Chapter 27

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So as i was writing this one of my friends was reading it and telling me how i don't do proper spacing when the characters talk. So I fixed that. Also this may seem really short but it was three pages on word so mehhhhhh. 

Also I think we are getting closer to the end (Yay/ :'( ) but anyway thanks for readin even though most of you readers are probably people I saw at school who I told to read it but anyways on the side is a GIF of what I would do if i ever meet any of you and you thought my story was alright. >>>>>>>>> 

Becky’s POV

Harry grabbed my hand and helped me up off the ledge. We began walking around the gardens.

“The reason I went out with Gen is because her dad is my dad’s boss and whenever Gen wants something she generally gets it. So when she expressed the slightest interest in me her dad began to bribe my dad. He said that if I didn’t go out with his daughter he would fire my dad. My family really need my dad’s income so… yeah…” he finished talking and I jumped towards him. I grabbed him and pulled him into a hug.

“Oh my god. I'm sorry. I'm such a bitch.” I muttered into his neck.

“You didn’t know.” He said. It began to sprinkle very, very lightly. It was almost just wind but t felt so light and refreshing compared to how hot and sweaty the ballroom was.

“Well what do we do now?” I asked as I lay down on the perfectly mown spongy grass.

“We could go inside so we don’t get wet.” He suggested as he lay down next to me and began to leg wrestle with me. I turned my head and looked at Harry.

“No…” I said drifting off.

“Oh… you meant about us?” he said. His foot stopped playing with mine.

“Um yeah.” I said awkwardly.

He didn’t say anything but I could feel his big hand grab onto mine and give it a squeeze.

We laid there for a while, not talking, just lying in the light sprinkling of the rain.

Niall’s POV

Jewel and I were sitting on the balcony after we had been dancing all night. I was sitting in the corner of the bench and Jewel was sitting at the same angle as me with her back against my chest. He head was resting on my cheek and shoulder.

“Your hair smells.” I mumbled against her head.

“Gee thanks. she said sarcastically as she fiddled with my fingers.

“No. it smells good.” I said as I kissed her on the head. “I love you Jewel.” I said kind of quiet, so she was the only one who would hear even though there was only two other people out here and they were pretty busy making out.

“I love you too Nialler.” She replied as it started to rain very lightly.

“Come on let’s go inside so we don’t get soaked.” I said as I grabbed Jewel’s hand and led her inside.

Zayn’s POV

All the ‘lovers’, as Liam and I had decided to call the other six in our group, had been gone for a while. Liam and I had been out jumping around with Kieran, Maddi, Aaron, Reece, James and Lucas who had introduced themselves to us. They were Harry’s friends and he is practically a brother to us so anyone who is friends with him is cool with us.

“Let’s go into the hallway so we can try and re-group.” Liam suggested sensibly. I followed him out into the hallway and we both pulled out our phones.

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