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f© Amber Kalkes 2014



Blistering cold. 

A swift wind carries its way into the car making me shutter and pain shoot up my body. The windows in the old ford are broken and the glass has made its mark on my skin. My body is hanging upside down and all around me is the scent of my own blood. The ever dropping chill in the air makes it clear it was just about to snow. Of course, following these observations I notice a rancid smell coming from beside me. And after risking a peek out the driver side window I find the tragic deer's intestines coloring the old robin egg blue paint of my truck.

The smell has proven itself to be too much and a gag rips through my ravaged throat. I have to get away from it if I don't want to make the situation even worse. But my escape Is made difficult by the seat belt, which was anchoring me to my car and this horrific smell.

Ignoring the horrible pain in my fingers I dig into the front of my front jeans pocket and pull out my pocketknife. Biting my already bloody lip I saw at the tourniquet around my chest. After a few minutes of sawing it gives in and I go crashing to the roof of my utterly wrecked vehicle.

The groan of pain I let out is loud and totally deserved. 

I let my body register the shock of the pain before I beginning to crawl across the roof. I have to crawl out the passenger side window since my side is crushed and I’m simply too big to fit through it. My bloody broken fingers clamored to hold on to the window frame as my body squeezes through the wreckage.

“This is just great. I can imagine it now, ‘Jane Christina Green, dies after jousting wild life with her truck and losing.’”I say aloud as I wiggle through the window, “I wonder if you can find a lawyer to prosecute on vehicular homicide of a doe.”

After I crawl out of the truck I lay in the frost-tinted grass away from the death trap and its disgusting addition and giggle at my own joke. But a feeling of utterly hopeless begins to seep in, as I lay in the middle of nowhere bleeding and half coherent in the freezing cold. Sadly, my cell phone is back in the wreckage and most likely broken since I recall it whizzing past my head during the crash. Not to mention, my jacket is a thinly lined jean jacket with a red hoodie underneath it, which was made more for fashion instead of practicality.

My blood is beginning to taint the frozen air the longer I wait for an invisible savior to come along and so something, anything really. Though mostly I’m occupied with fighting my eyelids for dominance. This, I conclude, is what I get for trying to escape a weird hook-up in the wee hours ofthe morning. Also known as the ass crack of dawn.

Yes, bad karma was indeed to blame for this disaster.

My traitorous eyelids fall closed but my ears stay open and the messengers of trouble. Heavy breathing, hesitant but noisy footsteps and an odd feeling in the pit of my stomach make my body tense in anticipation. My eyes, curious to see who has decided to join this freak show, open enough to meet a pair of glowing golden yellow eyes staring back.

The yellow is framed in white fur stained in a rusty red. From a different kill of the night, my mind notes matter-of-factly. Its eyes are scanning my condition and I could swear that a hungry sort of glimmer enters its gaze. A shudder runs down my spine as I realize I am now on the big bad wolf’s menu.

Wait? It is a wolf? It’s large and though it’s on all fours I can see an almost human structure to its body. The fur, the facial structure, the claws and even the damn tail tell me it’s not human though. It’s all reading like a weird human wolf hybrid. Jesus, what fresh hell is this insanity?

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