Chapter 2

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Notes: Some people asked, if Ezra is the stranger. No, he is not. Ezra will join the crew in few chapters as it happened in the Spark of Rebellion, but he is not much important to the story. Or maybe he will, who knows. Anyway, the stranger is adult, sorry for not mentioning it. I never guessed people would think it's Ezra.

Thank you for your comments.

Hera and Zeb finally agreed on the price with the local and made sure the whole refueling went smoothly. Hera kept checking out their surroundings and all the weird men and creatures wandering in the docks. They made her feel uneasy and glad she was with Zeb. As time passed her caution increased, especially because of three men who apart from others were just not moving anywhere and seemed not very dutiful.

She also noticed a newcomer in black and red clothes, wearing a hood and having covered every part of his body. Weird; he must be very hot with all the clothes, Hera thought. He moved cautiously but self-confidently like he knew exactly where he was headed. He paid no attention to anyone he passed and sat on a container near the Ghost.

As soon as the tank was full, Hera paid the local and told Zeb: "I think it will be safer to wait for Kanan inside." Zeb nodded. "I can't agree more."

Sabine finished the sketch she was working on and decided to go outside for a moment. She just couldn't stay on board when there was another planet to discover! She decided to go after Hera and Zeb and find out how much time it will take. Sabine stepped out and enjoyed an inhale of a dry air.

The planet looked shabby. Sabine couldn't find better word to describe it. She already started imagining how different it would look with more colours and plant life. Sabine turned and walked around the ship, but there was no one. They are probably already inside, Sabine thought and headed back to the ship hoping Hera wouldn't notice because it would mean a long lecture about safety.

"Hello, there!"

Sabine turned around. There were three men standing behind her. One was leaning on the ship trying to look casually, the other two were smirking.

"Um, hi?" One look was enough for Sabine to say she didn't like them.

"Wanna join us for a drink?" They moved towards her.

"Not really." Sabine started to recede, not wanting to lose them out of sight.

One of them jumped to her and grabbed her arm. "We would like you to join us." The others surrounded her.

"Leave me." Sabine hoped the encounter wouldn't end catastrophically and considered her options. She usually didn't get to a close combat fighting, but they could be sure she would fight them with all her strength.

"You should leave the lady alone." The low and threatening voice caused the men freeze and turn around. A man in red and black clothes and covered face was standing motionlessly behind them. He didn't seem to have any weapons and his smaller frame made the men laugh.

"Back off! This is none of your business." The one still holding Sabine yanked her to his side. "This lady is coming with us."

This gesture seemed to be enough for the stranger to provoke him. Before Sabine could even blink, all three men were lying on the ground and moaning in pain. The stranger offered Sabine his hand to help her step over one of them. "You should be more careful. This place is not safe."

"Thank you. I thought my friends are out here. I probably wouldn't go anywhere alone."

"Ok." Stranger nodded.

"My name is Sabine."

The stranger chuckled. "Nice to meet you, Sabine."

Sabine liked his deep and calm voice pronouncing her name. "You know, this is the part where you tell me yours."

"Is it?" Stranger seemed to have absolutely no interest in her.

"Well, yes. What is your name?" Sabine asked. She tried to see strangers face under the hood, but he was obviously used to hiding his face in front of people and he was really good at it. Few moments passed without anyone saying anything.

"You know, I would like to call you somehow. It would be weird to call you "Someone" or "Some hooded guy", don't you think?"

"I guess it could be confusing."

Sabine looked him up and down. She wondered why she was still talking to him and why he hadn't already walked away since he had no interest in her. But she was puzzled over him saving her in the first place and decided to keep talking to him.

"You seem to like red colour. I could call you Reddie since you didn't give me even a fake name or a nickname." Sabine suggested.

Stranger chuckled again. "If you want. It doesn't really matter to me."


She turned and saw Kanan who didn't look much pleased she was talking with some stranger. Sabine rushed to Kanan.

"Hey, Kanan, did you get everything in the city?" Sabine tried to change the subject before Kanan would start asking her about the man. But Kanan folded his arms and looked angry.

"Why are you talking to him?"

"He helped me." Sabine just said and looked over her shoulder, but those rude men were gone.

"Helped you with what?" Kanan asked. He clearly couldn't let it go.

"There were some rude men who were bothering me and he fought them off."

"Why did you do that?" Kanan turned to face the man.

"Believe it or not, but I have an honour. And I wouldn't tolerate anyone bothering or hurting a minor or an unarmed woman."

Kanan snorted, not believing the stranger. Sabine looked at both of them suspiciously. "Did I miss something? Do you know each other?"

"Well, yes, kind of." Kanan admitted.

"Have you decided?" The stranger asked.

Sabine folded her arms and hoped they would bother to tell her.

"Maybe, if you show me your face." Kanan negotiated.

"Not an option." The stranger dismissed the matter.

"Kanan? What is going on?" Sabine tried, but neither of men responded to her.

"Reddie?" She tried again.

"We definitely need to talk." Kanan admitted.

"We can talk on board leaving this system." Stranger suggested.

"I will consult it with the rest of the crew." Kanan turned around and got on the ship. Sabine walked behind him and Reddie followed.

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