Chapter 30

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Finally, the last chapter of this story.

Three years later


I watched as Annabelle made her way up the aisle. She was walked by her mom, who was currently in tears. How she wished for my uncle to be doing the honors. I watched as Adrianne grinned lovingly at her twin sister, her small bump showing under her flowy dress.

My aunt said a few inaudible words to the groom and walked away with a smile, after giving her blessing once again. I watched as Annabelle took in a deep breath and stood closer to the groom.

"We are gathered here today for the union of Dylan Carmichael and Annabelle Nelson..." I moved my attention back to my toddler who was currently trying to eat dirt.

Chase swooped him from the ground and my son quickly started pulling on his tie. "Daddy when will mommy and you do this?" He pointed at Annabelle and Chase looked uncomfortable.

Our son was known for throwing tantrums over little things, his favorite was not being old enough to drive, not being able to dress like Darth Vader everyday and other similar shenanigans.

"Well your mommy and I already got married before you were born." Chase whispered and my son acted like Chase's suit was made of fire.

He pushed away from his dad and he looked so heartbroken. "Why wasn't I invited?" He asked and I noticed his eyes start to well up with tears.

"You fix it this time, I have to give them the rings." I whisper yelled at Chase who looked uneasy.

I smacked him on the arm when my son started crying. He immediately rushed towards the small garden across from us. "What was it this time?" Ashley asked me with a hushed voice.

"He got sad because we didn't invite him to our wedding." I whispered and she snorted.

"Armando really knows how to brighten your days." Ashley whispered and moved closer to Justin.

She smiled fondly up at her husband while he discreetly moved his hand over her bulging bump. She was due in two weeks and looked radiant than ever.

I glanced towards the altar and a smile spread on my lips. I was glad Annabelle was able to find happiness again. She suffered when Alexis left her unexpectedly, after he decided to be a rogue agent. He found more meaning in money and being with countless women than staying with my Annabelle. Dylan took that opportunity to care and love my cousin and soon after, she fell for him too.

With Adrianne it was different. After graduating high school,  Axel proposed and now they're expecting their first child. She continued her education and now she helps me in my art gallery.

Miranda and James adopted a baby last month, since they couldn't conceive any children together. Baby Mary looked angelic with her pink dress and pink bows in her hair. I could see she was fast asleep in her stroller, Miranda was not even paying attention to the ceremony. Instead she watched as her daughter slept, who looked extremely cute doing so.

Luke held on to Krista's hand and gazed at her lovingly across the aisle from us. They started dating after joining the same gym, a couple months back.

Jake, Jeremy and Noah took Cameron's death too hard and left the organization. They went back to their businesses and didn't keep contact long. Last I heard, Jeremy was killed in a car bombing in Jakarta last year. Jake got married and Noah, we didn't know anything about him.

Meagan was dating Cameron in secret, out of everyone she took his death the worst. She tried to take revenge on all of us during a family dinner and she was now in a state prison.

I was shaken out of my thoughts when Melissa shook my arm. "Girl you're up, the rings remember." I held on to the rings tightly and walked up the small altar.

I handed them to Adrianne, who took them with a smile. I went back to my seat and watched the ceremony continue. From the corner of my eye I saw Chase come in with our toddler and my eyes zeroed in on his hands. Specifically the lollipop he was clutching in his little hand. I narrowed my eyes at Chase and he lifted his hands.

"It was the only way to make him calm down. " He whispered and my glare didn't falter one bit.

My mother in law picked up Armando and swiftly removed the lollipop from his grasp claiming it had turned to a vegetable. His eyes widened and he made a sour face, completely disregarding the lollipop.

I took a deep breath and squeezed Chase's hand. "Good thing she saved you, otherwise you would've had to worry about the stains." I whispered at him and he visibly winced.

At Adrianne's wedding, my baby ended up being stained with chocolate because Chase had carelessly given him a lot kat. I had left him alone for two minutes while I went to the bathroom and when I came back he looked like he had rolled in mud.

I watched with awe as Dylan kissed Annabelle. He had become her personal bodyguard after she returned to school. I became aware of his intentions, and warned him that she was very much in love with Alexis. He told me he didn't mind as long as he kept her safe and she was happy.

After Alexis left suddenly and only left a letter explaining his motives, Annabelle became distant from everyone and even gained weight dramatically. She would hardly eat anything but when she did, she would binge. We tried everything we could to help her but nothing helped, it actually made it worse.

The only person she couldn't and wouldn't push away was Dylan. He discreetly pushed healthy habits towards her and within a year she lost half of what she gained.

Now she was at a healthier weigh, but still had more curves than before. She looked stunning, even more so than before. She went to school and now works with Chase at the company as a computer tech. Dylan was moved up rank and was now partners with Axel.

A squeeze on my hand made my eyes snap towards the ground. "Mommy let's go eat food, you are eating for two." My baby reminded me and I slightly rubbed my small bump.

I allowed Armando to lead me towards Chase's direction and heard a small cry come from behind me. Adrianne was freaking out behind me while her dress was drenched with liquid.

That only meant one thing. Her water broke.

Axel quickly led her out of the small chapel and into an awaiting car. I glanced around the room for my aunt who looked pale. She was clutching Axel's mother's arm with a death grip.

"I'm going to be a grandma." She kept repeating over and over with a smile quickly falling on her face.

Chase pulled me out of my shock with a kiss on my forehead. "What do you want to do? Which sister do we follow?" He asked and I stayed silent.

"Annabelle, it will be a while for Adrianne to have the baby. Let's enjoy the wedding for a bit then we'll go to check up on Adrianne at the hospital.

Chase nodded and picked up Armando. We walked towards the awaiting SUV and he helped me get comfortable.

He pulled out a pair of house shoes and swiftly took off my heels. "I can see your feet are beginning to swell. When we get to the venue I'll get food and drinks for us. I'll also make sure one of the guards takes all the necessities to our cousins at the hospital. Just lean back and relax and let me take care of everything." With Chase's words I began to drift off.

A huge smile on my face knowing I had everything I always wanted.


Finally it's been forever but I'm back!!! I had given up on this story a while back but I decided to give it a closure. Thank you all for following this story. Thank you!!!

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