Twenty six

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( graysons P.O.V, Tuesday)
Alaya went home Sunday night after our parents got home. Ethan's been here which is weird cause he's always around her. It's nice tho I like having him around more i laugh a lot more, he's always doing crazy shit and I love it.
" YO E COME DOWN HERE" I yelled from the living room. I needed to ask if he's talked to alaya about her not feeling safe around my parents cam and I. I heard his door open and his foot steps coming down the stairs
" what's up" he said walking to the couch
" you've talked to alaya" I asked. his head lowered as he sighed
" no, I was gonna go check on her in a minute. Wanna come?" He asked and I nodded.
" let's go" he said scared. It was weird for them not to be talking at all but I'm sure she's just taking space away from us since she's always around E and has been around me a lot more, Ethan got up grabbing his keys off the counter I followed behind him as we made our way out of the front door looking it behind us.
( Ethan's P.O.V)
I was so worried about her I've been texting her none stop but she doesn't answer. Did she break up with me? No she couldn't right?
The drive to her place was quite. I couldn't get her off my mind I was more worried then I've ever been. Grayson tried talking but I couldn't focus on his words. We finally pulled up to the apartment complex I didn't bother parking in the parking garage, I parked in an open parking spot at the front of the complex. I turned my car off getting out I didn't bother waiting for Grayson or locking the car I walked through the complex door heading towards the elevator, Grayson eventually caught up putting his hand on my shoulder
" she's fine" he said trying to catch his breath
" yea" I said as the elevator opened we both stepped inside and i pressed the 10th floor
We were In her hallway. It was quite and cold.. I felt my heart drop when I didn't hear the music, her music. We walked to the end of the hallway and her door was cracked open, my heart came out of ass I slowly pushed the door open, her place was a mess there was glass everywhere her windows were broken along with chairs,
" no no no NO" I said walking into her apartment
" LAYA BABY ITS ME" I screamed running around her apartment. I ran upstairs and slipped. I felt dizzy from hitting my head. my focus was going In and out
" E" I heard Grayson yell running upstairs.
" eth-an" he said, I was laying In a liquid that felt like water, I lifted up my hand to see a red liquid running down it, I look down to see I'm covered in it.
" CALL THE POLICE NOW THIS ISNT MY FUCKING BLOOD CALL MOM AND DAD CALL FUCKING EVERYONE THEY TOOK MY BABY" I screamed getting up from the ground. I didn't know what to do I just stood there staring at the Puddle of blood infront of me. All these thoughts were running through my head.
" we need to go" Grayson said trying to grab my shoulder
" NO SHIT SHES NOT HERE, I WAS SUPPOSED TO FUCKING PROTECT HER AND NOW SHES GONE" I said crashing my knees on the ground bawling my eyes out. Grayson sat down next to me. i turned to pull him to me, he wrapped his arms around me as I bawled into his shoulder
" HANDS UP STEP AWAY FROM THE BLOOD" I heard the cops say, Grayson let go of me.I just stayed there not being able to move
" Ethan get up" Grayson said I slowly stood up and the cops aimed their guns at me when they saw all of Alayas blood on me.
" THEY TOOK HER PUT YOUR FUCKING GUNS DOWN I DIDNT DO SHIT" I spat at the cops then my parents ran into her apartment. As soon as I saw them I ran downstairs
"Mom" My voice cracked as I crashed into my mom arms. She held me so tight kissing my head. I couldn't control the tears coming out of my eyes I was a bawling mess. Medics came In taking me to the kitchen to check me out to see if I was hurt, there was blood on the back of my head.
" ow" I said moving my head away slightly. The medic moved my hair out of the way to get a better look at the wound.
" you have a gash on your scalp we're gonna need to get you to the hospital" she said as I just stood there. Grayson and my parents were talking to the cops my mom looked back at me, she started walking towards me to talk to the medic but everything became a blur. Then everything went black
Oh shit some more action, poor E 😞

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