Chapter 4

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I have more time to update now.

please enjoy!



2 years later.

I made my way out of my office, two bodyguards one step ahead and two other bodyguards one step behind. This was common for me, they went everywhere with me. I stepped out the building and noticed my transportation was ready, three black Cadillac SUVs with tinted windows.I made my way to the middle one along with two body guards and my personal assistant.

"Sir, today we have an appointment with Mr. Nelson and later on tonight you have dinner at your parents house." My assistant Luke informed me. I nodded and soon the vehicles began to move forward.

Twenty minutes later we arrived at Nelson Industries, I was a bit nervous to know the reason for the appointment. I made my way out with my bodyguards and Luke. We passed security and made our way to the highest point of the building to find Mr. Nelson. The secretary perked up at the sound of our footsteps.

"Mr Nelson is ready for you Mr Parker, you may enter." The secretary informed me.

I nodded at my bodyguards and they made their way to the waiting area, while I made my way in the office with Luke.

"Hello Chase, I'm so glad you could join us." I stood there shocked since my father was seated across Mr Nelson. I sat next to him on the empty seat and Luke stood to my left.

"Father what is this about?" I asked my father with concern. Mr Nelson was the one that responded to me.

"Chase, I've seen you grow up and the way you handle things, next year I am stepping down and I want someone to take over. And I want that someone to be you." he responded with a smile. My smile faltered and I felt like suffocating.

"But sir don't you have a daughter you can give this company to?" I asked Mr Nelson puzzled.

"Yes but my daughter doesn't have the knowledge that you have. She is an investor and she also runs her own art gallery, I don't think she can handle this. I know she is strong but many of the board members are power hungry and would love to take over. But you son, I know you're not like that, you're one humble man." Mr Nelson responded.

"And I'm also stepping down son, we're both in our late fifties, we can't go on forever so we decided to combine companies." my father let the bomb drop.

"How is that going to work out father?" I asked hesitantly.

"Well son we have agreed to have an arranged marriage, a great way to merge the companies. That way none of the board members can throw a fit and my daughter can also benefit from this deal." At Mr Nelson's words my mouth dropped.

"Audrey? I thought she had gotten married two years ago." I asked perplexed. At my question Mr Nelson's whole demeanor changed, he grew rigid.

"My daughter's wedding was a disater, she left to Mexico and now we rarely see her. I believed that if she marries, she will move back and end that broken chapter from her life. So what do you say Chase?" He asked with a solemn expression.

All three men in the room looked at me expectantly. My palms grew sweaty and I found it hard to swallow. All it took were two simple words I was trying hard to get out of my mouth.

"I accept." I spoke in a small voice. I cleared my throat and tried again.

"I will get married to Audrey and merge the companies." I spoke with a genuine voice.

At my words all three men let their excitement out and began cheering. My father hugged me and gave me a smile. Mr Nelson got up from his seat and shook my hand along with a hug.

"I hope you and my daughter have a long happy marriage and grow these companies along with you." Mr Nelson told me with sincerity.



Beep. Beep.

I awoke with a start due to an annoying beeping in my room. I bumped my alarm three times and the noise wouldn't stop. When I looked around and noticed it was my phone I huffed. I looked at the screen and the time showed it was eight in the morning, the caller was my father.

"Hello?" I answered with a sleepy voice.

"Hey honey we need to talk about the company." My father spoke with a stern voice. That sentence alone woke me up, I sat up and rubbed my eyes.

"Talk to me." I responded.

"You remember how I told you I was handing down the company to you, but you refused?" he asked me. And I knew where this talk was heading, he was going to make me feel guilty about turning it down.

"Yes, what is this about?" I asked concerned.

"Well I have found the perfect person to hand it down to, his company and ours is merging but there's only one catch..." he answered. At his response I grew tense.

"And what is this catch you are mentioning?" I asked with a small voice.

"That you get married with him, this way the board won't over throw the decision." At his words I gasped.

"Dad are you kidding me?! You're going to marry me off to some dirty old man! Couldn't you just give the company to any of those board memebers?" I yelled, his words were getting me upset.

"Audrey that's what the board members want, those men are power hungry and I'm sure they will run the company to the ground. All the work I have worked for will not benefit you when I'm gone." he responded with a sincere tone.

"Dad I..." I tried to respond but I was lost for words.

"Audrey just give me a decision is it a yes or no?" he asked with a defeated tone.

I thought about it and it would surely bring change to my life, of course I would have to marry some man that I didn't love. I'm sure he would be in the same situation, we're both being dragged into this marriage for the better of things.

"Yes dad, I'll do it. But he's going to respect my decisions." I responded.

"Of course honey, I'll call Chase to let him know the news." he responded with glee. At his response I froze. Chase... I had heard that name before.

"Dad, what is this man's company name?" I asked with a bored tone.

"Parker Industries, they operate in various markets, they operate the largest manufacturing business in the county. These people are really wealthy Audrey. And I know the young man personally." He responded, I rolled my eyes at the mention of their wealth. As if I was after that.

"Dad tell mom I miss her," I responded wanting to cut the call as fast as possible.

"And Audrey, one more thing," I heard his hesitant words.

"Dad please don't tell me the wedding is in a year." I pleaded.

"No honey of course not, it's in a week. You need to come home as soon as possible. Love you" And with that he hung up.

"I'm going to kill him!" I screeched.


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Married To Mr. Parker (Perilous Series) Where stories live. Discover now