What's Been Up?

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Hey y'all!! I know it's been a minute but I'm back. Forreal this time.

So I know a lot of you have been wondering what's going on and tbh.. a lot. I don't wanna go into too many details. But the issue with school as been resolved. I started back in January and everything is going great. I had a few close family members and friends that passed away back to back. I've also been spiritually growing, coming out of this dark place I've been in for a minute. (Just cause someone seems happy on the inside doesn't mean that they're happy within. Many people are battling issues that we know nothing about.) Lastly, I had health scare. I won't say what cause they really don't know what's wrong with me they're assuming. But for right now, I'm on mediciation and I have to go back to the hospital in 6 months (Pray for me).

But I really missed you guys! Thanks for all the love even when I haven't been as active as I used to be. I LOVE YOU ALL. 💕💕💕


(From now updates will be done on Fridays and Saturdays; Other days when I have extra time.)



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