Chapter 15

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Avery and Koi finally made it back to the house.

Doebi and Donna had fell asleep on the couch, cuddling eachother.

"Awwww. I miss that." Koi said, sitting down on the other couch in the livingroom.

"Doebi, Donna. Y'all wake up. Koi is here." Avery lightly shook the both of them.

Donna's eyes shot opened quickly. "The hell you mean Koi is here?"

"Donna Locklear." Koi raised and eyebrow.

Donna looked over at her and gasped. "Koi!!"

She started to nudge Doebi. "Wake up! Koi is here!"

Doebi slowly woke up. "Can we get food first?"

"The hell?" Avery laughed.

"Hungry ass." Koi chuckled then laid back on the couch.

Doebi rubbed her eyes then looked over at her.

"When she get here? Thought she had a wife." She rolled her eyes.

A grimace came across Koi's as she cleared her throat.

"I got it nulled."

Donna looked at her like she was crazy. "YOU WHAT?!"

"I paid the judge to null the marriage. She took the kids and moved across state. That was about a week ago."

Avery frowned a bit. "But why you did that?"

Koi sighed. "I missed you guys."

"Oh hell no." Donna snapped. 

"All of a sudden you trynna come back after all that shit you did to us. I know we fucked up too but you got married and adopted a whole baby. Who the fuck does that?" She continued, placing her hands on her hips.

Koi nodded. "I know and I didn't ask for you guys to take me back either. But I do miss being around all of you. We can just be friends. I'm not ready for commitment."

Doebi rolled her eyes. "Geminis."

"Don't start with that Zodiax shit." Avery said, shaking her head.

"Where you came from anyways?" Donna ran her tongue across her teeth.

"The hotel up the street. I've been there for about a week. She sold the house so I had to move out." Koi explained with a shrug.

"So you're homeless?" Doebi asked.

"I see it as another journey; finding out where I need to be."  Koi got up and stretched.

"I just wanted to see you guys but I'm out."

She began to walk towards the door but Avery stopped her.

"Don't go."

Donna coughed then glared at her. "Don't go?! Let her ass go! The fuck?"

"Donna, calm down." Doebi said, rubbing her belly.

"I'll calm down when y'all realize Koi really don't give a fuck about us."

Avery shot her a serious look.

"Where is all this shit coming from? I thought you missed her."

"Well I had a fuckin' epiphany! She ain't shit!"

"And neither are you if you wanna be frank!" Avery retorted, clenching her jaw.

"Look, I didn't come over here to make y'all argue. Chill out with that." Koi stood between the both of them.

Doebi got off the couch and went into the room.

"I'm sick of this shit! Move out the way!" Donna pushed Koi and she fell over into the a wall.

Seeing Koi hit the wall made angry rush through Avery's entire body.

"Bitch! You didn't have to put your fuckin' hands in her!"

Avery pushed Donna and Donna pushed back.

"Whatchu gon' do? Beat my ass again? Do it! This time your ass is going to jail!" Donna shouted.

As the argued back and forth, Bryson paced downstairs and watched quietly.

Koi struggled to get up at first but when she did get up, she saw him watching.

"Y'all need to quit! Bryson is watching!"

Avery and Donna turned around to see Bryson, sitting on the stair steps with his teddy bear that Koi brough him.

"Hey Bry....." Avery sighed.

Bryson shook his head then got up and paced up the stairs, back to his room.

"I'm out." Koi paced towards the door.

"I'm going with you." Avery said, following her.

"Fine, go. I don't care." Donna rolled her eyes and folded her arms.

"I'll be back for Bryson in the morning." Avery grabbed Koi's hand and followed her out the door.

"You didn't have to come with me." Koi held onto her hand and sighed.

"I know but I wanted to. Look, I'm sorry about what I did to you but I was pissed."

Koi nodded. "Naww, don't apologize. I deserved that shit. What I did was fucked up. Donna has the right to be upset."

They both paces down the path together, hand in hand.

"We all did wrong to eachother.... maybe we should put being a foursome to the end." Avery looked over at her.

Koi looked back. "What're you saying?"

"What I'm saying is.. Why don't we start something with just me and you?"

"What about Donna and Doebi?"

"They can start their own thing. Hell, they got a whole family they're creating." She shrugged.

"You gotta point but this time, I'm being transparent. We need to talk to them about this."

"I'm cool with it. I'm not trying to hide anything."

Koi grinned. "Alright. Tomorrow."

"Tomorrow." Avery replied, leaning her head on Koi's arm.

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