Chapter 9

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"I think we should get a puppy." Alex jumped onto my bed.

"I think you should shower." I teased shoving his face away from mine.

"Oh, wow, thanks. But I'm serious I want a puppy." Alex played on his phone.

"This isn't even my house. You need to talk to my dad." Ive been stressed about school and Alex kept insisting on getting a 'support puppy' and I kept telling him no.

"I did and he said yes." He laughed.

"Prove it." I crossed my arms.

"Fine." Alex called my dad and put him on speaker.

"Hey Alex what's up." Dad answered

"We have a question." I took Alex's phone.

"I'm scared." Dad said.

"I wanna get a puppy but Em wont let me unless I ask you. I already told her you said yes but she needs proof." Alex laughed.

"Yes. Just don't let it make to much of a mess." Dad hung up the phone.

"Ha I told you!" Alex chanted. He started to dance around the room and started to do what I can only assume was twerking.

"Okay we can get a dog just stop dancing." I laughed. I walked down stairs to the kitchen for some food.

"What kind of dog do we get. What will we name it. Is it going to be a girl or a boy. Will we get a small or big d-"

"Alex!" I turned around to stop his rambling. "Any kind, Mandy, girl, preferably big."

"Why Mandy?" He asked still following me into the kitchen.

"It was my moms name." I said opening the fridge. We definitely needed to go shopping.

"Okay Mandy it is then." Alex hugged me from behind. I leaned my head back against his chest.

"Can I tell you something?" I whispered.

"Sure." He whispered back.

"You need to take a shower." I laughed kissing his jaw line.

"Fine. But then we're going to find a puppy." He ran up the stairs to the bathroom. Have him around us the same as have a two year old around.


"Emerson!" Alex ran down the stairs nearly missing the last one.

"Woah easy there Speed Racer." I laughed.  He jumped over the back of the couch and sat beside me dressed only in, and I kid you not, boxers with a towel wrapped around his hair.

"I found a puppy." Alex shoved his phone in my face. I took his phone to get a better look.

"Shes cute, what kind of dog is she?" I was actually glad we decided to get a dog.

"She's an Akita, I think we should get her. I already messaged the lady who's selling her. She said we can get her today if we wanted." Alex's eyes glowed as he talked about the dog, making me smile.

"Alex, as long as you put some clothes on, we can go get her right now." I took the towel off his head.

"Seriously!" He jumped off the couch.

"Yes." I laughed at how much of a five year old he was. He took of, sprinting up the stairs and surprisingly not falling. He took less than five minutes to get dress and in the car.

"Let's go!" He honked the horn as walked out the door. "We got a puppy to buy!" He continued to honk the horn. The neighbors soon started to peek through their windows to see what the hell was going on.

"Well the whole neighborhood knows we're getting a dog now." I joked as I got in the car. Alex drove off going at least 10 miles over the speed limit the entire time.


"Look at how cute!" Alex said from the passenger seat. He hasn't put the dog down since we got her about ten minutes ago.

"Dude you're obsessed." I teased petting Mandy's head.

"But look at her, how could you not." He said ruffling her ears. We were on our way to the pet store to get Mandy some toys and what not.

"Okay so her budget is like fifty bucks because we still need food too." I pulled into the parking lot.

"Okay fine, seventy-five." I parked the car and cut the engine. Alex ran out of the car, swerving through the parking lot. I got out and walked, like a normal person, into the store.

"Emery, hurry up." Alex poked his head out the door.

"Listen I have little legs. Little legs I tell you." I yelled waiting for a car to pass.

"Yeah, yeah, I know you're short, hurry!" He laughed.

"Okay I'm here." I walked inside. We walked Mandy around and let her pick out some toys. We got her a dog bed, some food, treats, a harness, a leash, and a little tag with her name in it.

"Now to get our food!" Alex ran back to the car after we paid.

"Can we get Chinese tonight?" I yelled before he got back into the car.

"You read my mind!" He yelled back. I jogged back to the car and got in.

"I love you." I said starting the car.

"Aw I love you too."

"I was talking to the dog but I guess I love you too." I joked.

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