Chapter 7

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"I doubt this place has a booth big enough for all of us." Kim joked as we all walked into IHOP.

"We can just push tables together. Like we did last time." Rich said.

"How many today?" A not around my age walked up to us.

"Ten. I think," I said turning around counting everyone. "Yeah ten."

"Okay, right this way," He walked us to a set of tables that were already put together. "What drinks can I start you guys off with?" He pulled his pen and note pad out.

"I'll have a water." Alex sat down in his seat.

"Sure thing cutie." The waiter said causing all of us to freeze. Alex looked shocked and his face was red. I bit my cheeks so I wouldn't laugh.

"No offense, but I'm straight and in a relationship. I am flattered though." Alex smiled.

"Oh sorry I didn't, What would everyone else like?" The waiter asked trying to avoid the topic. Everyone said what they wanted and dove straight into the menus.

"Look, cinnamon roll pancakes!" I shouted. Alex laughed at me.

"I love how much you love cinnamon rolls." He kisses my cheek.

"Hey, cinnamon rolls at like the best thing ever. Honestly if I had to choose between cinnamon rolls and you, I would choose cinnamon rolls." I smiled at him.

"Wow that hurt, right here." He pointed to his heart and pretended to cry.

"Does everyone know what they want." A new waiter showed up.

"Where's the other guy?" Dad asked.

"Oh, he's on break so I'm covering for him." She had her paper and pen ready for orders.

"Well I want the cinnamon roll pancakes." I said dancing in my seat.

"Okay, anything else for you?" She asked.

"Nope." I was still dancing. Everyone else ordered their food but all I could think about was my pancakes.

"Earth to Emerson." Rich waves his hand in-front of my face.

"Sorry I was thinking about my food." I said causing everyone to laugh.

"Are you going on stage this weekend?" Rob asked taking a drink of his orange juice.

"Oh hell yeah!" I yelled. Everyone shushed my while the other customers gave me dirty looks.

"Look food!" Jared yelled.


"Okay So my question is, are you two together or just really close?" A fan named Emily asked.

"That's actually really random." Alex laughed.

"There are a lot of pictures on twitter on stuff and it looks like you guys are together and I just wanted to clear the air." Emily said nervously laughing.

"Act-" I was cut off by Alex pressing his lips to mine. I was shocked at first but slowly melted into the kiss. He pulled away but I still sat in shock. That had been our first kiss since we've been together and it was in front of a shit ton of fans.

"Emervert! Emervert! Emervert!" The crowed chanted. I was definitely blushing but I didn't care.

"Hey sorry guys but this is the end of our Emervert, is that how you say it, Emervert panel. Stay right where you are babies here in a bit Misha's coming out!" Rob said interrupting my thoughts. Alex and I walked off stage crossing paths with my dad.

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