Chapter 6: Remembrance of the past

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Max and Chloe enter the junkyard as I paced ahead of them and Max tilted her head. "Is this a race?" Max huffed and Chloe ran towards me. "Keep up." Chloe shouts at Max and Max shook her head. "How many times are you going to get pissed at me this week?" Max asked and Chloe raised a brow. "That depends on you. And how well you do in this phase of the test... Welcome to American Rust, our home away from hell." Chloe said as she presented the place with a beer in her hand and Max smiled. "Raw and rough. It suits you..." Max said and Chloe smiled at her. "Max, do you know how awesome this is? I get my best friend back, and she's also supersized?" Chloe questioned and Max shook her head. "We don't know for how long." Max sighed and Chloe shrugged. "Exactly why it's time to have fun." Chloe laughed as she reached into her pocket and pulls out a gun. "Chloe, David might be a douche for hitting me, but you did steal his gun..." I said and Chloe rolled her eyes at me. "Is everybody armed in Arcadia Bay now?" Max asked and Chloe nodded. "Only the ones who shouldn't be. Like step-dildo. Until now." Chloe sighed as she held the gun in her hand. "I'm not in the revolution yet, Che." Max sighed and Chloe smiled at both of us. "You and Zabrina are the revolution, Max. So we should figure out how to best use and abuse your power with a test, while Zabrina practices hers." Chloe said as she takes a sip of the beer bottle in her hand, then offers it to Max. "Drink?" Chloe asked and Max hides behind me. "Yuck." Max said and I stuck my tongue out in disgust. "You are so cute. You haven't changed a bit. Okay, let's do this. Can you find five bottles while I prep the shooting range?" Chloe asked me and I nodded. "Leave it to me... My nose never fails for anything." I said and Max nodded. "Beer and guns? Nice combo." Max sighed and Chloe rolled her eyes. "You can handle it. Now go help Zabrina find five bottles? Pretty please?" Chloe said while making a puppy-eyed stare. "Only Zabrina is good at that." Max said and I nodded. "Uh-Huh and you know it!" I shouted as I left Max and she follows me. "Max, come here, I want to show you something." I shouted as I lead her to a shack, with Chloe's, Rachel's, and my valuables. "Woah." Max said as she observed the little room and her footsteps traced the floor. Curious eyes wandered around every crack and bits of the place. "How did you-" "It was nothing....Just some junk we found around here." I said and Max glanced at our wall.

Rachel was here

Chloe was here

Zabrina was here

I reached for a permanent marker and I handed it to Max. "You want to sign?" I asked and she shook her head. "Nah, its okay, Zabrina. I don't want to ruin your shack." Max said quickly and I shrugged. "It's fine, Max, I bet Rachel would want you to sign it....I know I would." I said as I held the marker in front of her and Max took it and she writes "Max was here" beneath our names. "Now you're officially part of my pack...we just have to find Rachel." I sighed and Max smiled at me as she grabbed a bottle. We walked outside and I glanced outside to see Chloe relaxing and I growled at her

