Chapter 18

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I walked into the large dinning room and saw Anna and Lylibeth setting up the table. "May I help you two?" I asked them. Anna quickly turned around and pushed me towards the door.

"The table is not ready Miss Audrey, we can take care of it." She said while pushing me towards the family room. I went to sit on one of the couches and began to relax. My muscles were pretty stiff and my whole body was sore. Adrianne had done two surprise attacks and it was hard keeping up with one arm. I had ran for the equivalent of four hours and also practiced with knives.

I heard Stephen scolding someome while walking towards my direction. When he turned the corner he had Axel and Alexis by the ears.

"What did they do?" I asked getting up from the couch.

"They broke into the guest room Miss Adrianne was occupying and attacked her with water guns, along with her sister." At his words I began laughing hysterically and Stephen only gaped.

"Seems like they're getting a taste of their own medicine. Let them go, they did me a favor." I told Stephen and quickly high five them.

"Dinner is served." Adelaida announced letting us into the dinning hall.

We sat down and waited for everyone to join us. Seconds later the twins arrived glaring at Axel and Alexis. I tried my best to keep a straight face but I failed miserably. Noah and Cameron walked in unaware of the tension and began making conversation between themselves. I could feel the death glares being passed from across the table.

Chase finally walked in after a few agonizing minutes, and took a seat at the end of the long table, next to Cameron. He had a slight look of irritation when he spotted me in the middle of the twins. I gave him a slight smile and he slumped his shoulders.

We began eating and Chase started making small talk with Noah. I heard Adrianne hiss from next to me, and suddenly I felt someone kick me right on the shin. I yelped and knocked my water down, splashing it on my lap. I cursed under my breath while I tried to dry my shorts. I looked up and noticed everyone was dead silent watching me, Chase had irritation written all over his face.

I could see that he was going to snap at any moment. Adelaida quickly dried the floor and I thanked her silently. Everyone continued eating and the small talk began again, now and then you could hear banging from under the table. We were down to our dessert when Chase had enough of our cousins.

"Kick each other one more time and I will make you run laps until you drop. Don't test me." Chase snapped making me flinch.

Everyone was silent and I just poked my cake around. I felt someone step on me with a lot force, and I tried to not cry out. Sadly, I made the stupid decision to wear open toe shoes. The person stepped even harder and I shrieked.

"Stop stepping on my foot!" I whisper yelled close to tears.

"Fuck I'm sorry. I didn't know it was you. Fuck." Alexis apologized, looking at me and at Chase.

"Get him guys." Chase said out loud and in a matter of seconds Cameron and Noah dragged him out.


I looked out the master bedroom window and saw Alexis running laps. He had been running for an hour and I felt really bad. "I think you should let him come in, he looks exhausted." I told Chase as soon as he came into the room.

"Nah, he needs it." He replied coming close to the window.

We both glanced at Alexis and noticed someone making their way towards him. He stopped running and the person extended a water bottle to him. "Who the hell is that?" Chase asked me baffled.

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