Chapter 34

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"Holly." I half whispered to myself as I walked around the curtain. I saw her lying in the bed. I began crying as I ran over to her and hugged her.  

"Becky. Why can't I feel my legs?" She began to bawl as well.  

"Do you remember the accident babe?" I asked her softly as I climbed I to the bed next to her. I wrapped my arms around her shoulders as we laid there.  

"Yeah. I didn't think it was that bad though." She said through heavy tears so it ended as more of a slight scream. "I'm so sorry about your car." I chuckled slightly through my tears.  

"Fuck the car Holly. The only thing I car about is getting you better again." I said as I pulled her closer.  

"This really happened didn't it Becky." I nodded sadly as I noticed that everyone else just on the other side of the curtain was silent.  

"Do you want to see everyone else?" I whispered to her.  

"Yeah. How is Louis?" I got up and pushed the hair back of her head.  

"He is fine. He has a broken arm and a few cuts. That's all." I pulled back the curtain which was in between the two little sections of the room. Jewel and Niall ran straight over to Holly and hugged her from either side of the bed. Harry came and stood next to me again. Tears were streaming down my face as I saw my best friend lying in a hospital bed, not sure if she would be able to walk again. I turned around and saw Louis trying to push himself up off the bed with his one good arm.  

I hurried over to him and helped him off the bed.  

As he walked towards Holly the rest of us backed away and left the room completely so they could have some time.  

"I'm going to tell the nurse that Holly woke up." Harry said. "Do you want to come for a walk Becky?" He asked. I nodded and took his hand as we stilled to the nearest nurse's station in silence. I even saw a few tears roll down Harry's cheek. He was still managing to hold together very well considering Louis was one of his closest friends. We ran into Dr Dicfuqr as we wandered the hallways.  

"Oh hey there." He said all cheery.  

"Um Holly woke up." Harry mumbled as he squeezed my hand.  

"Great." Dr Dicfuqr said enthusiastically. He looked down at the clipboard which I was beginning to think was his only friend. He flipped through the papers and stopped on one which I assumed was Holly's as we all walked back to their room.  

Harry and I walked a few steps behind the doctor. When we entered the room everyone was gathered around Holly's bed again. Louis was lying next to her and they were both bawling their eyes out. i scurried over to her and held her other hand.

"Hey. How you doing?" Dr Dicfuqr asked her in a voice that sounded like he was talking to a child. 

"How do you think I'm doing?" Holly asked sarcastically through her tears. I squeezed her hand tightly in mine. 

"Okay. Well." He said moving on with the speech. "We will be keeping you here over night but you will be able to go home tomorrow. You may gain your ability to walk by then but it is very likely that you will need a wheel chair." I noticed Holly had a stream of tears going down her face. Louis and I both reached up at the same time and wiped away either one of her cheeks. 

"You will need to go to physical therapy at least twice a week starting tommorow." He finished off before walking out of the room. A nurse entered almost straight after he was gone.

"Visiting hours are over." I heard Louis sniffle a bit and then groan.

"Could we please stay? This is all my fault." He began to cry again. The nurse looked like she didn't know what to do.

"Um. Well technically you are able to stay for 'observation'," She said to louis putting air quotes around 'observation.'  "And you are both allowed two visitors to stay with you each." She did a quick head count. "But that still means two of you have to go home." She said with sympathy in her voice.

We all looked around at each other.

"I'll go home." I offered. Niall and Jewel shock their heads. "Jewel and Niall can stay for Holly." I said as I got up off Holly's bed and quickly kissed her on the forehead. When my back was facing Holly I wiped my eyes on my sleeve to remove the tears that were emerging again.

"I'll go home with you." Harry said leaving Liam and Zayn with Louis. I did a quick round of the room and gave everyone a tight hug. When it came to Holly and Louis who were still lying in the one bed i gave them both a hug at the same time. As I pulled away Holly winked at me. I began crying again. Even in a time such as this she was still making jokes.

Harry noticed I was crying and pulled me into a hug. We grabbed each other's hands and walked out of the room. The squeaky lino floor was cold on my bare feet. Once we reached the main entrance of the hospital and the automatic doors slid open we ran to the car.

When I got in the my hand went straight to my head.

"Are you alright Becky?" he asked as he put his hand on my knee.

"Yeah I just have a massive headache from all the crying." I reply as he starts the car and we make our way home. It was late and it was dark outside when we finally reached the house.

"I'll get you some 'Advil' and a glass of water." Harry said as he unlocked the front door and we walked into the kitchen. I sat up on the counter with my feet hanging over the edge. he reached up into a small cupboard above the stove and grabbed the box of pills out. He sat them down next to me on the counter and got some water while i grabbed two out of the box. He handed me the glass and stood in front of me, sort of in between my knees. I quickly swallowed the water and the pills and sat the glass back down on the counter next to me.

I looked up to Harry and saw his eyes. They were bright green, just like Holly's that caused me to cry again. His arms wrapped aorund my waist and pulled me into his chest. i snaked my arms around his neck. 

We sat like that for a moment before he picked me up and began carrying me. I snuggled my head into his neck as the pills began to kick in.

He sat me down on the edge of mine and Holly's bed which just made me think about her even more. I flicked off my cardigan and threw it in the general direction of the closet. I laid down and put the blanket over my legs. Harry leaned down and kissed me on the side of my forehead.

"Goodnight." He said as he got up and went to walk away. I grabbed his arm before he got to far. I rolled over so i was further away from the door. As i rolled i pulled Harry so he fell on the other side of the bed. he didn't say anything, just pulled the blankets over himself and pulled me closer into his chest.

I cried myself to sleep that night.

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