Chapter 12

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"God damn it!" I yelled throwing my crutch across the room.

"Calm down, lets try again." My instructor, Beth, went and grabbed my crutch. "I know this is hard, but you have improved so much since we started two days ago."

"This is the third time I've fallen in ten minutes." I pulled myself up and leaned on my crutch.

"How are thing going?" Alex peaked his head through the door.

"Terrible." I smiled sarcastically.

"Let's try a couple more times and then you can be done for the day." Beth said patting my back. I rolled my eyes and did as she said. I walked a couple of inches and collapsed.

"Shit." I mumbled standing back up. I walked again, managing to get a good foot and a half before falling.

"Great job Emerson, that's the farthest you've gone. At this rate you should be done in no time." Beth smiled and handed me my other crutch.


"You're therapy is weird. Like, why is she making you walk with only one crutch?" Alex asked pulling into the driveway.

"It's for balance, I think." I sighed.

"I just think they should get you used to walking with both till you start with just one." He opened his door and walked over to mine. I handed him my crutches and I slowly stepped out.

"I can already walk with both well enough." I balanced myself against the car door and reached for my least favorite but most needed things, crutches.

"Okay I just want to make sure you're getting the help you need, babe." He shut the car doors after I crutched away. Once we were in the house I threw myself on the couch exhausted from walking.

"I can't wait to walk like a normal person again. What's it like I can't remember." I joked pulling Alex down to the space beside me.

"Even in times of trouble you always seem to make a joke." He patted the top of my head.

"Where's Mandy?" I grabbed the remote for the TV. I heard the pitter patter of paw come running down the hall. Mandy came in jumping in the couch and licking our faces.

"Hey princess." Alex pet the dogs head, ruffling her ears. Mandy set her head in my lap and laid down. I turned the TV to Criminal Minds and took a nap.


About two hours later I woke up to Alex talking on the phone. He sounded upset with whoever was on the other line so I pretended to stay asleep.

"Jenna I swear if you call me again I going to get a restraining order- no- goodbye." He hung up the phone and rubbed his face.

"Everything okay babe?" I said sitting up. He looked at me and smiled.

"Yeah, it was just Jenna. She won't stop calling me." He said kissing my forehead.

"But I thought you blocked her number?" I said pulling away from him.

"I did but she keeps getting new ones." He said shaking his head.

"Oh." I said twisting my ring around my ringer.

"Babe trust me, everything is fine." He said kissing the top of my head before leaving and going to the kitchen. I grabbed his phone and looked through his messages. He wasn't wrong, there were about five different number she was texting him from.

"Damn bitch." I said laughing.

"See, different numbers but I keep ignoring her. Then she calls and I block her." He said handing me a cup of water.

"Thanks." I said taking a drink. I laughed to myself again.

"What?" He asked.

"Nothing, it's just, she seems so desperate." I shook my head.

"Trust me, I'm done with her. I'm all yours." Alex kissed me gently.

"Good." I said smiling.

Yoooooooo. So I'm not dead and I know this is a short chapter but I really didn't know how to continue. But I hope you enjoy.


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