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© Amber Kalkes 2014




My stomach growls in complaint as I walk through the frost-tinted grass. That’s when I smell it, that sugary and crisp smell enters my nose. My mouth waters as I inhale the scent again. Fuck, I’m so hungry. That stupid dog a few hours ago didn’t fill me up at all but then again it was just an overgrown rat.

Licking my lips my feet crunch against the frost as I approach the source of the smell. It’s a girl; she’s covered in blood and looks to be in large amounts of pain. Perfect, I think with a smirk, she’ll be easy prey then. Her wide eyes meet mine making the fear in them and her scent clear as day to me.

My teeth chomp down on her shoulder and her arm as my claws dig into the soft flesh of her body. She tastes good but she won’t stop making noises that hurt my ears. I need her to be quiet. I’m about to bit into her neck a second time hoping this will shut off all her damn noises when a howl sounds in the distance.

My body freezes as apprehension takes over.

It looks like this won’t be such an easy meal after all.


The cold spray of the showerhead isn’t helping like I thought it would. Sure my body isn’t covered in sweat but it’s still hot to touch making steam rise in the room. It’s been two hours since this began and I can’t get it to stop. I tried Advil, drinking water, walking in the snow to distract myself, and even pinching myself so hard I have bruises all down my thighs.

Still that voice and these images won’t go away.

Let go, the voice tells me.


I can’t let go.

I won’t let go.

I hit my head against the tile of the shower wall in repetition trying to get the voice to stop talking. I think I may be losing my mind. Something isn’t right. Something is wrong with me and I don’t know what it is. The pain of my forehead hitting the wall seems to only relieve the rubber band like snaps of pain in my brain stop for only a second but it’s a second I savor.

My skin still feels weird and itchy. My arms are red and raw from me itching as well of my legs. Still the tingling itch won’t go away. I angle my legs under the spray hoping maybe the ice cold water will cool me down but it only makes more steam rise up.

I wish Gavin were here.

I wish Sid were here.

I wish even my mom was here.

But mostly I want Tyler.

The voice in my head begins to whine at the sound of his name in my mind. I can sense longing and a physical ache in my chest yet it feels foreign too. Like the feeling and thought isn’t entirely mine.

Now what the fuck does that mean?

A loud vibration from outside the shower makes my head pound again. It’s so much louder then it should be. I cover my ears with my palms and feel tears fall down from my eyes only to blend in with the water dripping down my body. I’m scared. I am truly and completely scared about what is happening to me.

Then another array of images came into my mind


“Stop!” a woman yells at me.

She has beautiful tanned skin, sharp black eyes and long black wavy hair. She is dressed in jeans and a brown halter top while she walks away from me I can see a tattoo on her shoulder. It looks like a wolf paw but I can’t be sure because she slams the door to soon. Slamming the door back open I follow her in.

“I’m leaving and there is nothing you can do to stop me.”

“Ra-Ra, just listen to me.” I plead but she just shakes her head at me grabbing a duffel bag from under her bed.

“Just stop.” She orders as she fills the bag with random things.

I shake my head and grab her arm, “No! You need to listen to me!”

“You’re the younger one here, little brother, you don’t tell me what to do!”

I grit my teeth in annoyance, “He’ll hurt you! He’s a rogue!”

“He’s my mate.” She says quietly “And I love him.”

“His kind killed our family!”

“His kind, little brother.” The woman says sadly, “Not him.”


A sharp pain travels up my spine as bile rises from my stomach as my mind snaps back. I hunch over until I’m on all fours as I vomit again. The pain is too much for me to comprehend as my body shakes and shivers naked in the belly of the tub. I open my eyes to see blood going down the drain.


Another sharp pain comes from my leg. I look down to see the skin has split open causing me to sob out loud as more blood flows down the drain. The bite mark on my shoulder burns so hot that when I touch it I hear the pads of my fingers sizzle making me remove them.

Outside, the voice tells me again.

Are you fucking kidding me? I can barely even move!

You are not weak. Move! The voice barked.

Lifting myself to my knees I then shakily rose to my feet. I don’t know why I was listening to the voice but here I was doing exactly that. With equally shaky hand I pull on some underwear and a t-shirt before walking through the house grabbing any wall or steady surface I can. I have to keep stopping and let out breathy cries of pain as more sharp pain splits across random parts of my skin.

Warm rivers of blood slides down my skin and I know I’m probably leaving a trail as I go. As I make it to the living room I yank open the front door and stumble down the deck stairs until my feet touch a light layer of snow. I look up and realize that it’s snowing now. Light flurries fall from the blackened sky and sizzle as they hit my over heated skin.

The slam of a car door and quick footfalls make me turn my head lazily to see Gavin looking at me with wide eyes. He’s not alone. Gavin’s barley and mint smell is intertwined with another scent. I inhale deeply and relax as the scent of Pumpkin spice hits my lungs telling me its just Sid.

“Jane! What’s happening?” Gavin yells running toward me.

I hold up a hand and he stops looking at me with fear in his expression.

Warm blood trickles down my lips from my nose and I let out a stuttered breath as my heart beats rapidly in my chest. My ears pick up the sound of my skin ripping for one last time as the presence in my head becomes giddy with excitement. Pain, sharp and blinding, splits up my back again and I slump to the snowy ground with the sound of Gavin screaming my name.



It's short and a bit of a cliff hanger...I'd ask you to forgive me but we both know i'm already forgiven. I mean i did kind of update twice for you today...so that should give me some wiggle room in your affections....right?


:} Well one can only hope.


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