"We have to find dirty-ass bottles while you chill? Not fair." I snarled at her and she booped my nose. "I have to prep the range, crybaby. And I've been tripping hard about where Max got this rewind power..." Chloe said and Max tilted her head, looking up at the sky. "From God. Or the gods. So, bow." Max joked and Chloe smiled at her. "We can make the world bow... Are you ready for that?" Chloe asked and Max nodded. "Oh, yes. Once I figure out exactly how my power works. A god must doth know these things." Max chuckled and Chloe praised the sky. "Amen! And while you build an empire, I'm there to keep you on the path of badassness. And fun." Chloe said and Max shrugged. "Spin, rinse, and repeat... I'm just altering time and space. Oh, yeah, and history. No biggie." Max said and I smiled. "You already altered history by saving my life, smartass. Let's see what else you can do..." I smirked as I walked away from Max and Chloe and goes up the path that leads to a hill. I moves the plank at the edge of the hill. "Way heavier than I thought...oof!" I groan and the plank allowed me to walks across to the boat and takes the bottle on the makeshift table. " Hello bottle number two! Three more to go!" I shouted at Max as I hopped off the boat and walks to the area across from Chloe with a washing machine, empty crate, and rusty boat. Max attempts to take the bottle, but it breaks. "Stupid bottle!" Max shouted and she rewinds, then moves the crate. She takes the bottle. "Boom! Only two bottles left..." Max sighed and we follow the path alongside the washing machine and takes the fork in the road on the right. I know there's a bonfire spot where people party around here... I rMax returns to the path and takes the other fork in the road. I decided to go around the bend ahead and enters the area with the "party pit" and stacked cars. She takes the bottle in the corner. "One more bottle to go!" I shouted and as I attempted to leave the area. Max rewinds when the debris falls. "ZABRINA RUN!" Max shouted and I ran then the debris hits the ground nearly hitting me. "OH SHOOT!" I shouted and Max glanced at me wide-eyed. "Zabrina, are you okay?" Max asked and I turned around to look at the shattered pieces of wood. "Are you fucking kidding me?" I questioned at it and I glared at the debris. "Fuck you!" I shouted at it causing Max to laugh at me. "Max goes back around the bend and takes the side path on the right. She takes the final bottle from the top of the rusty car. Now we can deliver this bottle booty to Captain Chloe... I noticed that there was a strange glow on my side and my heart stopped when I see the spirit doe and wolf. "Max?" I questioned not breaking eye contact with the spirits and Max places her hand on her head. "Wowser, that looks exactly like the same doe from my tornado vision... That doe and wolf is the perfect photo op..." Max said as she grabbed her camera and took a picture. As soon as she did, the doe and wolf disappeared. "That's so fucking cool." I sighed and I turned away for a moment, until I caught a rather distinctive smell. Rachel? I turned in a frantic and searched around for the scent. I smelt it pass the trees, but I didn't want to leave. Because, I felt like I was being watched. "Zabrina?" I turned my head to see Max. "You coming?" She asked and I nodded. "Y-Yeah, I'm coming." I said and I followed Max. We returned to Chloe and gives her the bottles. "Thanks, Zabrina and Max." Chloe thanked as she placed the bottles on the shooting range. "Wait--one more for the road." I said and while Chloe takes a sip of beer from the bottle in her hand, I snatched it and placed it on the range with the others. "You better be lucky you're my sister." Chloe muttered and I couldn't help but smirk. "You're serious about this..." Max sighed and Chloe pointed at the bottles. "We're going to shoot all these bottles without wasting a single bullet. Zabrina will do her own. Max, you have to help me aim. Show me the way, Max." Chloe said as she and I get in our positions. "I need to see you shoot first." Max said and Chloe fires the gun and misses. Max rewinds. "Show me the way, Max." Chloe said once again as she aims and Max nodded. "Aim a bit to the right." Max ordered and Chloe nodded. "Sir, yes, sir!" Chloe shouted as she fires the gun and hits the bottle. "Oh, yes! Did you see that shit, Max?!" Chloe cheered and Max nodded. "Duh." Max said and Chloe smiled. "That was so fucking cool! Now for the second bottle." Chloe said as she smirked at me. "Now your turn Zabrina," Chloe chuckled and I raised my hand up, a blue bolt of flame shattered the bottle to pieces. "Watch out, Nathan! Now, that is fun. Let's pump up the volume and find me another target. I want to get creative here..." I said and Max pointed at the car. "Zabrina, Let's take out this wheel rim on your left." Max said and I smiled evilly. "Taking out the wheel rim now..." I said and I