Chapter 16

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Harry’s POV

Becky and Jewel walked out of the bathroom. Jewel seemed to be muttering under her breath about something and Becky just had a smug look on her face. She was rubbing her hands together the way Mr Burns does in The Simpsons. Oh geezz. What was about to go down? They both sat down with smiles growing larger on their faces. I thought Becky’s jaw was about to break when Holly walked over to the table. Instead of sitting down she kneeled on the floor near Louis while shaking her head and muttering.

Becky’s POV

“I can’t believe your making me doing this,” she muttered to me as she kneeled on the floor. I kicked her with my foot under the table. “willyougoout…” Holly muttered to Louis as she trailed of her quick sentence. “Sorry. What was that?” he asked. I turned around to everyone in the restaurant. “Could you all be quiet for a moment my friend here has something to say.” There weren’t that many other tables and they went quiet pretty quickly and now all eyes were on Holly. I leaned down and whispered in her ear, “Make it fabulous. Just like we practiced.” She laughed at me nervously before turning back to Louis and saying in a very over-dramatic voice, “Will you, Louis Tomlinson, do me the honour of being my boyfriend?” She did hand gestures and everything. She even bowed her head slightly at the end.

I couldn’t hold in my laughter so I turned and put my head into Jewel’s shoulder. “Heck yeah,” Louis yelled. I looked over to see him jump out of his chair and pull Holly off the ground by her shoulders. He pulled her into hug and everyone around the restaurant began to clap. I couldn’t help but let out an awwwwwww. Holly sat down in her seat next to me again. By now everyone had finished eating and our waitress walked over. “Here’s your bill.”

I turned to Holly, “What did I tell you? Before the bill came. I am the match making master.” She shook her head at me as she got up to leave. “Thank you Becky,” Louis said as he walked up next to Holly and grabbed her hand. Niall and Jewel, Harry and Gen also followed them. All holding hands in their little couples. Zayn and Liam got up sarcastically and held hands as they skipped out of the restaurant. I got up and walked slowly behind all of them suddenly feeling very alone.

We all reached the car and climbed into our seats. I was in the driver’s seat with Gen sitting next to me. “Hey what are you guys going to call your band?” I asked as I put the key in the ignition. It had just dawned on me that I hadn’t heard them talk about their plans for x factor once during the few days we had been here.

I was answered with a bunch of, “I don’t know,” “Oh shit. Hadn’t thought of that,” and so on. “I’ll have to think about that.” I nodded and started the car. We pulled out of the car park and I tried to remember the way back to Harry’s house.

We got there without an issue which surprised me considering how zoned out I was when we went to the restaurant. I parked the car and walked towards the house. “Wait Harry I need to talk to you,” Gen yelled. Harry walked over to me and gave me the keys for the house.  I took them and walked back to the front door of the house. “What do you think that’s about?” I heard Liam ask. I shook my head. “I don’t even think I wanna know if it has anything to do with those two love birds.”

Gen’s POV

I don’t understand why Harry had been pretending to like me the whole time. I mean I get he was doing it for his family and whatever but come on. I see the way he looks at Becky. There was no point trying to hide it because, let’s face it, he is not very good at it. I had been avoiding what I was going to do all night but it was now or never. “Umm, Harry. There is no easy way to say this but I think we should break up.” I saw a small smile on his face before he tried to hide it. “Well don’t be so happy about it.” I told him. “Sorry. I was just wondering. Did you find out about why I was going out with you?” he stuttered out a slow sentence. I simply nodded.

“Sorry ‘bout that.” He said as he scratched the back of his neck. “Well I’m going to go now but I hope we can stay friends Harry.” He nodded his head, “Of course.” “And you better ask Becky out before someone else does.” He laughed. “I am going to try my hardest.” I thought for a moment. I had held him back for so long and I think I know how to make it up to him. “Why don’t you bring everyone to the disco at my house on Thursday? You could ask her out then.” He nodded his head with excitement. It was too cute to see him this happy over a girl. I still wish it was me but he should be free to be with who he wants.

Harry’s POV

I gave Gen a hug before running back inside. Everyone was sitting in the lounge room except for Becky. I ran down the hall to the girls’ room and knocked on the door. I didn’t want to walk in on her half-dressed, well… I wouldn’t mind but I don’t think she would be particularly happy. When nobody answered I pushed the door open and saw Becky lying down on the bed under the blanket.

She looked like she was in a deep sleep. I walked over to the bed and sat on the edge of the bed. I began to stroke her hair. “What are you doing Harry?” she asked. Shit. I didn’t think she was awake. I probably seem like a real creeper. She moved over so she was in the middle of the bed. I sat on the bed properly and leaned up against the head board of the bed. She had rolled so her back was facing me and I could hear her sniffing. “Uhmmm. We are all invited to go to a disco on Thursday.”

She nodded her head and snuggled further under the covers. I got up and walked over to the door. All the confidence I had when I entered the room had left me. “Goodnight princess,” I whispered as I closed the door behind me. “Goodnight Harry.” I heard her say softly as I walked down the hallway.

I walked into the lounge room where everyone was staring at me. “What was that about?” Zayn asked. “Ohh. Nothing. I guess you guys will find out soon enough.” I muttered. “We have a disco thing to go to on Thursday.” I said.

Holly’s POV

I got up from where I was sitting next to Louis. He was holding onto my hand as I tried to walk away. I turned around and looked at him and he gave me puppy dog eyes. “Awwww. Don’t go love.” I shook my head at this boy I was lucky enough to call my boyfriend. “I’m going to go to bed. We can hang out all day tomorrow. Alright?” he nodded. “It’s a date.” I giggled as I walked down the hallway.

“Becky. I love you so much you know that right.” I said. I heard her roll over in the bed. “Yeah I know. I'm awesome.” I laughed and went to have a shower. When I came out in my pyjamas Becky was asleep again… In the middle of the bed. I walked over to the door and yelled out to Jewel, “I am sleeping on the lounge. You have to sleep with Niall.” I was answered by a grumble from the lounge room.

I walked over to the lounge and laid down. I soon fell into a deep sleep.

Louis’ POV

I am so glad that I am going out with Holly. When I see Becky next I am going to hug her and say thank you a billion bazillion times. If it wasn’t for her Holly probably wouldn’t have asked me out and I would’ve probably been to chicken to do it myself.

All the other boys had fallen asleep. All the boys, that was, except for Harry who was staring at the wall across the room. “Oi, Harry.” I whisper-yelled across the room. “Yeah,” he mumbled as he shook out of his trance. “What’s wrong mate? You seemed so happy when you came home now you are acting all depressed.” I said. “Uhmmm. Well I was happy when we got home because Gen finally dumped me.” I was a little shocked at this. From the way Harry had explained his situation I didn’t think she would ever do that. “And why are you all sad now?” I asked. I was really worried about that kid. He was the youngest member of the band and I am the oldest. I kind of feel like it is my duty to take care of him. Well, I felt that way with all the boys but with Harry in particular.

“I’m not sad. I'm just thinking. I had the chance to ask Becky out. When I walked down the hall and I choked.” Poor lad. “Well. Hazza bear. Just don’t over think it to much. We all know she likes you so just go for it. Most of us will probably be out of the house tomorrow. You will have your chance.” And with that I drifted off into a deep sleep.

Author’s POV

Everyone drifted off into a peaceful sleep that night. They were all so tired that none of them noticed Harry get up and walk out the front door. 

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