have in your pockets." Max said and Chloe smirked. "You have x-ray vision, dude? I don't even know what's in my pockets. Let me see..." She said as she searches her pockets. "Okay, Max and Zabrina, impress me!" Chloe shouted and Max looks at me. " I don't know..." She said sadly and Chloe shook her head. "Do you have some kind of power or not?" Chloe asked disappointedly and looks at us. "Okay, Psychic Girl, let me show you what's actually in my pockets." She said as she pulls out the contents of her pockets and places them on the table. "That was beyond epic fail. You even made me want to believe you..." She said and I glanced at Max. "You need to look at the items and rewind so Chloe believes you." I whispered and Max looks at the items on the table. She nods at me and lifts her hand up to rewind. Chloe's movement was backward and reversed. "So, this is me telling you what's inside your pockets." Max said and Chloe nodded. "Okay, Max, I'm hella ready." She said and I winked at her. "Your car keys!" Max shouted and Chloe shook her head. "Duh, way too easy! I need details! Describe my keychain..." Chloe said and before I could answer, she glared at me. "Don't even think about it...." She growled and I gave her a pout. "A cute robot panda keychain!" Max answered and Chloe nodded. "Not bad, Super Max! You do have that Irish luck, Caulfield. What else?" Chloe asked and Max raised a brow. "I'm pretty sure you have cigarettes on you." Max smirked and Chloe rolled her eyes. "Yes, you know I'm a smoker. But how many cigarettes?" Chloe asked and Max tilted her head, raised a brow at me. "Seven cigarettes..." Max said and Chloe nodded. "A superpower that allows you to count cigarettes. Cool!" Chloe shouted. "Amazing! Something else in my pockets?" Chloe asked and I raised a brow. "Some money?" I asked and Chloe nods at me. "Clearly I'm rich as fuck--how much do I have?" Chloe asked and I raised a brow. "Eighty-six cents..." I answered and Chloe clapped her hands. "That's right, living large in Arcadia Bay!" Chloe cheered as she gazed at Max. "So, that was cool, show me more!" Chloe shouted and Max smirked at her. "A parking ticket." ,Max answered and Chloe nodded. "You know me well. But...what is the exact time I was busted?" Chloe asked and I raised a brow at her. "10:34 a.m." Max answered and Chloe nodded. "Booyah! Max can tell time." Chloe cheered and I laughed as she pulls out the items in her pockets and places them on the table, shocked to find that Max correctly guessed each of them. "Amazeballs. I literally just got chills all over my neck. You have powers." Chloe said as Joyce approaches the table carrying a bacon omelette. "Take that crap off the table, Chloe." Joyce growled and Chloe rolled her eyes. "Sure, Mom." Chloe groaned as she puts the items back in her pockets and Joyce places the food in front of Chloe, who begins to eat. "How's the food, Max?" Joyce asked and Max nodded. "Better than I remembered." Max said and Joyce pointed at her."Very good save." Joyce said as she returns to the kitchen. "Man, I'm hungry like the wolf." Chloe muffled as Max laughed. "Clearly." Max said as she took a sip of her coffee. "I am freaking out about what just happened. You have to show me more, something way cooler so I will believe you two without any doubt..." Chloe said and Max crossed her arms. "We will predict the future." Max said and Chloe shook her head. "No way!" Chloe gasped and I started to look around. "Now, pay attention to everything that happens in the next few moments, so We can dazzle Chloe with your mad power..." I said to Max and she nodded. Joyce walks past our table, waving to us. As she continues walking, the truck driver accidently drops his mug. "Oops!" He shouted and Joyce glares at him. "Did you break another cup? Really? No refill for you!" Joyce shouted and The cop listens to alert on his radio. "Shoot, now I gotta take this call and leave my breakfast... Hey, where is my partner?" He asked and we looked out the window to see the cop's partner drives past the diner in the police car with the sirens blaring. Justin and Trevor begin to argue. "You're a dick!" Trevor shouted as he slapped his face. "Don't slap me, bitch!" Justin shouted and Joyce walks towards them. "Take your fight club outside!" She growled and Trevor glared at Justin. "He started it!" Trevor shouted and Joyce glares at him. "I'm finishing it!" She shouted and a cockroach crawls on the jukebox and a distorted jangle of tunes begins playing. "That's the best song I've heard yet!" One of the truckers said as the other nodded in agreement. "This is sure the hell better than that other garbage!" He shouted and Joyce shook her head. "I think our jukebox is headed for Davy Jones's locker..." She sighed and Chloe raised a brow at us in confusion. "So, what are you two waiting for?" Chloe asked and Max raised her hand, everything froze except for Max and I. "Now I should rewind and tell Chloe everything that just happened." Max said and I raised my hand up. "OH WAIT!" I shouted as I left the stall and grabbed a huge ass Chocolate cupcake from the kitchen. I laughed, but Max glared at me. "What?" I asked and Max groans in frustration as she rewinds