Chapter 14

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Avery was pretty known around town so she always got in clubs for free and was always in the VIP section. She was out tonight for only one particlar thing; to get a girl to replace Koi.

She casually bopped her head to the music and sipped her Henny. No one was catching her eye until this girl with two of her friends walked passed the VIP section.

Avery cleared her throat. "Ayo Craig!! Tell shorty with the dreads to come here."

The bodyguard listened to Avery's command and brought the girl over.

The girl looked confused as she was let into VIP.

Avery took off her shades and smirked. "Wassup?"

"Not shit. You called me over hear?"

"Yeah. Sit down. Relax. Just wanna get to know you."

The girl sat down and looked at Avery with her light brown eyes.

"What you wanna know?"


The girl chuckles bit. "Aight, my name is Phoenix but I go by Nyx. I'm 21. Pretty much lived here all my life. Nothing special. I'm boring. All do is work and go home. My friends had to drag me out the house tonight."

Avery nodded. "I'm Avery. I do a little here and there. I gotta son named Bryson. "

"Avery.....Name sounds hella familar." Nyx laughed.

"I'm well-known around these parts."

Nyx sat and thought for a bit then her eyes widened.

"You're the one with multiple girlfriends! Aw hell no." Nyx started to get up and leave before Avery stopped her.

"Chill, I just wanna be friends."

Nyx sat back down.

"Aight. No funny shit."

"Aight ma." She smirks then winks.


Avery opened the front door and paced into the house with Nyx.

"Nice place you got here." Nyx said, looking around.

Doebi came out the room rubbing her belly. "That's her? Damn she's cute."

"Huh?! And thanks." Nyx said with a smile then her face soon went back to confusion.

"She is okay with this, right?" Doebi asked.

"Well she agreed to be our friend for now. She wants to see how things work." Avery explained, taking off her coat.

"Fair enough." Doebi shrugged.

Donna paced from downstairs and sighed. "Dontae finally went to sleep."

"Y'all got kids?? Well Avery told me about her son but I didn't know about. Doebi being pregnant and Donna having a son." Nyx frowned.

"She knows our names?" Donna frowned as well.

"Yeah, she told me about everything in the club and on the way here."

Avery looked over at her. "My bad about that."

"Mhm. Anyways, Doebi what're you having?"

"Twin girls." She plopped down on the couch then sighed.

"Who's the father?"


Nyx started coughing. "What the hell goin on?"

"Long story." Donna shrugged.

"Okay.... this shit gettin' hella weird... I'ma just....."

Before finishing her sentence, Nyx quickly ran out the door and sprinted down the street like a bat out of Hell.

"WAY COME BACK!" Avery shouted, beginning to run after her.

"This is gonna be harder than we thought." Doebi said, shaking her head.

"Hell yeah. Our situation is messy, so I don't blame her for not wanting to be apart of it." Donna sat down next to her.

"Nobody can take Koi's place, no matter how much they look like her; they can't be her."

Doebi sighed once more. "You're right. And not everyone accepts our lifestyle."

"I say we just stay with us three. Maybe we don't need a fourth. We can still be happy."

"I agree. Plus, I don't trust just anyone around Bryson. We need to have another talk with Avery."



Avery continued to run behind Nyx until she hopped into an Uber.

"Oh hell naww. I'm not running behind no car." Avery slowed down and caught her breath.

"Trying to replace me so fast huh?" Koi said, pacing up from the side street.

Avery jumped up. "KOI?!"

"No.. It's Ella Mai." Koi retorted sarcastically.

Avery stood there in awe. She wanted to run and hug her but her body wouldn't move.

"You good babes?" Koi placed a hand on her shoulder.

She slowly nodded. "I'm fine."

"Wanna go back to the house and talk this shit out?"

Avery nodded slowly again.

Koi chuckled. "So dramatic as always. Come on."

She grabbed her hand and both of the began pacing down the street.

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