Chapter 19

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"You're dating Yoongi And You never told me?!" Jungkook shrieked.

"Aish! Geez, chill kid."

"Who you calling kid?! I could take you out with one punch!" Jungkook threatened as his eyes began to glow.

Yoongi didn't look intimidated, only raised an eyebrow. Jimin, knew better. He could feel Yoongi shift a little in fear. Thanks to his current position, being in Yoongi's lap.

"Chill, both of you! Now, Jungkook what did you want?" Jimin sighed as he tried to stand up. Only to be pulled straight back down by Yoongi. Jimin giggled, kissing his boyfriend's cheek.

"I want the letter." Jungkook demanded in a calm voice. Jimin's eyes slightly widened.

"You're sure he's the one? Your mother gave very specific..." Jimin was cut off by his little brother.

"I am positive. There is no doubt in my mind that he's the one. Now, give me the letter." Jungkook demanded once more.

Jimin sighed, before nodding. Jimin stood up completely this time. He shot Yoongi a warning glare when he tried to sneak his arms back around the younger's waist.

'Well, this must be serious. What the hell just happened?' Yoongi thought in utter confusion.

Jimin came back a moment later. Yoongi, thought it would be an actual letter, inside an envelope. The two aliens knew better. Nothing, that came from Jeontae, was anywhere close to normal.

He had come back with a medium sized metal box. It had a few sensors. It was slightly buzzing as bright lights blinked every few seconds .

"You know this won't open unless you're sure it's him. You know that right? So, I'm going to ask you one more time and don't you dare cut me off again. Are you positive that Taehyung is your soulmate?" Jimin hesitated as he kept a firm grip on the box.

"I am certain he is the one. Kim Taehyung is my soulmate. I hope to make him Jeon Taehyung as soon as possible. I love him, there is not a doubt in my mind that he's the one." Jungkook stubbornly argued as he walked back to his boyfriend, protectively wrapping an arm around his waist.

"Alright, here you go Jeon Jungkook." Jimin smiled as he used the youngers true surname.

Yoongi blinked in total confusion. He got up, going over to his boyfriend and wrapping his arms around his waist.

"I'm sorry, what the hell is going on? What is that? " Yoongi frowned a bit .

"You already know they're aliens right?"

"Of course." Yoongi slightly pouted.

"Jungkook's mother left a letter for him. The Jeontae's were very advanced. Jungkook could not open this until he found his soulmate. It will only open for Jungkook and one other specific person. If Jungkook's gets it wrong, the box will start beeping and it could explode." Jimin explained as he passed the box over to Jungkook.

Jungkook took it. Looking around for something. He soon found it with a satisfied grin. It was a small scanner with the initials 'JJ' above it. He pressed his finger against it. The scanner turned green.

He turned the box a bit. Then, he passed it to Taehyung. Taehyung, was a bit nervous. But, he trusted his boyfriend. He pressed his finger against the scanner. The scanner flickered for a moment, then started blinking green.

"I can't believe you already found your soul mate. You're fifteen!" Jimin laughed out loud.

"Jeontae's age much faster mentally. While also aging slower physically..."

"Than humans. Yes I know. You've always loved bragging about it." Jimin rolled his eyes in slight annoyance.

The top of the box suddenly flipped open, startling all four of them. The Yoonmin couple jumped in fright. Jungkook's eyes turned red, Taehyung's turned golden as they got into a fighting stance. All four, calming down a moment later.

Jungkook reached carefully into the box. Pulling out a pretty blue envelope. He gently opened it up. Grabbing the piece of paper inside. He folded it open. Beginning to read aloud what his mother wrote him in her final days.

Dear my darling son,

I know, you're probably mad at me. I don't blame you. I am very sorry I had to leave you to another family. I'm sure you have so many questions. Well, this isn't the only letter. That, you'll have to figure out for yourself. Though, if you have this letter. Then, the answer should be pretty obvious. I shall answer some of your questions. Like, how you ended up in Seoul with your soulmate? Well, of course it was planned. As you know, we had very advanced technology. We've known you are his soulmate since the day you were born. His family knew it as well. We didn't want to ever separate you two. I hope you love him with all of your heart. I want you to know this. In life or death, I will never stop loving you. I'm sorry, for all that you've been through. If I could've of stopped it, I would've. I'm sorry, I didn't tell you we were royals. I'll always love you my handsome baby boy. Your father and I love you so very much.

Love mom.

"Another letter? Taehyung, Namjoon has another letter. From your birth parents."

Taehyung slightly gasped. Tears brimmed his eyes at the thought of some sort of connection to his real family.

"I have to go back home." Taehyung whispered.

"Yes, you do. I'm going with you."

"Thank you." Taehyung smiled.

"Anything for you." Jungkook grinned as he kissed Taehyung's cheek. Taehyung slightly blushed as Jungkook interlaced their fingers.

"Off to the Kim's." Jimin chuckled behind them as they took off.

It didn't take very long to get there. They flew straight to the door. Knocking once they landed. Namjoon answered a moment later. His hair was a slight mess, his lips swollen. He looked rather annoyed.

"Ok, seriously?! First Jungkook's brother, now mine?! Alright, who's your boyfriend?" Namjoon looked slightly shocked.

"Why do you automatically assume it's a boy?"

Taehyung gave Namjoon a 'are you seriously asking me that?' look. Namjoon slightly sighed in defeat.

"Fine, come meet my boyfriend while you tell me what you want."

"This is my house too! Why do our brothers assume we want something?" Taehyung expressed his slight aggravation.

"One, because we know you guys. Two, because you guys had been gone for so long. We assumed you were doing something important and that it's not even close to over."

"Dang, ok. Point to you." Jungkook held up his hands as he purses his lips.

"So, What did you want?" Namjoon asked as he lead them to the living room.

"Hey guys!" Jin greeted once they entered.

"A-a letter. You know what? This relationship, I'm not even surprised." Taehyung sighed.

"Oh, that." Namjoon furrowed his eyebrows.

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