Chapter 17

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"Good think you remembered to stop by the Hati planet." Taehyung laughed as they arrived back on Earth.

"I know! That would've been bad. Now the ones on the planet can't escape either." Jungkook agreed as he joined in on the laughter.

"Should we check the tracker to find out how many Hati we need to be tracking down?" Taehyung suggested as he grabbed the laptop looking thing.

Except, this wasn't any ordinary laptop. It was far more advanced than anything on Earth. It had special tracking on it. Specifically for the Hati's.

"So, explain again what exactly this does." Taehyung asked as he regarded the laptop with a confused expression. Which Jungkook found utterly adorable.

"This laptop will scan the planet for any signs of Hati's and report the number back to us. For each Hati we capture, the number will go down. The number will always be displayed on the screen." Jungkook explained as he started to type something that Taehyung couldn't decipher if he wanted to.

"What language are you typing in?"

"The language of Jeontae." Jungkook chuckled like it was obvious. Which in hindsight, it kind of was.

"No wonder I can't understand it."

"So, you can speak the language and understand it when it's being spoken. But, you can't read nor write it?" Jungkook regarded his boyfriend with a rather confused expression.

"What are you talking about? I can't understand it nor speak it."

"Taehyung, you do realize that the Kim's on the planet Namjin were speaking in the language of Jeontae, right? When you were talking to them, you were speaking in Jeontae. You realize that, right?"

"I do now." Taehyung was very surprised. He hasn't even realized that he had been doing that. Though, he still could not understand what the younger was typing.

"So, what exactly are you typing right now?" Taehyung finally voiced his confusion .

"I thought we could have a nice laugh while we complete this rather difficult task. I know it's going to be very hard trying to track down a species who's only sign is the pitch black eyes. So, once the laptop tracks down all the Hati. It will automatically give them a glowing dog collar that only we can see. All of them will glow in a light green color, having a black tag hanging from it." Jungkook explained as he continued typing.

"Very smart." Taehyung complemented as he pecked Jungkook on the cheek.

Jungkook smirked a bit. Finishing up the last few adjustments. Sitting back smugly as he watched the laptop count how many Hati there were. Once it finally stopped, his jaw dropped.

"Taehyung, there's..." Jungkook couldn't even finish his sentence. Curious, Taehyung peaked over his should to peer at the laptop. His jaw dropping as well as he looked at he number.

"You've got to be kidding me! There's 121?!" Taehyung screeched. While Jungkook, winced at the volume.

"I think you just damaged my hearing. Anyway, don't you think the number is kind of ironic?" Jungkook chuckled as he shook his head in amusement.

"What do you mean?"

"The number 121. It's your birth month, twelve. Then it's my birth day, one."

"Oh, that is rather strange. That's also a rather large number ! How are we going to catch them all?! " Taehyung slightly whined.

"We both have super strength babe. I also put a heat sensor on their collars. So , not only can we carry multiple Hati's at a time. We can also track them a little easier." Jungkook assured the stressed out elder .

"Don't worry. It's Sunday, why don't we go catch some right now?" Jungkook suggested.

"We're not going to split up and search, are we?"

"No, of course not. We hunt them together." Jungkook assured. Taehyung smiled as a response.

"Then, let's go!" Jungkook cheered.

Taehyung nodded in agreement.

"Wait, How will we find them?" Taehyung pouted.

"With these." Jungkook responded as he took out two bracelets from a mysterious bag.

"Jungkook, where did you get that bag?" Taehyung asked as he pointed to the weirdly looking, weirdly colored, bag.

"That? I have two of those. Both have a bunch of space. One is from our planet and the other is from the Namjin planet. The royals gave it to me when we were there. They both contain highly advanced technology. The bags can only be touched by a Jeontae or Namjin." Jungkook explained.

Taehyung, just kind of blinked. It took a moment to process all that. Well, the fact that he has highly advanced technology in a sketchy looking bag.

"Alright, what about the bracelets? What will they do?" Taehyung questioned as he pointed to his wrist. Where a light blue bracelet was placed. The bracelet slightly glowed, having a black spot on it.

"Press the black button to find out." Jungkook said as he dramatically waved his hand over his own light red bracelet.

Taehyung did just that. As soon as he did, a hologram appeared. It was rather small, but he could still make out what was displayed on it. Two little hearts were beeping, one red, one gold. Not to far away, a green circle was beeping.

"Good, now press the red button on the side of your bracelet."

Taehyung turned his wrist. Finding the button, pushing it like he was asked to do. Once he did, a pair of glasses materialized in front of his eyes. As he looked around, he realized they were heat seeking glasses.

"Don't you think these are a little suspicious." Taehyung pointed out as he pressed the red button once more. Then, the glasses disappeared.

"Of course not."

Taehyung tilted his head slightly like a confused puppy. Jungkook cooed at the adorable sight before ruffling the elders hair. Taehyung whined as he gave a glare, trying to fix his hair.

"No one will be able to see the hologram, nor the glasses besides us. Not even the Hati's. They can't even see the collars around their own throats." Jungkook chuckled.

"Such a smart boyfriend I have." Taehyung giggled as he pecked Jungkook on the lips.

"That, you do. Now, are you ready to go get them and say 'bye bye Hati' ?"

Taehyung nodded with an excited smile.

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