and talks to Chloe. "I'm going to predict four events that will happen in the next three minutes or so..." Max said as Chloe stares at my cupcake. "Where the hell did you get that from?" She asked and I growled at her. "A CUPCAKE AND IT'S MINE!" I hissed at Chloe as she tried to reach over for a piece. "Hey, Zabrina, I'm you're older sister! At least give me half!" Chloe shouted as I held the cupcake with my mouth. "No! You're not getting anything!" I muffled and Chloe glared at me. "Hey Zabrina, If I have to take away from you, you're hella dead!" She shouted and I growled at her. "Well do it if you want to go to heaven!" I shouted and Max raised a brow at me laughing. "Zabrina, you know she'll go crazy for sweets." Max chuckled and I widened my eyes at her. "Oh, you hadn't seen crazy! I'm crazy!" I shouted as I took a huge bite out of it and Chloe glared at me. "So you are really going to treat the captain like that?!" Chloe questioned and I raised a brow at her. "I thought Rachel was the Captain, last I heard you were screaming her name in bed." I shouted and Chloe widened her eyes. "As a matter of fact let me just take-" Max said as she reached over for the cupcake, but I held my ground. "Back off, Chloe." Max said as Chloe scooted next to me. "What do you mean back off?! She's my sister! I could get some cake if I want to." Chloe shouted and Max glared at her. "Don't do anything stupid.." Max sighed and Chloe leaned next to me. "Zabrina, listen.." Chloe started as she gave me a seductive stare and I smiled at her. "You're gonna regret it, if you don't give me some cupcake..." "I ALREADY REGRET MY EXISTENCE! NOW BACK THE FUCK OFF!" I growled at her she glares at me. "So that's how it's gonna be, huh?" Chloe asked. "That's why Rachel and I made you moan in bed six months ago and I know you liked it, Rachel told me everything, and I'm sure Max would love to hear all your dirty secrets." Chloe smirked as Max eyes widened and I groaned in frustration. "Fine! You win... Here's your reward." I growled as I handed her half of the cupcake and crossed my arms pouting in defeat, but Chloe kissed my cheek. "That's your reward for sharing." Chloe cooed as she stated stuffing her face, but Max kept eye contact with me. "What were you-" "I'll explain later." I sighed and Max shook the thought out of her head. "Okay, The trucker drops his mug and Joyce rips him a new one." Max started and Chloe nodded. "So, what happens next?" Chloe muffled. "The cop gets an emergency alert on his radio and his partner in the car leaves without him." Max said and I rolled my eyes. "Well, let's just see how this goes down." I smirked and I turned my head to Chloe. "Justin and Trevor are fighting and Joyce breaks it up." Max said and Chloe nodded. "This is getting good, can't wait to see what happens!" Chloe shouted and I smiled at her. "The jukebox goes crazy as a cockroach crawls on it." Max said and Chloe glanced at Max. "Pretty bizarro, Max. But let's see if everything happens like you said..." Chloe said and Joyce walks past Chloe and Max's table, waving to them. As she continues walking, the truck driver accidentally drops his mug. "Oops!"He shouted and Joyce glares at him. "Did you break another cup? Really? No refill for you!" Joyce shouted and Chloe smiles.Oh, way to go, Mom!" She shouts as the cop listens to alert on his radio. "Shoot, now I gotta take this call and leave my breakfast... Hey, where is my partner?" He asked and we looked out the window to see the cop's partner drives past the diner in the police car with the sirens blaring. "You called it. Bet he's off to go bust some skaters." Chloe sighed as she turned towards Justin and Trevor who began to argue. "You're a dick!" Trevor shouted as he slapped his face. "Don't slap me, bitch!" Justin shouted and Joyce walks towards them. "Take your fight club outside!" She growled and Trevor glared at Justin. "He started it!" Trevor shouted and Joyce glares at him. "I'm finishing it!" She shouted and Chloe raised a brow. "Trevor and Justin must be in love." She smirked as her eyes widened as she sees a cockroach crawls on the jukebox and a distorted jangle of tunes begins playing. "You predicted a cockroach on the jukebox?" Chloe asked as she bows her head towards Max. "I pledge allegiance to Max and the power for which she stands... " Chloe praised and I glared at her. "This isn't a toy, Chloe. She does have to be careful with how she uses it--" "Screw that! Of course it's a toy! The best toy ever! You can bang anyone with no strings attached, rewind time, and boom, it's like it never happened!" Chloe shouted and Max shook her head. "Grow up." Max said and Chloe leaned towards her. "Maybe you made a move on us and I would never know!" Chloe whispered and Max rolled her eyes. "Yes, that's what I did." Max said and Chloe smiled. "You can rewind time, Max. That's fucking insane. We have to play!" Chloe shouted and Max shook her head. "I don't have time." Max sighed and Chloe shook her head. "You did not just say that." Chloe sighed and then Max's nose begins to bleed. "Uh... Check out your nose. Too much blow?" Chloe asked and I reached for Max's hand. "Hey, are you okay?" I asked and Max