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© Amber Kalkes 2014



The morning after Tyler calls me I wake up covered in sweat. It was another dream, this one filled with blood, screams, fear and anger. I can’t make sense of the images much but it’s the feelings that are vivid enough to make my stomach curl. Stumbling from my makeshift bed in the living room I cling to any passing object as I make my way through the kitchen and threw the back hall of the trailer that is Sid and Gavin’s home. I pass Gavin’s room to my left and then catch sight of the bathroom in front of that before leading to Sid’s back bedroom.

My bite on my shoulder is burning like it's literally on fire.

Gavin’s bedroom door opens and I catch a glimpse of him frowning at me before his light green eyes widen in shock. “Fuck, Jane, what’s wrong?”

I push him away from me and tumble into the bathroom bending over and promptly throwing up in the bathroom. Gavin’s hands on my back accompanied by his scent, a rich barley and mint smell hits my nostrils making me vomit again. It’s too strong and it’s only making my stomach lurch even more. It’s the wrong scent; it’s not the one I’m longing to smell.

I want Tyler.

“What’s going on?” Sid’s voice along with his own pumpkin spice smell mixes in the room and I vomit again.

Gavin keeps rubbing my back, “I don’t know she just keeps vomiting.”

“Do you think she’s…”


“You sure?” Sid asks.

“Jane? Your not…pregnant are you?” Gavin asks tightly.

I vomit again but once I’m done I shake my head. Gavin sighs in relief and continues to rub my back. I vomit once more before I flush the toilet because the smell is just adding fuel to the projectile vomiting situation before leaning back against the side of the tub. Gavin sits beside me and I look up to see Sid coming back into the bathroom with a glass of water, which he hands to me with a small concerned smile.

“You okay?” he asks.

I take a drink of water and let out a groan but nod.

“What happened?” Gavin asks pushing back some of my hair from my sweaty forehead. I lean my head against his shoulder and he wraps an arm around my shoulders. His smell isn’t as bad anymore but it’s still not the calming one my mind keeps demanding.

“I had a nightmare. It wasn’t pretty and I guess the images made me sick.” I say with a croaky voice that sounds like I’ve just swallowed gravel. “Besides you guys smell really strong.”

“Really?” Sid asks with a quirked brow, “What do I smell like?”

“Pumpkin spice.”

He makes a face, “I hate pumpkins.”

“Well do bad for you, ginger.”

He scowls, “I like you better when you’re throwing up.”



“Enough!” Gavin snaps before kissing the top of my head. “Jane, did you tell that doctor about the smells and the throwing up.”

“I told him about the smells. I thought the throwing up was a fluke.”

He frowns, “And you’re sure your not pregnant?”

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