raised my hand up, blue flame shoots the wheel rim, the bullet ricochets off it and hits the third bottle. "Hella yes!" Chloe cheered and Max nudged my shoulder. "Nice shootin', Tex." Max chuckled and Chloe nodded. "Now that's what I'm talking about!" Chloe laughed and Max crossed her arms. "Satisfied?" Max asked and Chloe nodded. "Like, never. I want one ubercool trick shot.." Chloe said and Max pointed at a junker car. "Put a real dent in that front bumper." Max said and Chloe pointed the gun at the bumper of the car. "Goodbye, cruel bumper..." Chloe sighed as she shoots the gun, but the bullet ricochets off the bumper and hits Chloe. "Jesus, I shot myself! I shot myself! Back up, back up!" Chloe shouted holding her chest and I ran towards her. "CHLOE!" I shouted as I held her. "Stupid gun!" I shouted and Max raised her hand and was forced to rewind. "Like, never. I want one ubercool trick shot.." Chloe said and I grabbed her by her sleeves. "NOT THE BUMPER!! NOT THE FUCKING BUMPER!!!" I shouted and Chloe's eyes widen. "Woah, chill dude!" Chloe shouted and Max smiled nervously. "Don't worry, Zab. I won't let that happen again." Max sighed and Chloe raised a brow. "What happened again?" Chloe asked in complete confusion and I glanced up at her. "NOTHING!" I shouted and I let her go. "Uhhh....How about aiming for the left tire?" Max asked and Chloe pointed the gun at the tire. "Adios, spinning wheel of death..." Chloe sighed as she fires the gun. The car falls onto the shooting range, crushing the last bottles and landing upside down. "Ubercool." I said as Max and Chloe high-five. "I cannot believe this is for reals! Our best friend is a superhero! Now it's your turn to bust a cap." Chloe said as she handed the gun to Max. "I don't know..." Max groaned in pain as a red stream began to go down her nose. "Max, your nose. Damn..." Chloe said giving Max a concerned stare. "I...don't...feel so super..." Max sighed as she collapses in Chloe's arms. "Max!" Chloe shouted as she caught her. "Zabrina, Help me!" Chloe shouted as I transformed into a wolf and grabbed Max with my muzzle. "I'll sit her down at the car!" I shouted as Chloe and I rushed to a rusty car. "Here. Sit her on me." Chloe said as she sat on the car and I sat beside Chloe with a worried stare. "I-Is she going to be alright?" Chloe asked and I nodded. "Yeah, she will be. She's just unconscious. We need to stop pushing her so hard with her powers," I started as I used my fingers to wipe Max's blood from her nose and I rubbed it on my shirt. I glanced at Chloe, "She's still getting used to her powers, just give her time." I sighed and Chloe nodded. On the hood of the car of a rusty car, Max's head rests on Chloe's lap as Chloe holds her. Max slowly wakes up, slightly disoriented as she sits up slowly while holding her head in pain. "You freaked me out there. Do you feel any better now?" Chloe asked and Max nodded weakly. "A little. Thanks for helping me, just...give me a minute." Max said and I nodded. "Too much action for Arcadia?" Chloe asked and Max shrugged. "Maybe not enough. This is kinda fun. Scary and stupid, but fun." Max said and I gave her a reassuring smile. "Yeah, as a guard of Arcadia Bay, I can't play with these powers I got from my gem. Especially if someone's in danger." I said and Max stood up. "Let us know when you feel okay." Chloe said and Max nodded as she took a walk. I saw a squirrel on the grass and I felt my instincts kick in. I crouched and silently stalked my prey. "Zabrina? What are you doing?" Chloe asked and I glared at her. "Shhhhh...I'm trying to eat!" I whispered and Chloe raised a brow. "You just had breakfast!" Chloe whispered loudly as Max walked over. "What is she doing?" Max asked and Chloe crossed her arms looking at me. "Hunting." She said as she pointed at the squirrel. "You eat squirresl?" Max asked in complete shock and I gave her an evil sneer. "I eat all kinds of things, Max. Now watch the master then learn." I whispered and I crept toward the squirrel, moving perhaps an inch at a time. The squirrel moved to where I was at. I burst out using my claws as a weight to hold the screeching animal with my paw, and then suffocate it with a bite to the neck. Max and Chloe simply looked away screaming in disgust. "OH MY GOD, ZARINA! HOW CAN YOU ENJOY DOING THAT?!" Chloe shouted at the top of her lungs as she used her hands to cover her eyes. After making the kill, I eat quickly before any other animal tries to steal it. I turned around as if nothings happened and I lick my muzzle and paws clean from the blood. Chloe and Max stares at me in complete shock as I tilted my head. "What?" I questioned and Chloe sighed. "Okay, looks like you're ready to lock and load." Chloe said as she handed Max the gun. "I don't know about this..." Max said as she shook her head. "Are you afraid of getting in trouble? Oh, boohoo, Max is afraid! I know you can handle this. And