Chapter 10

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Hey guys!!!

I found some time to post yay!

I started my senior year four weeks ago and its a bit crazy. I'm backed up in homework, joining clubs and everything in between. But I managed to post.





I spent all of Wednesday trying to get all last minute things done with Luke. We delivered invitations and I had the chance to visit my old house. A family with kids exited the home and I broke down crying. That's how I had envisioned myself with Eric but in a few days I would be getting married to another man instead.

Now it was Thursday morning and I surprised Luke by giving him the day off. My mother took charge of everything Luke needed to do, giving him a chance to relieve his stress. I fixed myself breakfast and noticed the house was a little too quiet. I didn't mind it since it was all I wanted, but it did put me on edge.

I went to my room and worked from my laptop. Hours later I heard the front door slam open. I heard a lot of commotion downstairs and closed off my laptop. I hadn't noticed it was past seven and it was getting dark outside. I groaned when I noticed the twins were in an argument. As soon as Krista noticed me everyone went silent.

"What's going one here?" I asked glancing around.

Everyone was dressed like if they were attending a club but no one said a word. Adrianne randomly threw a bag at me hitting me on the face by mistake.

"Sorry! There's no time to explain, go take a shower and put that on." Adrianne commanded me.

I raised my eyebrow at her and she smiled sheepishly. I glanced at everyone else and they shared the same look.

"Just go do what she said. We'll be waiting for you, if you don't come out we're coming in with you." Melissa commented making me move my on feet.

I quickly showered and changed into a small black dress, if I could even call it that. The fabric was pretty much nonexistent and I felt slightly uncomfortable.

I heard pounding on my door and soon everyone began to pile in. Megan began to pull my hair along with Krista. Adrianne looked for a pair of shoes for me to wear, while Annabelle searched for some earrings. Melissa worked on my make up and Miranda simply stood in front of me laughing at my uneasiness.

Thirty minutes later my hair was curled, my make up was done beautifully, and I had killer heels under my feet. I was dragged by everyone outside into the awaiting SUVs and climbed in with all the girls. I really didn't mind where we were headed, as long as I had a good time. I wanted to keep the drinking to a minimum tonight, I knew how wild everyone could get without alcohol.

"I have something for you!" Megan announced, bringing everyone's attention towards her.

She handed me a hot pink sash with the words Future Mrs. Parker. I blushed at the small gift and noticed Megan pass out more sashes.

We arrived outside a popular club in downtown Dallas and made our way inside. Krista informed me her brother owned the establishment and that everything we drank tonight was on the house. The music was so loud I couldn't hear my own thoughts and somehow that soothed me.

We made our way towards a VIP area and took a booth that faced the crowd. We ordered drinks and I made sure to keep an eye on the twins.

A song by Calvin Harris began to play and Krista's face lit up. She instantly got up from her seat and dragged me towards the crowd. When I looked around everyone followed along and we were dancing to the beat. Even Miranda was having a good time. After a couple more songs we made our way back and cooled off. A waiter arrived handing us drinks and we looked at each other puzzled.

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