~ Rose's Point of View ~
After three months of touring, we were finally in our plane back to London. Touring was super fun but I'm also happy to go back home.
Three months of hearing nothing about Hilda. Yet. Let's keep it that way.
The plane. flight was relaxing. Ellie was as sleep the whole flight. She was really tired of all the performances and festivals. She looked so adorable sleeping. I couldn't stop smiling.
My phone buzzed once. I frowned, who will text me in the middle of the night? I opened the text. A unknown number.
I will wait for you.
I started at my phone. Must be a weirdo doing a game or something. I put my phone back and rested my head on Ellie's shoulder. Then her phone starts to buzz. Will this ever stop? I sighed and grabbed her phone. The same number who sent me that message. Didn't they think about I would be with Ellie? People these days are pretty stupid. I once again opened the text.
You will lose your little stupid girlfriend.
This really started to get freaky. How did they get my number and Ellie's? I decided to wake Ellie up.
"Ellie, baby. Wake up." I whispered in her ear. She moved a bit. I sighed.
"Ellie, this is really important. Baby, wake up." I whisper again. She slowly blinks her eyes. She looked at me with sleepy eyes.
"What is it, love?" She asked and placed a peck on my lips. I handed her and mine phone.
"Look at this. It's the same number." She looked at my phone and then at hers. She looked at me and frowned and looked again.
"What is this?" I shurg.
"I wish I knew. It freaks me out, babe." I whisper. She put her arm around my waist and pull me close.
"Look, baby. Nothing will happen. I'm here, the boys, Hannah and Lauren. Even Jamie would protect you. Everything is going to be alright." She smiled and pecked my lips. I nodded.
Finally after three months my feet hit the ground of London again. I inhaled deaply and smiled. I walked through the airport with Ellie's arm still around my waist and Hannah holding my hand on the other side. And there were a lot of security guards around, so anyone who wanted to do something against me, had absolutely no chance.
We arrive at our limo safely. Nothing bad happen and everyone is ok. Strangely everyone fitted in the limo. Ellie and Hannah were still by my side. I close my eyes and leaned again Ellie. They all talked about the best things of the tour.
"The best thing is still when Chlöe almost fell of stage. I mean if that guard wasn't there, she would be in the hospital right now. It was really high. but it was funny." Hannah laughed. Everyone laughes as well.
"Oh shut up you guys." Chlöe said. Her cheeks were red.
"Come on Chlöe, you laughed as well." Chris said. Everyone agreed.
"Yea, that's right. It was actually pretty fun. That face of the guard was amazing." She laughed along.
"He really was like; What is she doing? Get off me!" Joe laughed. I had to laugh at that. His face was really awesome.
We arrived at Ellie's house and still nothing happened. Maybe it was all just a game. Ellie and I walk inside and the others got the bags and stuff. Hannah asked if I could help her real quick. Ellie was not so sure.
"What if he or she will show up?" She grabbed my hand and pulled me back inside.
"Baby, Hannah is there. And Chris and Simon, nothing will happen. I promise." I kiss her and walk outside. She looked at every step I took. Hannah, Simon and Chris walked back inside. Now I was getting nervous. I quickly grabbed the bags and walked towards the door.

Baby I'm On My Knees. (Lesbian stories)
FanficRose works at starbucks and sees this blonde girl everyday. What happens if one day the girl gives Rose her phone number? check out the sequel; Starcrossed Lovers.