~ Ellie's Point of View ~
After a long day at the mall and the meeting with Rose's ex girlfriend, I need some relax time. I decide to go in bath. Rose is fast asleep on the couch. She looks really cute. I smile and walk upstairs and walk in the bathroom. I turn on the water to fill the bath. I undress myself and step into the bath. I let the warm water on my naked body and close my eyes.
About two hours later I hear Rose coming into the bathroom.
"Are you still alive? I called your name like a hundred times." she giggles. I slowly open my eyes and she her standing in the door with a fake angry face. She laughs again and walks out. I stare at het butt when she walks out. I sigh and step out of the bath and let the water flow away. I grab a towel and dry myself.
I walk back into our room and see her laying in bed watching tv. I smile and climb on top of her and start to kiss her neck. She lets out a moan in suprise. I move my head and kiss her lips. They taste so sweet. Like candy. I love candy. My hands travel down her plat stomach. She stops kissing me.
"Ellie." She whispers. " I can't." Her face is turning red. I look up and lock my eyes in hers.
"I - uh. I'm on my- you know. Period." She blushes and turns her face away.
"That doesn't matter, love." I smile sweetly and go back where I left. She pushes me away.
"I don't want it, Ell." She says a bit angry. I look at her face again and give her my best puppy eyes. She shakes her head.
"Why is that such a problem? It really doesn't matter to me." Trying my best to convince her. She shakes her head again.
"I just don't want it! it's just gross. So please accept it." She looks angry. I have to control myself. You have to Elena. I look at her quit angry.
"Fine." I grumble. She mumbles something and gets of the bed. I grab her wrist.
"Where are you going?" She shakes my hand of her wrist and give me a glare, turns around and walks away. I hit my pillow. You screwed up again Elena. I heard the door slam. I turn my head in her pillow.
I have to do something.
~ Rose's Point of View ~
Ellie can be so annoying sometimes. I frustrates me. I walk downstairs and slam the door behind me. I start to walk in the direction of my own appartment.
It takes about twenty minutes to my appartment. I open the door and walk in. I drop myself on the couch. I turn on the tv and watch some random show. I decide to text Ellie.
I'm sorry I flipped on you. I didn't mean to. I'm sorry I walked away but I needed some time alone. I went to my appartment. I'll be back tomorrow. I promise. I love you xx - Rose
A second later I get a reply.
It's okay, love. I understand. I shouldn't have forced you to. I'll see you tomorrow then and when everything is over, I make it up to you;). I love you to xx - Ellie
I watch some more tv. I walk to my bedroom and fall on my bed. It's so soft. I missed it. I doesn't take long before I drift off in a deep sleep.
*Next day.*
Sun shining in my eyes. I love waking up like this. I yawn and stretch my body. I get my robe and walk to the kitchen. I look in my fridge if I still have some food. I grab some things and make myself some toast. I also make coffee.
I sit at the table and eat my breakfast in silence. I turn on the radio. How ironic, Ellie is playing. I sing along as I dance upstairs to dress myself and brush my teeth. It's almost 11, so I decide to go to the store, to get some sweets for Ellie.
I put my earphones in my ears and walk to the store. I'm completely lost in my music when I bump into someone.
"Oh my god. I'm so sorry! I wasn't looking." I apologise and I look up. Fuck. Fuck, why? My face is turning red.
"Clumsy as always." Hilda laughs. I stare and nod slightly. I try to walk around her but she follows me into the store.
"So, what are you doing here all alone?" She smirkes. I shrug.
"Getting some stuff." I reply. I walk to the sweet department and look for something good. There's so many different types of sweets. I just grab some gummy bears.
"Some stuff huh." Hilda lets out one of those dark laughs. it irritates me.
"Yeah whatever. I have to go. Bye." I said after paying and I exit the store. I plug my headphones on again and start walking to Ellie's house.
Fuck that chick.
~ Well I think this is enough for today. I could to more but I'm to lazy.
Thanks to my friend again Hilda, who came up with the whole chapter thing. I love you :)
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I love you guys
Serena xx

Baby I'm On My Knees. (Lesbian stories)
FanfictionRose works at starbucks and sees this blonde girl everyday. What happens if one day the girl gives Rose her phone number? check out the sequel; Starcrossed Lovers.