Chapter 10

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{Avery watched as Donna got ready for work. Last night was full of silence. Both of them got into the same bed and slept with their backs to eachother. Rubbing her hand across her face, Avery hopped up off the bed. She strolled over to Donna and placed her hands on her waist.}

Donna gasped as she turned around and looked at her.

"I'm not going to hurt you.... anymore but we need to talk." Avery said, rubbing her sides.

"I have a client at 9. Can it wait?" Donna retorted with a sigh.

"No, this won't take long Don. I just wanna apologize for what I did. Putting my hands on you was wrong. Aight? But on the real, the way you treatin' Doebi is messed up. And that other girl, Shanghai Japan or whatever her name is.... she had the baby. He deadass has your nose and mouth."

Donna folded her arms. "That don't me the baby is mine."

Avery sighed then nodded. "Aight, get a blood test. If comes out 99.9%....I hope you do right by the baby."

"Oh, I will. Maybe I'll find to go to the hospital later. You heard from Doebi??"

"Not since she's left. I'm gonna try to call her today. I wouldn't talk to Koi right now, she's pissed off at all us."

Donna grabbed her keys. "I know, she has every right to be. I'll see you when I get home. Kiss Bryson for me."

"Aight. Have a good day at work."


Koi gazed at Farrah as she cooked breakfast. Not being around her three girlfriends felt like a weight being lifted off her shoulders. When she was with Farrah, she felt calm and every moment was blissful.

Farrah placed a plate of eggs, bacon, and waffles in front of Koi then smiled.

"Are you feeling any better today??" She said in a sweet tone.

"Yeah, I'm better." Koi replied, cutting her waffles.

"I never thought in a million years you would be in a polygamous relationship. How the that even happen??" She took a sip of her apple juice.

Koi sighed. "It's a long story. Let's say the relationship started off with Avery and I then we met two other people that we clicked it."

Farrah nodded. "Okay, when you put it that way.... it makes sense. Do you think you guys will be able to fix all the problems.

"Shit...I don't know at this point. It's like stuff keeps coming up. I'm tired of being the glue that holds everything together. I don't trust Avery nor Donna. I only tolerate Doebi because she's pregnant." She started to eat her waffles while shaking her head.

"Well, no matter what happens, I'll be here to support you." Farrah grinned.

"I appreciate that." She smiled. "It's amazing after all you've been through, you still  remain a sweet person."

Farrah gazed at her, moving her hair out of her face. "Only a weak person would let what the World throws at them change them for the worse."

Koi chuckled a bit. "I feel you on that."


{Avery called Doebi as she said she would. They spent a couple hours on the phone. Luckily, Doebi was in a better spirit and her parents took good care of her while Koi was taking a break. Suddenly, there was a knock at the door. It was after 1, so it couldn't have been Donna. Avery got of the phone with Doebi and strolled to the front door. When she opened the door her eyes grew large....}

"Where's Donna??" Shanghai said, peeking the house and looking around.

Avery frowned. "She ain't here right now. She at work. You got some nerve to be peeking around in someone's house."

Shanghai rolled her eyes and came in carrying a the carseat with the baby inside of it.

Avery raised her eyebrow. "How the hell you already out the hospital that fast??"

"I heal quick." Shanghai smiled then placed the carseat on the floor.

Avery looked at the smiling infant and scratched her head.

"All his clothes and stuff is in his bag. See you later. I'll be back around 10." Shanghai said, heading towards the door.

"Wait a whole damn minute!! You can't leave homeboy here!"

"Call Donna and tell her to get her ass off work to take care of her son. Bye." Shanghai quickly left.

Avery sighed. "This bitch."

Just then, the baby started to cry and scream.

"Shit...." She gaped at him, going over to his carseat and taking him out.

She rocked him and he calmed down.

"What's your name anyways??" She sighed and looked around in his stuff.

Finally, she came across his birth certificate.

"Dontae." She looked down at him as he smiled in his sleep.

She grinned. "Cute. I gotta call Donna."

Avery called Donna and told her everything that happened. Before Avery could even say another word, she was already there.

She looked at her phone then looked at Donna. "How the hell you get here so quick??"

"Nevermind that." Donna gazed at the baby in Avery's arms. "That's him huh??"

Avery nodded. "Yep. This is Dontae."

Donna examine the small boy then sighed.

"What??" Avery looked at her.

"He looks just like me when I was a baby."

"You don't say." Avery retorted sarcastically.

Donna gaped at her. "Would you shut up?? When she said she'll be back."

"Around 10 tonight. She left everything in his bag."

"Okay, we'll that's good.... what do I do with it?"

Avery handed to baby to her.

"Love him, feed him, change him. He's not an it. He's a little human being that didn't ask to be here. Do right by him. I know I'm not perfect I make sure Bryson never wants for anything."

"That's true." She looked down at the Dontae and smiled. "This should be fun."

Avery began chuckling and shaking her head. "That's a newborn. They keep you up all damn night."

"How bad could it be??" Donna asked, rocking the little on.

"Shiddddd. You'll see. I'm going upstairs to check on Bry."

She paced upstairs, leaving Donna alone.

"Well, I guess I should get used to this." She sighed and walked into the room.

Suddenly, Dontae busted out crying.

"AVERRRRRY!! Heeeeeelp!!" She cried, walking back out the room.

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