Chapter 6

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"Your dad keeps asking me questions about us." Alex sat across from me in the kitchen.

"Oh yeah? Like what?" I laughed.

"When are you getting married, are you using protection, what ring are you going to propose with." He shook his head.

"Oh my god," I buried my face in my hands. "Where not even officially together yet." I teased.

"Oh yeah." Alex teased back.

"Yeah." I bit the cap of my pen.

"Okay then. Emerson Jane Collins, will you be my girlfriend?" He got down on one knee like he was going to propose.

"I mean I guess." I joked running my finger through his hair.

"You guess?" He teased.

"Alexander Calvert, I would be honored to be your girlfriend," I laughed. "Now I feel like I'm in a romance novel."

"Yeah me too." Alex stood up and grabbed my hand pulling me up from my seat.

"What are you doing?" I laughed.

"We're dancing." He put his hands on my waist.


"I feel like dancing and if I slow danced alone I would look retarded."

"But there's no music." I laughed as he spun my in circles.

"We don't need music." He pulled me back in.

"Now you're just making it cheesy." I laughed laying my head on his chest.


"How much do you need to bring. We're literally going to be there for the weekend not a month." Alex sat on my bed while I was packing for a convention.

"Oh hush this isn't even that much." I said trying to shove the last of my clothes into my suitcase.

"Here let me!" Alex laughed as I struggled.

"Wow Mr. Muscles over here." I joked after he got the case to shut. Alex started flexing in the mirror.

"Okay but seriously we need to go." Alex grabbed one of my bags and ran out the door. I pulled my suit case out the door following him to the car. We threw my thing in the back, he put his there yesterday. This was going to be Alex's first convention and quite him I think he is a little scared.

"Nervous?" I asked him.

"Yeah a little bit." He laughed.

"The fans might be a little crazy but they're great. I remember my first convention, I was terrified. My dad brought me on stage in front of hundreds of people. I think I was like fourteen, so it would have been during season nine." I babbled on. The drive to the Airport was short and so was the wait for the Plane.

"I hate Airplanes." Alex said as we boarded.

"Seriously. Why?" I laughed.

"I don't know, maybe it's because we're thousands of feet in the air." He sat in the seat and rushed to put his seatbelt on.

"Calm down." I laughed sitting next to him.

"This seriously doesn't scare you?"

"No it seriously doesn't." I laughed at his over reacting. This was going to be the best plane ride ever.


"I can't believe you puked." I laughed at Alex. We were about halfway through the flight when we ran to the bathroom. When he came back he was pale and shaky. I didn't laugh at first because I was worried but after he started to calm down I could stop laughing.

"I can't believe you're making fun of me." He pouted. We got into the cab and drove to the hotel where we crashed out almost instantly.

We woke up the next morning to Jensen and Jared jumping on our bed. Long story short the moose fell off and Jensen stepped on Alex's head.

"Oh shit, sorry." Jensen laughed.

"Is anyone gonna ask if I'm okay." Jared yelled from the floor.

"We didn't think you were done fall considering you're so tall." I joked getting out of the bed.

"You guys need to hurry up and get ready we have photo ops and autographs today." Jared was finally off the floor.

"But first were all going out for breakfast." Jensen ruffled my hair. J2 ran out of the room most likely to torture other people while they're sleeping.

"I'm gonna take a shower." I mumbled rummaging through my suit case for clothes to wear.

"Wear the ripped jeans with your California crop-top. You look good in that outfit,"Alex stretched and rubbed his head. "I'm gonna go find myself some ice." He walked into the kitchen. I smiled watching him walk away. I could get use to this.

OH MY GOD GUYS!!!! I'm so so so sorry for leaving you for so long. I just couldn't come up with anything. I know this isn't long but I PROMISE the next chapter will be.


Insta- cas_2y5_ (go follow for some A+ supernatural memes😉)

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