shook her head. "Too much excitement," Max sighed as she wiped the blood with her grey sleeves of her hoodie. "See what happens when we hook up again?" Max asked and Chloe shook her head. "Then...let's go to one of my secret lairs and fully test your power. You need a sidekick to guide you." Chloe said and Max nodded. Okay, Girl Wonder... Show me the way to Chloe's Cave." Max said and we got up from the table. "Chloe finally believes me...and I wonder what kind of crazy shit she has in mind now." Max whispered at me and I hopped in place. "Wait, till you see our hideout, man you're gonna flip!" I squealed and Chloe turned towards us. "Okay, Supergirl, let's go to our secret place!" Chloe shouted and then I heard Max's phone ring. "Don't even answer. We have places to go and people to do... Come on, before Mom starts some more shit. Let's bail!" Chloe shouted and Max gave me a worried stare. " It's Kate Marsh, from Blackwell..." Max said and Chloe glared. " Big whoop. You don't call me once in five years and now you're all over some beeatch you see every day at school? I see how you roll. So go ahead, chat up Kate Marsh from Blackwell. I've got other people to hang out with too." Chloe growled and Max gave me a sad stare. "I'll answer the phone. Chloe, take Max to the hideout, I'll catch up." I said as I reached for Max's phone and left them. "Later, Mom!" Chloe shouted as Joyce looks at them in a worried stare. "Bye, Joyce." Max said as Joyce waves goodbye to them. Max and Chloe do a high five and a fist bump. "Now follow me, young squire Max, so we can seriously tap your power and rule the world... " Chloe said as they leave the diner. "Hey, Kate, what's up?" I asked and I heard Kate sigh. "Hey, Zabrina, wait....Isn't this Max's phone?" She asked and I chuckled. "Yeah, I just got your call, You okay?" I asked and I heard her sigh on the phone. "I'm fine, I'm doing my homework, but I wanted to you to visit Blackwell to be with Max and I. "I promise, Kate. I won't forget. I swear. Just do your homework and don't stress..." I said and I noticed Joyce coming towards me. "I really don't think we should go into this right now... I'll call you later, okay?" I said and I heard her nod. "Okay, bye, Zabrina." Kate finally said as she hanged up and Mom crossed her arms. "Hey, Mom, what's up?" I asked and she smiled. "I just wanted you to know that Chloe left with Max, now please don't get into any trouble." Joyce sighed and I smiled. "Mom," I sighed as I gave her a hug and she hugged back. I wish that I could tell her about everything that's happened to me... but I can't. I can't because I'm scared that she'll be disgusted and not want me near her. I hate to think that, but what the hell am I supposed to do? Accuse the world's most spoiled elite rich kid has raped me? Which will probably put my family at risk? Hurt the ones I loved? Cause them to feel guilty of not being there? No. Not ever again. "We'll be fine, I promise." I said and she raised her hand to caress my cheek. "I know you will, I love you, Zabrina." Joyce said as she left to the kitchen. "Love you too, Mom." I said and I left the diner. I walked to the forest at a slow pace then I began to run, transforming into a brown wolf running through the trees. I raised my nose into the air and smelled for Chloe. She's just a couple miles ahead of me, so I followed that familiar path, my claws tracing the earth as the trees called my name. I caught sight of the truck and I ran on the side of the hill next to it, and I pounced into the trunk. Chloe and Max screamed in surprise and Chloe turned her head in shock. "WHAT THE-" Chloe shouted and she pushed the gas pedal, causing me to nearly lose balance on the truck and Chloe steps out. "ARE YOU SERIOUS, ZABRINA?!" Chloe shouted and I started laughing as she began to push me in my wolf form, I'm at least three inches taller than Chloe in my form. "Calm down, Chloe." I said and she glared at me. "You better get your ass in the truck." Chloe shouted and I smirked. "I thought you liked my butt." I cooed and she blushed a dark red, I was surprised Max blushed also. "W-Whatever." Chloe stammered and I smiled at her. Max and I sat next to each other and Max raised a brow. "What did Kate want?" She asked and I reached for my pocket to retrieve her phone. "Nothing, she wanted to know if we will be heading back to Blackwell and I told her we'll be there soon." I said as I handed her phone and she took it. "I'm glad you answered the call, I'm sure Kate would've chopped my head off." Max said and Chloe glared at her. "Thanks, Max. If you'd rather chill with Kate, please, go ahead." Chloe said and Max shook her head. "You are ridiculous. I'm chilling with you, okay?" Max questioned and Chloe nodded. "For now. Let's rock." Chloe said as she restarted the engine and drove to the unknown.



I am just so glad I can be able to type with two hands rather than one! Anyways thank you all out there who are reading my stories even though, I don't really deserve it... I love you all so much and I will try to do more of Zabrina's story, but I swear I'll release it when I can! Thank you!

Lost and Found: Return to Arcadia bayWhere stories live. Discover now