Chapter 12

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Becky’s POV

I woke up to being shaken by a strong firm hand on my shoulder. “Come on Becky. It’s already 12 o’clock.” Ughhh. “Go away Harry.” “No. Get up,” He pulled the covers off me and tried to pull me out of bed. “Will you give me a piggy back?” I asked as I rolled over to the other side of the bed closer to where he was sitting. “Fine. Come on,” he said as he stood up next to the bed. I stood up on the bed and climbed onto his back. “Is it really lunch time already,” I asked in my still dazed voice. “Yeah the girls didn't want to wake you up after the long day yesterday. But we thought we should wake you up before Niall eat all the lunch.” I laughed. “Good to know I have such good friends here,” he laughed with me.

Harry carried me down the hallway and out into the kitchen where he sat me on the counter. All the boys were standing around the kitchen trying to cook different things while the girls were sitting on the counter on either side of me. I leaned my head on Holly’s shoulder. “Morning Becky. How you doing?” she asked. “Urhnakfnnd,” I replied. She laughed at me. “Oh hey Becky,” Niall said as he walked over to me and gave me a hug. “Hey Nialler.”

“Oh what about us,” Zayn and Liam asked. I opened my arms wide sarcastically and they let out fake girly squeals as they ran over and we had a group hug with the three of us. “Ughhh. Louis put that down,” Harry yelled. I pulled away from the hug to see Harry trying to get the flour out of his hair which Louis had thrown in. I laughed so hard that I began to cry and couldn’t really see anything. The next thing I knew I was being pulled of the counter and laid on the floor. I opened my eyes to see harry sitting on top of me. “What are you doing Harold?” I asked in a serious voice. He smirked and then shook his hair. All the flour fell out and onto my face. I quickly shut my eyes so that none of it went in them.

I pushed him off me so he was on the floor next to me. We were both still laughing. I sat up and tried to get some of the flour of my face but it got stuck to my eyelashes. I could see it in front of my eyes. It kind of looked like snow. I stood up but was pulled back down by Harry pushing me out of the way so he could stand up. I pulled a shocked expression as I fell on the floor. I saw Harry turn around so I began to fake cry. I buried my head into my knees to stop the others from seeing my chuckles and also making the ‘crying’ look more realistic, “Oh my god. Becky I am so sorry. I didn’t mean to hurt you,” he said as he stroked my back trying to get me to look up.

I could hear Holly’s muffled laughter. Of course she knew I was faking, we had been to an Acting/Singing/Dancing camp in the holidays. Apparently they were training a new generation of ‘triple threats’. I was good at two of the three whereas Holly just went for the dancing. I got up and strutted out of the kitchen as I walked past Holly and Niall I high fived them and yelled, “I still got it.” Before I ran into the lounge room and jumped onto the couch. Harry walked into the room and sat on my lap. “Ughhh get of Hazza.” I let out in a wheezy breath. He turned on his side and put his arms around my neck, “But Becky I thought I had hurt you,” he whispered sounding almost sincere. “I reawwy am sowwy,” he finished off in a baby voice. It made my insides melt how cute he could be. The others walked into the room and sat around on the furniture leaving Liam to try and talk Louis out of making the kitchen into a bigger mess than it already was. Zayn sat down on my right and Holly sat down on my left. Harry laid down so his head was on Zayn’s lap and he flicked his legs up on Holly.

I turned and looked at her and winked. I counted down in my head, 1… 2… 3… We both pushed Harry of our laps and he rolled onto the floor with an ‘oomph’. “Pancakes are ready,” Louis yelled as he ran around the room. I got up and ran out of the room, treading lightly so I didn’t trip on Harry. I went and sat down on one of the stools. Harry came and sat next to me. He nudged me slightly and I stumbled off my chair and landed on the kitchen floor which was becoming far too familiar for my liking. “Did you fall again Becky?” Niall asked as he came out of the lounge room and noticed me on the floor. “No I was attacking the floor.” I stated matter of factly. “Backwards?” Harry laughed. “Yeah she has mad skillz brah,” Holly said in a fake gangster voice as she walked in and helped me up. I sat back up on the chair on the end of the row next to Harry. He wrapped his arm around my waist and I leaned against his shoulder.

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