Chapter 11

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Alex's P.O.V.

"Is she okay? What's going on? What's wrong with her? What about Misha is he okay too?" I was shaking the nurse so fast I though I was going to give her whiplash.

"Sir, the man, Misha, he's fine. The girl, Emerson, she hasn't waken up. We believe she's in a coma." She lightly touched my arm. "Now we need you to stay calm, for you, and the patients."

"Right, calm," I took a deep breath. "What can we do for Emerson?"

"Right now we're going watch her vitals and then we'll go from there." The nurse looked at the clip board and walked away.


"I know we would be on time if you two hadn't taken so long." Vicki mumbled.

"Um, no, we would be on time if you hadn't prevented me from putting my dress on." Emerson snapped back.

"Guys we're late because of traffic." I said trying to cool the tension.

"We would have missed-"

"It's been here for hours now we still would have been late!" Emerson sat on the edge of her seat.

"Emery put your seat belt on." I said putting my hand on her thigh.

"No!" She yelled shoving my hand away.

"Will you guys stop arguing I'm trying to focus on dri-" Misha said before a car t-boned us hitting Misha's and Emerson's side.



"What happening?" I yelled trying to get in the room with Emerson.

"Sir you cant be in here." Two nurses blocked the door. I stood on my toes to watch in horror as they used a defibrillator on Emery.

"Let me in, I'm her boyfriend let me in." I tried shoving my way past them.

"Sir we understand you are her boyfriend but for now we need you to stay out here. For her sake." One nurse said lightly touching my arm. I looked down at her hand and fell to the floor in sobs.


They were soon able to get Emery's heart beating and eventually let me in the room. The doctor explained to me that Emerson'a lungs weren't filtering enough air into her heart causing her heart to stop. Thankfully they got it beating again and her vitals seem very promising.

"If you need anything, or want something explained, just ask." The doctor shook my hand and left. I sat in a chair facing Emery nervously chewing on my thumbs.

"Hey, um, I'm not sure if you can hear me but," my voice cracked. "You're dads okay, he's actually awake and should be able to visit you soon. Vicki went home to see the kids." A tear fell down my cheek. "I need you to wake up. It's lonely here without you. There's no one here to break the tension and make me laugh. Just please, if you can hear me, come wake up and come home." I started to cry.

"Where am I?" A weak voice spoke up.

"Emerson?" I shot up out of my chair.

"Yes." She said wearily.

"Can we get a doctor." I yelled down the hallway. Within a few seconds the doctors here checking her vitals and making sure she was okay. I went to get Misha, I put him in a wheelchair, and took him to see Emery.

"Um, can we talk before you go in there." The doctor stopped us.

"What's up?" Misha spoke first.

"Emerson's vitals are good, she has a major concussion where the blow if the crash was mainly towards her." The doctors face then turned sour. "But, the tendons in her left leg and torn apart. Now with about six months of physical therapy, she should be back to normal."

"There's another but isn't there." I said looking through the door window at her.

"Someone will need to be there with her at all times till then." He said.

"I'll do it." I spoke up. "I live with her anyways, I can take care of her."

"What about work?" Misha asked.

"I'm sure we can work something out." I reassured him. 

"As long as she is taken care of." The doctor opened the door for us. I wheeled Misha in and Emerson's eyes lit up.

"Dad!" She yelled. I helped Misha into the bed so they could hug.

"Hey baby." I said helping Misha back into the wheelchair.

"Hey." She smiled. I leaned down and kissed her lips lightly. "So what did the doctor say about my leg?" She said grabbing my hand.

"Well you're going to need to go to a physical therapist every week for about six months. You need someone with you at all times just in case. You'll also have to take pain killers for the pain." Misha said looking through the papers the doctor gave him.

"When do I get to go home?" She asked squeezing my hand.

"After your concussion goes down and the scares in your leg start to heal." I said rubbing my thumb across the back of her hand. She let out a sigh of relief.

"As long as I get out of here soon I'll be okay." She joked. Damn it's nice to hear her voice.

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