Chapter 3

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I'm sorry for any mistakes, I'll find them please comment and vote thank you.



When I saw Eric's face, my world crumbled. My knees buckled and the tears began to let loose.

Ever felt your heart break into tiny pieces? Well at that moment that's what it felt like. The adrenaline pumping in my veins made my heart race and I started to hyperventilate.

I heard Eric and Ashley make their way back to where the ceremony was taking place. I heard him say that they would settle this after the wedding, how dare he still plan to marry me. I felt like such an idiot. For years Megan would tell me of the ways Ashley showed an interest in Eric and how he returned it. Me being madly in love and naive, dismissed her.

Sobbing my sorrows away I lifted myself from the ground. Megan approached me seconds later with a horrified expression. The adrenaline dissipated and I started to dry heave, the knot in my throat preventing me from releasing any contents.

"Audrey, what's wrong? Why is your makeup and gown ruined? We have to get you back this instant, everyone is looking for you," her words snapped me out of my trance.

"No I'm not getting married to that ass hole!" I screeched. She had her mouth hanging open and her eyes showed surprise. I had never lost my cool in front of her. Ever.

"Please tell me what happened. I want to know what's got you like this and when I find out I swear-" She began to rant but I cut her off.

"You were right! Eric cheated on me with Ashley and she's pregnant! How could I be so stupid and naive. I believed him and all his promises! But let me tell you I won't get married to him. I don't care how long we dated, I don't care that he paid for all of this farce!" I screamed towards the sky letting my temper take a hold of me like never before.

"Audrey please I can't let you go out like this, just stand him up. This is what Ashley wants, she wants to see you crash and burn. One look at you and she will know she won." Megan tried to reason with me but I refused her advice, it only infuriated me further.

"I know what I have to do Megan, whatever you do don't stop me ." And with that I wiped my tears, discarded my wedges and began running towards the altar.

"Audrey! No!" I heard Megan plead but I continued running. I made my way into a small recreation center that was at the garden and looked for one specific woman.

My cousin Miranda gave me one look and she quickly scrambled from her seat, followed by her most trusted companion.

"Audrey why are you crying? Why is your gown ruined? Everyone is looking for you!" She began looking me over while her bodyguards closed the entrance to the room we were in.

"I'm not getting married to Eric, Miranda." My confession made her gasp and her eyes bulge.

"Why? Aren't you two in love? What did he do I swear I will cut his balls off and feed them to him!" at her words I saw the bodyguards flinch. I knew Miranda and she was in fact serious.

"That ass hole cheated on me with Ashley and still expected me to marry him but I won't Miranda! I won't! Please, can you make me a favor, please?" I begged her knowing she couldn't refuse.

"Anything for you Audrey." I heard the tenderness in her voice and she wiped at my cheeks.

"Can you get everything settled so I can leave all of this behind? I want to go with you back to the islands and start again." At my words she embraced me as if she knew she was holding me together. She nodded towards her bodyguards and they started to prepare everything.

"But first you have to enjoy the show." I grinned at her and fixed my makeup at the closest mirror, well tried to.

"Ms. Miranda. Everything is set for the two of you. We are ready when you are." James, head of security informed her.

"Thank you James, but we have show to watch. Front row baby." She faced me and winked. James gave me a thumbs up that somehow helped my wobbly legs.

I made my way towards the altar, I saw my family and friends and my steps faltered. I realized how confused they all were and took a deep breath. I could do this, they deserve it for what they have done to me. I glanced towards the front row and noticed Miranda give me a thumbs up. My mother and father were nowhere in sight so I made up my mind. I began to make my way up the altar without my father and immediately heard gasps and murmurs.

I made my way to the front of the altar and stood in front of a confused Eric, I glanced towards my left and saw Ashley standing there with a glare directed at me.

All my self control went out the window.

"Is there something you would like to tell me?" I asked Eric, my voice sounded hollow, free of any emotion. On the inside I felt like part of me was breaking but I kept a cold facade.

"Sugar bear I don't know what you're talking about, think twice of what you might do."  Eric quickly replied his eyes shot towards Ashley then back at me.

"Would you like to help him, Ashley?" I quickly glanced at her and kept a bored tone. Ashley stopped her glaring and quickly her features turned to confusion. She started looking everywhere but at me. Caught red handed.

"Maybe I'll help both of you out! It has to do with you and you..." I said while pointing at the two that betrayed me. "Going behind my back and betraying me! Did you honestly think Eric that I would never find out about you cheating on me!" I was practically yelling that I even saw Miranda flinch. All around me were the sounds of gasps and murmurs.

"What is Audrey talking about Eric?" Eric's mother, Lilian asked.

"I'm talking about your son cheating on me!" I screeched. I looked towards Ashley and noticed she was holding her baby bump discretely. "And the worst part, he cheated on me with my best friend, the gorgeous Ashley." I said in a broken voice.

"I am done with you Eric. I don't want you to be part of my life anymore!" I screeched once again. After a few moments Eric got out of his confused trance and began calling for me.

"Audrey, please how can you throw all of this away? You're making a huge mistake!" he pleaded. At this my rage intensified.

"Me?! Making a huge mistake, no Eric I wasn't the one who cheated, I stayed pure for you but you just couldn't keep it in your pants!" I shouted once more and followed it with a slap. I took a look at my ring finger and took my engagement ring off.

"This ring was part of a promise, but you didn't fulfill it my love." I told Eric in a broken whisper. He kept pleading but I only ignored him. I walked towards Ashley and gave her my ring.

"You always wanted what I had, so here you go, take it." With that I ripped my wedding gown off and threw it at her. I heard more gasps and loud whispers but I paid no mind.

"I hope he stays faithful to you for now you are the mother of his child." with those words I felt the moisture from my eyes. I gave a nod to Miranda and held my head high. Once I began walking away, all hell broke loose. I saw my father and Ashley's father approach Eric menacingly.

But I kept walking with my pride, my head held high and with the grace of a queen. All thoughts of me in my under garments flew out my brain.


Who saw this coming?

Next update might be next week.

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