I'm here to guide you. Make me proud, sista!" Chloe shouted and gives the gun to Max. I lifted my head as I heard footsteps. "Chloe, I think someone-" I started, but then I saw a familiar face, Frank Bowers. I turned towards Max as she quickly hides the gun behind her back. "Hey, it's Thelma and Louise. Or is it Bonnie and Clyde?" Frank greeted and I waved my hands at him. "Hey Frank." I said and Chloe glared at him. "Excuse us, Frank." Chloe growled and Frank raised his hands up in surrender. "Oh, sorry, Chloe. Don't let me get in the way of your bonding. I heard the gunshots and the breaking glass. It's cute that you're playing with guns. Just like me at your age." He said as he crossed his arms and Chloe furrowed his brows. "We're not anything alike, man." Chloe growled and Frank nodded. "We both need money. In fact, you need it so bad you owe me a shitload, don't ya, Chloe? Huh?" He questioned and Chloe crossed her arms. "You'll get your money." Chloe sighed and Frank glared at her. "Don't they all say that? Y'know, even when they're broke and acting tough..." He muttered and Frank looks at Max and I as I stood in front of her. "What're you hiding there, girlie? Let me see!" He shouts as he pointed at us and I glared at him. "It's nothing, Frank. You don't have to-" I saw something on his wrist and my heart stopped. Rachel. Dark. Her smile. Dark. Her cries. Dark. The needle. Dark. The moon. Dark. Her arm raised as she screams my name. Dark. Her bracelet. Dark. Rachel's smile. Dark. Her bracelet. Dark. "I've worn this bracelet for as long as I could remember. Ever since I was born...I always thought it meant something, because I never take it off." Dark. I chuckled as I looked at her light blue bracelet. "It's cool. You can be able to remember your real mother that way, I'm sure that she loved you." I said and she smiled at me. "We all love each other and once we're out of here. I'll take you and Chloe to Long Beach." Rachel said and I nodded in agreement. "That way, you can be able to see the place where you were born and raised." Rachel added as I played with the strings on her bracelet and she chuckled softly....Dark. "R-Rachel?" I questioned as I stared sadly at the bracelet and Chloe raised a brow at me, until she noticed the bracelet on his wrist. "Where did you get that bracelet?" Chloe asked and Frank furrowed his brow. "A friend. And it's none of your goddamn business. You're my business now and I--" "That's Rachel's bracelet! Why the fuck are you wearing her bracelet?!" Chloe shouted and Frank glared at her. "Calm yourself, alright? It was a gift." He said and Chloe shook her head. "No, it wasn't! You stole that shit! Give it to me right now, asshole!" Chloe shouted as she reaches for the bracelet, until Frank pulls out a knife. "FRANK!" I shouted and he points the knife at Chloe. "You better step back before you regret it, girl. I mean it. You want me to cut you, bitch?" He snarled and Frank and Chloe look over at Me. I turned to see Max pointing the gun at Frank. "Please...please step back." Max threatened in a shaky voice, and Frank obeyed walking towards Max. "You're kidding. Put that down." Frank growled and Max glared at him. Click. Max pulls the trigger, but the gun is out of bullets. "That is hilarious! Oh, man... I'll remember you, kid. I'll remember you almost shot me. And you'll wish I had no memory, because I never forget. You have until Friday to pay me. Don't ever pull crap like this again. It'll be the last time you do. Try bullets next time, brainiacs." Frank growled as puts the knife back in his pocket and leaves. I glared at the direction he went and glared at Max. "Sorry." Max sighed and I hugged Max. "You were awesome." I sighed into her hoodie and I felt her tense up, but then accepted the hug. "Thanks for standing up for me...Let's blow. My secret lair didn't feel secret today. At least Frank is gone; he won't fuck with us again. He just wants his money." Chloe growled as she headed towards the train tracks. "Jesus, I almost shot this guy and now he'll be more dangerous to us." Max sighed and I raised a brow. "Not to me, but to you two..." I corrected and Max raised a brow. "Why not you?" She asked and I looked down. "He's.... a friend of mine." I sighed and Max eyes widened. "But he's so dangerous, Why would you-" "He helped me a lot in my past... and he helps me protect Arcadia Bay. Without him, I wouldn't be able to track down bad guys." I explained and Max nodded. "Like the ones who...." Max said and I nodded. "They were a couple of Dickheads they don't matter. What I want to know is why did Frank have Rachel's bracelet?" I questioned and I took a deep breath to contain my anger. "We need to talk about this later, but we better follow Chloe now. Chloe is waiting to go for a walk. We both need a time-out from here." I sighed as we leave the junkyard.

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