Thirty three

55 4 0

( Ethan's P.O.V)
( a month later)
Alaya is still in the hospital which sucks I can only imagine how she feels, she's doing a lot better all her wounds healed nicely. Except for the one on her stomach that one is still healing, the doctors also took her left arm cast off so she has one free arm, she's been going through a lot of physical therapy which is really painful for her but she's pushing through it, okay enough of the sad shit Ethan. Today's mine and Alayas 4 month anniversary. Last night I went home even tho I didn't want to but alaya insisted I got a good nights rest which I did. But today I'm going out with my parents to get her a bunch of shit and I'm soooo excited. I also plan on getting her a new phone since hers got broken when.... when she went away. I hate thinking or talking about it sorry.. but yea it was 12:30 and I was just finishing up getting ready, Grayson was gonna tag along too which was good on my part cause he's had plenty of girlfriends and Alayas the first girl I've dated in 3 years haha sad I know.
" YO E HURRY UP WERE WAITING" Grayson yelled from downstairs. I rolled my eyes walking over to my door opening it.
" I'm coming" I said walking down the stairs my parents smiled at me as Grayson looked at me in awe
" you look nice Ethan" my mom said grabbing her keys off the counter
I was wearing a black suit with a white button up dress shirt underneath along with a black tie and black dress shoes
" I wish you'd dress up for me" Grayson said crossing his arms
" thanks mom, Grayson shut up before I kick you in the nu-"
" boys" my mom said cutting me off, I heard my dad laughing in the back and it made my mom frustrated. me and Grayson turned our heads towards our dad and laughed with him.
" I'm living with a bunch of monkeys" my mom said
" hot monkeys" my dad said walking up next to her to kiss her cheek.
" alright let's go" I said walking to the front door unlocking it, I stepped out and the cool summer breeze hit my face making my hair blow upwards. I walked to the car and waited for my mom to unlock it. After a few short seconds we all got into the car and drove to the mall
( Alayas P.O.V)
" ms.rose are you ready for your daily therapy" the sweet nurse said entering my room. I gave her a gentle smile as I nodded my head even tho I wasn't ready for the pain at all, the nurse walked over to my bed side and removed my covers, she grabbed my arm sling helping me put it on. Once it was on she held onto my free arm as I gently moved my legs to my left so they were hanging off the side of my bed. I hitched my breath as the pain started to fill my whole body
" I know sweetie take your time" the nurse said as laid my head low as I tried to think about anything to distract me from the pain.
" tell me what your plans are today, is your boyfriend coming today" she said rubbing my back comforting me, I looked up at her smiling at her words
" well today we've been together for 4 months and I think his family is coming today but I'm not sure, and I'm also gonna try to shower since I haven't in a couple weeks and I feel gross, plus there's still dried blood on me and I just want it to be gone, I wanna wash the scary memories away" I said as she looked down at me giving me a comforting smile
" look" she said. I looked ahead of me to see that I walked all the way to the entrance of my room,
" I'm so proud of you" she said still holding onto my arm giving me a slight hug, she was honestly my favorite nurse all the others were assholes and rushed me
" now let's try walking to the front desk" I smiled up at her nodding as I started taking small steps, i hitched my breath as a sharp pain went up my body from my stomach but I pushed through it.
We eventually made it to the front desk and the nurse told me all about her life at home which made me feel so much better, we were slowly walking back to my room. I had to stop because the pain became really sharp and my body started throbbing, I turned my body towards the nurse resting my head on her. she patted my back as I started crying
" hey hey don't cry sweet girl, look how far you made it, you've been making great progress don't give up now" she said as I moved away from her gently wiping the tears away
"LOOK AT MY BABY GO" I heard a voice yell and I turned my head to see Ethan and his family standing at the hospital entrance his parents were holding a big bouquet of flowers and Grayson was holding 4 pink boxes then Ethan had 2 white boxes in his hand he looked so good, I started smiling at the sight then I looked around and saw all eyes were on us
" walk to him" the nurse whispered in my ear. I smiled at them as I started slowly walking towards them while the nurse held onto me, Ethan was taking small steps as well. I couldn't take my eyes off him. He was my motivation, I noticed his mom was crying and smiling at the same time. His dad was smiling as well as Grayson it felt great. Me and Ethan eventually got to each other And the nurse let go of my arm, he wrapped his arms gently around me
" you did it" he said kissing the top of my head I heard clapping fill the main floor of the hospital, I started laughing lightly,I felt 3 hands run up and down my back I backed up from Ethan and opened my arms up as wide as a can
" gentle group hug" I said as they all wrapped their arms around me
" we're so proud of you alaya" they all said. I smiled to myself It felt so amazing to be praised for my accomplishments, they all let go of me as I turned to face the nurse
" can I please get a wheel chair" I said laughing and she chuckled.
" yes you can" she said smiling, she walked off as I turned back towards Ethan
" happy 4 months princess" he said opening his arms to show off all the stuff he got me
"Happy 4 months baby, but I haven't got you anything and I'm sorry" I said looking down
" psh don't be sorry I didn't want you getting me anything, seeing you and how far you walked is enough of a present for me babe" he said picking my face up I smiled as he kissed me softly, I pulled back after a few seconds and rested my head on his chest
" sorry it took so long I had to fight someone for it" the nurse said laughing and I slowly turned towards her laughing
" it's okay you didn't miss anything" I said gently sitting down in the wheelchair. She started pushing me back to my room and Ethan rested his hand on my shoulder

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