Chapter 6

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~ Rose's Point of View ~

I wake up in Ellie's arm. I smile at the memories from yesterday. I turn my head to see Ellie, still fast asleep. I get out of bed trying not to wake her up and walk to the bathroom. I undress myself and get into the shower. I wash my hair and my body. I stand there like an half an hour thinking about last night. I smile again and turn off the shower. I grab a towel and dry myself off.

I walk back into the room and see Ellie awake. I smile.

"Goodmorning, beautiful " She smiled back.

"Morning." I smile again and walk to the draws and look for something to wear. I hear her getting out of bed. She smacks my butt and walkes out of the room. I shook my head.

I found somethings to wear and walk to the kitchen and sit at the table. I should make her breakfast, but she is vegan. I didn't know anything that was vegan. I took my phone out of my pocket and search for something vegan. I found a recipe for vegan pancakes. I walk back and forth and search for the times that need to be in there. As soon as I found anything, I started to bake the pancakes.

When they where finished, Ellie came walking into the kitchen and smiled. I put the pancakes on our plates and put them on the table.

"I made you vegan pancakes!" She smiled and started eating.

"Oh Rose, they are wonderful!" She said smiling and kissed my cheek.

"Glad you like them, babe." I smiled back

"What do you want to do today?" She asked sipping her coffee.

"Erm I dunno. Maybe shopping? I know you like that." I said smiling while Ellie starting bouncing up and down like a child.

"Really?!" She screamed like a five year old. I laughed and nodded. She kissed me and ran upstairs to get her stuff. I put on my shoes and grab my own purse. Ellie came running down with a huge smile on her face and ran straight to her car. I smiled and locked the door and got in the car and we drove to the mall.

Ellie wanted to go to almost every shop there was. God that girl loves shopping. And than something happened I never thought that will happen.

"Rose!" I heard something screaming behind me. Could that be? No way. She moved. Ellie stopped and looked at me confused. I sighed and turned around. She was standing there. Hilda. Dark Hilda as I called her. I don't know why, but there was something dark about her. I gave her a small smile and Ellie came standing next to me.

"Hello Hilda." Ellie grabbed my hand and glared at her.

"Long time no see." She smiled widely and pulled me into a hug. I stiffened at her touch and I could feel Ellie squeezing my hand harder. Thankgod I didn't see her.

"And who are you?" She asked Ellie a bit harsh. I could see Ellie getting a bit angry.

"Well, I'm her girlfriend." Ell anwsered quit proud. Hilda's face fell.

"Oh well. Ehm yeah. She I quit pretty." She mumbeld. "Hey, ehm I need to go but I will see you again right?"

"Yeah, whatever." I turned around and walked away. Ellie following me.

"Who was she?" Ell asked curious. I sighed.

"My ex - girlfriend."

"Oh." she mumbled, knowing that she shouldn't ask more.

"Can we just go now?" I asked turning my head towards her.

"Ofcourse babe. We could go back anytime." She anwsered smiling. I smiled back and we walked back to the car.

I knew this wouldn't be the last time that we saw her. She will to everything to break me and Ellie. She wants me to feel the same pain she did when I dumped her. I couldn't help it. I just had to. I sighed and we drove back to Ellie's house.

Ellie got the bags out of the trunk and I unlocked the door for her. She dropped the bags in the hallway and pushed me against the wall.

"I'm not going to let her hurt you, love. I can see at your face what happened. And I promise, as long as you with me, it won't happen again." She said and started kissing me.

That really made me feel better. But she was still out there, waiting for her chance to attack.

~ yeah okay so I thought make it exiting ;)

special for hilda. she wanted to be a part of my story so here you go. she is a very good friend of mine and I truly love her :)

yeah vote comment whatever if you have any ideas for what should happen next

love you guys

serena x

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