~ Ellie's Point Of View ~
Today is the day of the wedding. Finally I'm getting married to the girl of my dreams. Rose is wearing a dress, which I haven't seen. And I'm wearing sort of a suit that Lauren picked for me. I stayed over at Hannah's this night because I couldn't see Rose before the wedding. Which made me more nervous.
"Ellie, get up. The wedding is today." Hannah said while storming into the room I slept in.
"I know Han, but i'm tired." I say and yawn. Hannah jumps on the bed and sits next to me.
"Are you nervous?" Hannah asks. I nod.
"Why?" I shrug. Hannah punches my side.
"You're weird." I get my head off my pillow and stare at her.
"What?" Hannah asks. I roll my eyes. "Get out, take a shower and get dressed. We need to do your hair and make up and Rose is probably already waiting for you." And she gets up and leaves. I groan and step out of my bed. I don't know why I am so nervous for the wedding. I sigh and undress myself. I walk into the bathroom and turn on the water.
~ Rose's Point Of View ~
"Well, she is still not ready." Hannah says over the phone. I shake my head.
"Why?" I ask.
"She's nervous." Hannah says. What? Ellie is nervous? That's odd. She's never nervous.
"I kicked her out of bed and I hear the shower running, so she will be ready anytime soon. Don't worry Rose, I'll get her ready on time." Hannah says. I sigh.
"Thank you, Han." I say and she hangs up. Lauren is busy putting my hair up and some other girl is doing my make up.
"Rose?" Lauren asks.
"Hmm?" I murmer.
"Who did you invited?" Lauren asks.
"My friends from high school, Annabell and her girlfriend Kylie and Orphée. My aunt Abby and my uncle Peter." I say. "That's about it. Oh, and Chlöe is coming with her new girl friend Paula. I talked to her on the phone, she's quite nice." I smile.
Lauren continued to do my make up and finally they slipped my dress on. Lauren handed me a bouquet and I looked in the mirror. I must say, I look really beautiful. Lauren walked to the other room to put on her bridesmaids dress. The other girl followed Lauren probably to do her make up and her hair. My phone ringed again and Hannah's picture showed up on my screen. I hit the green button
"Are you ready?"
I swallowed. "Yes, I am."
"Good, we are on our way. See you later, Rose." And she hung up again. Lauren got back in the room. She looked absolutely beautiful in that dress.
"Oh my, Lauren. She look beautiful."
"Yea, whatever. Everyone will be looking at you and Ellie tonight, not me." Lauren laughs. I smile. The piano started playing and my stomach twisted. The time is here. I'm finally marrying Ellie. I took a deep breath. I had no one to bring me to Ellie, so I must do it on my own. I took another deep breath and I walked down the stairs. I arrived at the door and everyone looked at me. I couldn't see Ellie. I take another breath and look around. I start to walk on the rhythm of the music. I turned to the left and finally I saw Ellie. She had the biggest smile on her face. I smile at her and walk towards her. I'm so focused on her face, that I forget everyone around me. All I see is Ellie.
I stand now infront of her and she takes ny hand.
~ Ellie's Point Of View ~
As soon as I saw Rose, everyone left. All I saw was her. She looked beautiful.
She stood infront of me with the biggest smile on her face.
"We are gathered here today to wed Roselynn Collins and Elena Jane Goulding." The priest says. "Does any of you want to say something? Or want me to say it?" Rose smiles and nods.
"I would like to say something." The priest nods. Rose takes my hand in hers again and stares into my eyes. Her beautiful blue eyes start to tear up. I can't help it but cry as well. She takes a deep breath and starts to speak.
"Ellie, the first time I met you, I had no idea who you were. I didn't know you were the Ellie Goulding." She giggles a little. "The first time I saw you, you were just a normal girl to me. One I see everyday, but there was something about you. The second time I saw you, I got a feeling inside of me. A very good feeling. Your beautiful brown eyes and your gorgeous smile, lighted up my whole world. Everytime you walked in, nothing could ruin my day. I told myself I was crazy and that you didn't feel anything for me. But when you gave me your number, I couldn't be more happier. Since I'm with you, my life is perfect. It's complete. And it's all complete when out baby girl is born." She rubs our hands on her belly and the people cheered. "I want to spend the rest of my life with you, and I can't wait to call you my wife." Rose says and tears rolls over her cheeks. I smile through my tears.
The priest wants us to say wat he says, but I listen half.
"Elena Jane Goulding, do you take Roselynn Collins, to be your wife?" The priest says. I smile.
"Yes I do." I say. The people cheer again.
"Roselynn Collins, do take Elena Jane Goulding, to be your wife?"
"Yes I do." Rose says and smiles.
"I now pronounce you wife and wife. You may kiss your bride." I wrap my arms around Rose's waist and push my lips against hers. I feel her smile through the kiss. I hear people cheer in the back but I don't listen to them. All I care about is Rose.
Anyway, all my friends want to be a part of my story, so Annabell, Orphée & Paula here you go and I LOVE YOU GUYS :) x
Hope you like it.
There will be one more chapter after this,
Comment here if you want a sequel :)
Comment here if you don't.
Love you guys
Serena x

Baby I'm On My Knees. (Lesbian stories)
FanfictionRose works at starbucks and sees this blonde girl everyday. What happens if one day the girl gives Rose her phone number? check out the sequel; Starcrossed Lovers.