Chapter 13

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Farrah looked at Koi, sighing. It's been two months since the altercation happened and things between then haven't been the same. Koi doesn't talk much. All she does is go to work, come home and spend time with Kaycen then goes to bed.

She placed and an arm around her but Koi moved it off.

"Koi, what's wrong with you?" Farrah asked with a sigh.

"Ain't nothin' wrong. I'm fine. Go back to sleep." Koi replied sternly.

Farrah sighed once more.

"You haven't been yourself since that fight with Avery. You barely talk to me."

Koi didn't say a word. She closed her eyes and continued to ignore her wife.

Farrah sat back in bed, shaking her head.

"None of this is my fault so why should I even care? I should just fuck off."

Koi quickly turned around and shot her a dirty look.

"Nobody said it was your damn fault Farrah. Don't start this shit with me. I ain't in the fuckin' mood. If I said I'm fine, dammit I'm fine! You can't make me talk about shit I don't wanna talk about!" She snapped.

"But I'm your wife!" Farrah cried, looking back at her.

"Not for long with that mouth." Koi shot back.

Farrah frowned then her face softened. Nothing say another word, she laid back down and turned her back to Koi. 


Avery sat at the kitchen table, sighing. Things around the house been sorta weird since Koi married Farrah and left. The news was still hard for her but she masked her feelings as usual.

"Avery? Can we talk?"  Donna said, sitting at the table in front of her.

"Sup?" Avery replied, rubbing her hand across her face.

Donna sighed. "You just really ain't been the same since the stuff with Koi."

Avery ran her tongue across her teeth. "And?"

"And? And I miss the happy Avery. The one that was always joking and playing around."

"I don't wanna talk about this shit bro. I really don't. It was months ago. I'm good. You good. Our kids good. Let's move forward."

Donna sighed again with a little frustration.

"How can we move forward when this shit is obviously still affecting you? You can't ignore your feelings forever. You miss Koi and I do too but there's nothing we can do about that. It's her choice."

Avery started to rock back and forth, trembling.


Tears started to well up in her eyes as she looked away from Donna.

"Avery, say something."

Suddenly, she got up and grab the chair she was sitting in and threw it against the wall.

Donna jumped and ducked.


"SHE DIDN'T HAVE TO FUCKIN' DO US LIKE THAT!! I DON'T GIVE A FUCK!" Avery stobbed uncontrollably.

Donna quickly went over and wrapped her arms around her then started to cry too.

"I know....I know...." She sniffed and nodded.

"T-that was my whole heart. Regardless of all the fucked up shit I did in the past."

Donna turned Avery around so her face was facing hers. She grabbed her hands and gazed into her eyes.

"This is gonna be so hard but we'll get through this cause I'm not leaving you. I refuse to give up on you."

Avery looked back deep into her eyes.

"I won't give up on you either."

Just then, they begin to kiss eachother passionately.

As they kissed eachother, Doebi paced in with her big pregnant belly.

"Damn, haven't seen that much love around here in so long, I'm not even jealous about this inimate moment without me." She said causally, rubbing her belly while opening the refrigerator.

Avery and Donna started giggling at the same time.

"Glad I could put a smile on your face." Doebi looked at Avery.

Avery whipped her face and took a deep breath.

"We were talking about how much me miss Koi." Donna explained.

Doebi nodded. "I do too but there's nothing we can do about it."

"Yeah, it's just so fucked up that she would do this to use. She should've just been real. I wouldn't understood why she wanted to leave." Avery looked down.

"Yeah but we good move on." Donna said.

Doebi looked up from the refrigerator. "When you say move on, do you mean.. adding a new person to this."

Donna shrugged. "I mean if you guys are down. I don't see why we couldn't. Koi is married now. She's not coming back."

"I'm down. But no matter what, Koi is always gonna have a piece of my heart. I had history with her before I met you guys."

Donna moved her hair out of her face. "I understand that."

"That's okay. It's hard losing somebody that's been in your life for awhile." She sat down at the table and started making a sandwich.

Avery took a small sigh. "When should we start recruiting?"

"Whenever you're ready. It's no biggie to me." Donna stood up and yawned.

"Welp, guess I'm clubbin' this weekend." Avery chuckled, shaking her.

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