Chapter 5

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I started up singing again and joined in where the others were up to. We sang all the way to laser tag place. My mood sank again. Jewel, Niall and Holly got out of the car with ease but Zayn, Liam and I. That was a different story. We all tried to climb out of the car at the same time and ended up lying on the floor in the back of the van. Liam was lying upside down on top of my legs and my foot was stuck under the seats in the row in front of us. Zayn somehow managed to climb out from underneath me and got out of the car. He stuck his hand in and pulled me out from where I was stuck. Liam ended up sliding further down and smashed his face onto the floor.

“Sorry Liam. Are you alright sweetie?” I asked as I tried to help him out of the car.

Holly’s POV

I was thinking of ways I could convince Becky this would be fun. I mean I already know why she doesn’t like laser tag and I completely understand. I think I would be worse if I was in her shoes but she always tries to give it a go and most the times we have tried it ends in her in tears. But she has to be the strongest person I know. I was deep in thought when I heard Becky talk. Everyone else was still laughing at Zayn, Becky and Liam falling in the car.

“Sorry Liam. Are you alright sweetie?” she asked as she tried to help him out of the car. I heard a little growl behind me. I thought there was a dog or something but when I turned around I saw none other than Harry glaring in the direction of Liam and Becky.

He so likes her. Why can’t she just see it? Ugghhh. I want to talk to her but I really don’t want to start an argument with her before we are about to try laser tag. Again.

No one else seemed to notice the small sound that escaped Harry’s lips. I watched as he stormed off towards the front door to the laser tag place. Liam pulled the door to the van closed behind him and Louis clicked the lock button. We all ran after Harry, trying to catch up to him.

Harry’s POV

I growled. I didn’t mean for the sound to come out but it did. I hoped no one noticed. When I looked up to check I saw Holly staring night at me. Crap. I didn’t think it had been that loud but obviously it had. I stormed off towards the front doors to laser quest. I could hear a door slam behind and lots of running footsteps trying to catch up to me.

I walked up to the counter and signed us all up. The others had joined me and where now mucking around on the arcade games. I walked over to where the others were standing.

“We have to wait 10 mins before our game and I could only book one because there are a few parties coming in later and there was no room for us.” They all went back to playing on the games.

Niall and Jewel were playing on the Big Buck Hunter game. Louis and Holly were playing Air Hockey. I looked over the room trying to find Becky when I noticed her, Liam and Zayn playing the Whack-a-Mole game. Zayn was using the hammer that came with the game while Liam and Becky were just using their hands to whack which ever ones Zayn was missing they were all laughing their heads off.

Watching her laugh was infectious, just being around her made me smile. I went over to join them. I stood next to Becky and wrapped my arm around her waist so I could fit. The side of this game wasn’t long enough to fit all four of us. She looked up and smiled at me flashing her pearly whites. It was quite adorable. She turned back to the game and continued hitting the little moles as they popped up.

“Ehmm,” I heard someone clear their throat behind us. Liam, Becky and I all turned around to see what was going on. A boy about our age was standing in front of us. He obviously worked here because of the name tag and uniform.

“Were you guys just cheating?” I opened my mouth to apologise when I was stopped because Becky was talking,

“That’s absurd. How dare you accuse us of such a thing? We were simply trying to increase our chances of winning. That’s all.” She said it with such ease and confidence. She had almost completely changed the blame and I think the guy felt bad now. He shook his head,

“Well don’t try to ‘increase your chances’ again. Alright guys.” We all nodded and he walked away. I went to give Becky a hi-five for her efforts but I remembered my arm was still around her waist and I must say it felt quite good to be standing this close to her.

“I’ll be right back,” she said as she walked towards the bathroom. Once she walked into the door I turned around to see Liam and Zayn smirking at me expectantly.

“What do you two want?” I asked.

“Ohh... nothing... we were just making bets on how long it will take before you ask her out.” Zayn said. I laughed.

“What are you laughing at?” Liam asked,

“You obviously like her and she likes you too. Just do it already.” I shook my head. He thinks she likes me. That is bull. I saw the way she looked at him.

I looked over at Niall to see him standing near the basketball hoops. Jewel was standing in front of him and he had his hands over hers as she tried to throw the basketball. I sighed. I wish Becky and I could be like that. Just hold each other. Although I think we would be far crazier. Our first date would probably be playing hide-and-go-seek in the park.

I realised the large grin which was now spreading across my face. I shook it off. I glanced down at my watch to see that we only had three minutes before our game started.

“Hey can you to go get the others and gather them over near the door to the gear room. I will go wait for Becky.” Zayn smirked at me before walking towards Niall and Jewel. Liam was trying to help Holly get Louis out from under the air hockey table.

“YOU WILL NEVER INFILTRATE MY BASE,” Louis yelled at the top of his lungs. I am actually kind of surprised they hadn’t kicked us out yet.

I walked towards the girls’ bathroom and stood outside the door. I could hear sobbing but it wasn’t coming from the bathroom. The sound was right behind me. I turned around to see Becky sitting against the wall with her knees pulled up to her chest and her head was resting on her knees. Seeing her like this was literally killing me inside. She hadn’t noticed my presence so I stood up against the wall and slid down so I was sitting next to her. She looked up and began to bawl her eyes out. I wrapped my arms around her and she leaned her head onto my shoulder. I pulled her in more tightly. I didn’t ever want to let go until she was smiling that contagious smile again.

I pulled her chin up so I could look her in the eyes. Surprisingly her makeup wasn’t smudged or running down her face. Her eyes were a beautiful deep purple and were filled with tears.

“Do you want to tell me what’s wrong sweetie? If you want we could go home and pick the others up after they finish their game.” She shook her head and looked me straight in the eyes,

“Do you think you can handle the real problem?” The way she said made it seem as if she has told this story before and had been let down. I nodded I wasn’t sure if I wanted to hear the next words out of her mouth but it might help me understand.

 She sighed and opened her mouth... 

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