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© Amber Kalkes 2014



“Hell no.”

I groan and fling myself in the recliner in Gavin’s living room as he says these two words. I feel like a two year old but who cares? He’s treating me like a child so why not act like one, right?

“Gav, It’s just for a few days. You interviewed Tyler and everything. Besides, I’m telling you out of courteousy not because I have to.” I grumble at him.

He shakes his head crossing his arms over his chest, “Nope. I cannot in good conscious allow you to go on a road trip to god knows where with your boyfriend. You’re still sick and what if he finds out about your…condition.”

“Well…” I trail

His light green eyes widen in shock, “You told him?”

“Well you see—“

“Are you crazy, Jane? He could tell other people! You could be hunted down or killed! Do you even think?”

“Gavin, it’s not—“

He cuts me off, again. “I get it, a relationship is built on trust but how could be so stupid? Trusting a guy you barely know with something as big as that?”

“Just listen to me!” I yell.

He doesn’t though, “Jane I can’t believe—“

“Is there a reason why you’re yelling at my girlfriend?” a deep, barely restrained voice asks making my head snap in its direction. It’s Tyler, of course it is. He always shows up just in time to save me, even if it’s from my idiotic brother. Tyler sends me a playful wink before turning his scowl at Gavin, who if I’m not mistaken, swallows thickly.

Ha! Serves him right!

“Well?” Tyler asks in a tight voice.

Gavin straightens up so he can look more intimidating. He’s two inches shorter then Tyler so it really works in his favor…or not. “I’m having a private discussion with my sister that doesn’t concern you, Blackwater.”

I roll my eyes, “I told him that I told you about me turning into a fur ball.”

“Which I’m yet to see.” He points out with a pout.

“Well everything is going really fast!” I defend while playfully scowling. “It’s not like I’ve had the time.”

“Whoa! Wait a minute!” Gavin says waving his arms around like a crazy person, before turning to Tyler, “Your okay with this?”



“Because I’m like her.”

“I get that you like her but doesn’t it—“

“No, Gavin.” I sigh dejectedly, “He is like me. As in he is similar to me. Did you not take English class?”

“I did but mostly skipped to hook up with Danielle Hansen. Do you remember her, man she—wait! Did you just say he was like you?” he asks finally catching on before turning to Tyler with wide eyes, “Can you turn into a wolf, too?”

Tyler shuffles his feet nervously making me melt a little, he looks like a little boy. Smiling I go over to him and take his hand in mine. He smiles softly down at me before bringing my hand to his mouth.

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