Chapter 16

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"Taehyung, are you packed?!" Jungkook called out to the elder.

"Yeah, just getting Chase's harness on! By the way, you didn't tell me he could fly!" Taehyung called out with slight annoyance.

"He's from Jeontae. Of course he can." Jungkook responded as he walked up to Taehyung, helping him out with harness.

"Alright , he's good. You ready to go?" Jungkook asked as he started to walk to the door .

"Yes But, will it be hard to fly all the way to another planet millions of miles away?" Taehyung asked with a slightly nervous voice.

"No, it's only going to be tiring. Don't worry, I'll hold your hand all the way there." Jungkook assured with a smirk.

"I don't need you to hold my hand! I'm not a baby!" Taehyung complained.

"You're my baby and you're holding my hand. Unless, you want a punishment." Jungkook asked teasingly.

"Le-let's ju-just g-go." Taehyung stuttered as he took a hold of the younger's hand.

Jungkook chuckled at his adorable boyfriend. Nodding his head in agreement as they walked out the door. Jungkook, locked it behind them brother swiftly taking off.

"Come on Tae. Fly just a little faster or it's literally going to take months to get there." Jungkook sighed as Tae was a little scared.

"I just started flying not that long ago. I'm scared!" Taehyung whimpered.

Jungkook's heart couldn't take the pout and sad voice. Seeing Tae sad made his heart feel like it was breaking. Sighing, he took chase's leash. Slightly bending in mid air.

"What are you doing?" Taehyung asked as he slightly tilted his head like a confused puppy.

"Fly over here and get on my back." Jungkook instructed.

Taehyung didn't bother arguing. Only doing as he was told. Once he was properly positioned on Jungkook's back, he wrapped his arms around the raven haired younger. Jungkook, then took Chase's leash, putting it near Tae's hand. Signaling him to take it. Tae, did.

Now Jungkook took off at a very fast speed. Taehyung, squealed in surprise. Instantly clinging onto Jungkook much tighter than before. Scared of falling and getting left behind in space. It then only took about an exhausting hour until they reached the planet Namjin. Jungkook, landed right in front of a very large building.

"What is this place?" Taehyung questioned in awe.

"On Namjin it is commonly known that royals do in fact exist. This planet, is a lot like ours was. We are currently in front of the royals house. Lucky for me, they actually really like me. In fact, I became very good friends with their son, Minseok." Jungkook explained as he rang the rather stylish doorbell.

Soon, footsteps could be heard. The door opened, revealing a boy around the couples age. Though, he looked to be older by at least a couple years.

"Jungkook, What brings you here?" The boy smiled.

"Hello, Minseok. We were wondering if we could ask your parents some questions?" Jungkook asked rather formerly.

Curious, Minseok turned his head at the word 'we'. Now, spotting the brunette. Whom was hidden behind Jungkook out of shyness.

"Ah, And Who might this be?" Minseok asked as he looked at Taehyung.

"This is my boyfriend, Taehyung. Now, may we come in?" Jungkook asked once more.

Minseok blinked for a moment. Before, shaking his head as if to clear his thoughts. Then stepping aside to make room for the couple as he nodded.

"Thank you, Minseok. I must talk to you and your parents about a very important matter." Jungkook informed.

"Of course." Minseok agreed as he lead the way to his parents.

They were less to a very large looking living room. The tv had no wired or cables. It didn't even really look like a tv. It was more of a realistic, perfectly colored hologram. That just so happen to be on the wall. Minseok's parents were watching it as the three entered the room.

Mrs. Kim turned to her sons direction when she heard more than one set of footsteps. She cleared her throat to catch her husbands attention. He turned to face her with one eyebrow raised. She in turn, jerked her head to the direction of the three. He then, finally turned to his son and visitors.

'Men.' Mrs.Kim thought in annoyance.

"Hello Jungkook. Who is this?" Mr.Kim asked with a smile.

"This is my boyfriend, Taehyung. You won't believe where he's from." Jungkook grinned.

"Earth?" Mr. Kim asked in confusion as his wife rolled her eyes.

"He's from Jeontae!" Jungkook slightly yelled in happiness.

"That's amazing, Jungkook. I am so happy for the both of you. What brings you two here?" Mrs.Kim asked the couple.

"We were wondering if you knew how to stop the Hati. I know it involves a royal and his soulmate. Well, I'm a royal and he's my mate. So, what must I do?" Jungkook asked in determination. He really wanted to bring down the nuisance, Hati's.

"It should not be much different from how we defeated our enemy in the past. It's actually rather simple. You two would hold hands and fire your heat vision. Yes, you actually have that. You would fire it in sync until it became one blast. Then, the two of you would fly into the air slowly. Soon, it would be one huge blast wave of hot energy going into the ground. That should radiate the entire planet and destroy it. Along with the inhabitants. Doesn't matter where the Hati are. It would destroy them wherever ever they are. Except..." Now she looked rather hesitant.

"Except what?" Jungkook frowned.

"There are some risks." She sighed. Jungkook's eyes slightly widened as he realized what she meant.

"What are they?" Jungkook slightly demanded. Wanting to hear her say them out loud instead of just assuming the worst.

"You would have to gather all Hati from earth and bring them to their planet. Don't worry, there is technology here you can use to track them down. As well as to keep them on their planet. There is one thing you must be careful about. Once you see any signs of the radiation seeping in and starting to spread. You get the hell out of there. At the first sign that should be enough. If you don't get out of there, you could die. Do you understand Jungkook?" Mrs.Kim asked with a worried expression. She cared about Jungkook and didn't want to see him or his boyfriend get killed.

"Of course, thank you." Jungkook slightly bowed. When he rose, she lovingly ruffled his hair.

"Come with me to get the technology." Mr.Kim spoke up.

The two went and got all the technology they would need. They were soon ready to return to earth after bidding a goodbye to the Royal Kim's of Namjin.

"You ready to go home?"

"I'm already home because I'm beside you."

"That was very cheesy, Tae." Jungkook chuckled.

"You loves it."

"That I did, baby."

With that the three Jeontae's took off for Earth.

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