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© Amber Kalkes 2014



Tyler parks the truck in a parking spot after he’s finally calmed down from the ‘Operation: Smurf Gavin’ story. I’m about to open my door when an animalistic growl sounds through the cab of the truck halting my movement. I peek at Tyler wide-eyed to see him giving my hand the death glare.

“Um, why are you shooting evils at my hand?” I ask.

He glances at me and grumbles; “I want to get your door for you.”

I melt a little at the adorableness that his pouting face, “Then what are you waiting for, Prince Charming? I’m getting bored just sitting here.”

He grins and jumps out of the truck so fast I swear it’s almost a blur of movement. Suddenly my door was yanked open and a hand was in my face. I didn’t miss how his hand was shaking a little as I took it in my own. The pins and needles feeling happens immediately making me sigh mentally. I really hoped that never went away. I’ve never felt it with anyone else and it was better then any result of any crush I’d had before.

Something about Tyler just draws me to him.

Well I mean besides the obvious looks, personality and other obvious perks.

“Did I tell you that you look beautiful yet?” he breathes as I straighten my dress.

I roll my eyes but smile, “Yes, I think it was mentioned. Did I tell you how handsome you look?”

God does he ever he look good by the way. Dark washed jeans and a navy blue button up with a brown leather jacket over top and black boots on his feet. When he smiles shyly and runs a hand through his dark loose locks I also see a necklace free itself from under his shirt. It’s a tooth, wolf maybe, on a suede black string. I want to touch it but instead I just look up to see the unthinkable.

Tyler is blushing!

And here I thought he couldn’t get any cuter.

“Come on, Handsome.” I tease making his cheeks heat up a little brighter, “Lets go watch some crappy movie and get fat off popcorn.”

“Shit, are you going to make me watch some girly movie?” he whines taking my hand in his without a second thought. Tingles shoot up my arm and I bit my lip to stop the goofy grin fighting to break out on my face.

I shake my head, “Nah, I like you too much to make you suffer and I like me too much to have to suffer with you. “

He laughs from his gut, a deeply attractive sound, “Wow, Jane, you really know how to win your way into a guys heart with all these compliments.”

“What can I say? I’m the best.” I wink.

Luckily there isn’t a line but not as luckily Sandy or whatever her name was, the one Sid brought home, works at the movie theater. Well slap my ass and call me a potato because this night could not get anymore awkward. But I am quickly proven wrong when the first words out of her over glossed mouth is, “Oh, I see you have yourself another man, Jane. What couldn’t get Matt to go for seconds?”

Tyler’s body is so tense next to mine I swear he’d make a great guitar string.

“Hey, Mandy, Didn’t know you worked here.” I say sweetly.

She glares at me with her glittery blue eyes, “It’s Sandy.”

“Is it?” I ask feigning ignorance, “See I can barely remember. See it’s hard to remember when Sid couldn’t remember your name and you were fucking him.”

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