Chapter 7

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{After dinner, Koi drove Sadie back to Avery's mom house then drove back home. Avery was already home.}

"Bryson, go upstairs and wash up for bed. I'm gonna go find your mother and talk to her." She said, pacing to the door.

Bryson did as he was told.

When Koi entered the door, Donna was on the floor sobbing still with her face covered.


She turned away more.

"What happened while I was gone??"

Koi kneeled down to her then turned her body around. She gently removed her hands from her face.

What she saw made her shudder.

Donna's face was busted and bruised. Blood slightly rubbing from her bottom lips; traces of blood could be seen in different spots on her blonde wig.

"Oh my gosh. Donna, did Avery do this to you?? Where is she?" Koi held Donna in her arms while shaking her head.

She never though Avery would get this angry.

Of course what Donna did was wrong but she had no right to beat on her.

"Yes...." Donna replied lowly.

Koi picked her up, carrying her in the bathroom. She gently placed her in the counter.

With a sigh, she grabbed a clean wash rag and ran it under some cold water.

"She's still here." Donna said, watching her.

"I'll deal with her in a minute. Let me get you cleaned up." Koi smiled  as she softly dabbed the cloth on her swollen, bleeding lip.


{Doebi took a bus across town to her parents house. When she told them about the pregnancy, they weren't mad at all. They were happy which put Doebi in a better mood until she received a follow request on IG from someone named Shanghai_DaGoddess.}

Doebi accepting the follow request as usual. She a big presence on social media so undreds of people would send her requests everyday.

After accepting, her phone started to blow up with tags and people trying to follow her.

"What the hell is going??" She said, waiting for her phone to stop buzzing so she could enter the app.

When the buzzing calm down a little, she was about to ramble through her notifications and find the post people were tagging her in.

Apparently, Shanghai somehow found out about her being pregnant as well then put it on blast. She was calling Doebi all types of names such as syke-a-dyke, lesbian dick lover and anything else she could think of.

Tear began to well up in Doebi's eyes as she read the comments people were saying about her. They were also dragging Donna as well.

She quickly clicked out of the app and dialed Koi's number.

Koi was the only one she wanted to talk to. Besides, she seemed to be the only one out of her girlfriends that cared.


Koi ignored her phone ringing as she searched around the house for Avery.

She wasn't in her room or any other rooms upstairs.

Finally, Koi made her way to the back door and found her sitting in a chair on the porch, smoking a blunt.

"You really gonna sit here and smoke a blunt after you beat the hell outta Donna??" She glared at her, keeping her hands behind her back.

Avery didn't say a word, she kept on smoking.

"I know you hear me talking to you."

Avery looked over at her then looked at away.

"Oh forreal.... Alright." Koi turned around like she was about to walk away but came back and snatched the blunt out of Avery's hand.

After snatching the blunt, she picked Avery up and slammed her against the house.

"What the fuck is wrong with you??" She was calm but angry.

Avery eyes widen as her breathing increased.

"Why the fuck you hit Donna like that? Hm? You crazy?? Wanna try that shit with me? I thought about beating your ass but I wouldn't want Bryson to see his mother with a busted lip."

Avery tried to break away but that only made Koi's grip tighter.

"Don't you ever in your life put your hands on Donna again. Next time, I'll make sure you look worse than what you did to her."

"Let me go...." Avery twisted and turned.

Koi pressed her waist against her pelvic area.

"When I fuckin' feel like it."

Avery gazed at her, biting her lips.

Koi rolled her eyes.

"I swear... don't even think about it. You know.. fine, go but you better not hit Donna again." She dropped her back down.

Avery laughed and smirked, placing her hands in her pockets.

"You want me."

Koi looked at her with the straightest face.

"You have no idea." She replied sarcastically.

Koi's phone started ringing again and this time she answered it.

"Hello?? Doebi, what's wrong?" She asked.

"I just really need you here right now." Doebi replied, sniffing.

"You still at your parents house??"

"Yes." She sobbed.

"I'm on my way." She hung up the phone then gaped at Avery.

"I'm going to see what's wrong with Doebi. Don't do shit else to Donna while I'm gone."

"What you gonna get me in return if I'm good??" Avery smirked.

"A damn straitjacket and a trip to mental hospital." Koi scowled, rolling her eyes and walking away.

Avery sighed then sat back down.

Koi made her way back in the house and found Donna laying on the couch.

"I'm going to see Doebi. Will you be alright until I get back."

Donna nodded. "I'll be okay. She's not gonna do anything with Bryson here."

"Alright. I'll be back." She kissed her then smiled.

Donna smiled back.

Koi pulled her eyes out her pockets then headed out the door.

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