~ Third Persons Point Of View ~
Ellie and Rose had no idea that the baby would come that fast. Nine months flew away and in no time, Rose had to go in labor. Ellie was complety stressing out when Rose her water broke. Ellie gathered all the stuff and Rose wiggled to the car, holding her baby bump.
"What if she comes in the car Ellie?" Rose asks panicky.
"She won't, Rose. The hospital is close." Ellie says. She started the engine and drove away.
When they arrived in the hospital, everyone was waiting for Rose to come. The nurses took Rose to her room and Ellie had to fill in some papers. But soon she was by Rose's side. The contractions were unbareble even for Ellie. Seeing your wife in so much pain, and you can't do anything but stay by her side. Rose wanted to do it without an apidural.
After two hours Rose could start with pushing. Ellie held her hand tight.
"And push." The nurse said and they told Ellie to count.
"Come on, Baby. One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten. And breathe." Ellie says. Rose took deep breaths.
"And again." The nurse tells.
"One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten. And breathe." Ellie counts again.
"I can see her head!" The nurse says. Rose smiles for a second. "One more long push and she will be out."
"Come on, babe, you're almost there. One, two, three, four, five, six, seven.-"
"There she is!" The nurse says and pulls the baby out completly. The baby starts crying as soon as she is out. The quickly clean her up and lay her on Rose's chest. Ellie got to cut the court. She stood there watching her wife with their beautiful kid.
"Hey Kayla." Rose whipsers. Kayla slowly opens her eyes and her brown eyes look at Rose's.
"She's got your eyes, babe." Rose says to Ellie. That made Ellie proud. And Kayla kind of her Ellie's nose as well.
"She's beautiful." Ellie whispers. Rose smiles in agreement.
Rose looks at Ellie. "I love you."
"I love you too." Ellie smiles.
"Forever?" Rose asks.
"Forever and always." Ellie says and she kisses Rose sofly.
I just wanna say, thank you all for reading and I hope you enjoyed this story. I'm going to write a sequel on this story and more information will follow.
Thank you all very much and I love you guys x

Baby I'm On My Knees. (Lesbian stories)
FanfictionRose works at starbucks and sees this blonde girl everyday. What happens if one day the girl gives Rose her phone number? check out the sequel; Starcrossed Lovers.