Chapter 6

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The crew stayed on Lothal, hoping Reddie would ask them for another trip. Four days later, Reddie called. "Reddie here. What would you say about a trip to Arkinnea?"

Hera quickly thought about the location of the planet, but couldn't remember. "I do not know where it is." She admitted.

"In the Expansion Region." Reddie then explained the route.

"Ok, I think that's possible." Hera agreed.

"Where can I find you?" Reddie asked.

"We are at the same place we landed before." Hera informed him.

"I will be there in few hours." Reddie stated.

As promised, Reddie came to the Ghost and they took off. The crew wasn't even surprised that he still just had the backpack. Hera and Kanan went to the cockpit to pilot Ghost and left Reddie with Zeb and Sabine. They all stayed in the main room and sat around the table.

"Do you want to play a round of Dejarik to pass the time?" Zeb asked Reddie.

"I have never played it. I do not know the rules." Reddie answered.

"It's not difficult, we can teach you." Zeb offered.

"Very well then." Reddie agreed.

When the Ghost jumped into the hyperspace, Kanan decided to check on them and found all three lost in a game. He sat at the table and watched them for a while. Since Reddie was just learning all the rules it didn't take much time for Zeb to win. Sabine laughed when the Lasat shouted triumphantly.

Reddie folded his arms: "I guess I would need more time to understand this game," and shook his head.

"So, what brings you to Arkinnea?" Kanan brought up.

"Just some business." Reddie shrugged.

Kanan understood that Reddie didn't want to talk about it so he decided to try another topic he would want to know something about.

"Do you know much about Jedis?"

"Yes." There was a simple reply.

"What about the Force?" Kanan continued.


"You are invisible. In the Force, I mean." Kanan explained.

"I know." Reddie nodded, but said nothing more.

"How is that possible?" Kanan really wanted to know.

"What do you know of Taozins?" Reddie asked him in return.

"Not much." Kanan said.

"Taozins are creatures invisible in the Force. They were believed to be extinct, but I happened to meet one some time ago," Reddie paused.

Then he fumbled in his pockets and took out a small amulet. It was a flask full of milky substance. Reddie held it just to show it to the crew, than quickly hid it in his clothes.

"It can be rather useful. The Force users can't sense me as long as I have it and it may help in a combat."

"Yeah," Kanan agreed, "it is efficient." he mumbled.

He is full of surprises, Kanan thought. Who is he hiding from? It's not like there are many Force users out there. I really need to be careful around this guy. "Where did you find that taozin?" Kanan asked hopefully. He could use a similar amulet.

"On Coruscant. But it happened long time ago."

"No way could such a beast live on Coruscant!" Kanan exclaimed.

"Have you ever been to the lower levels? Or the underground? There are, or were, I do not know about today's situation there, many creatures that were supposedly extinct or some you wouldn't expect in the Capital." Reddie explained.

"No, we weren't allowed to go to lower levels back then." Kanan looked sad, full of memories of the Jedi Temple.

"How old are you, anyway?" Sabine asked.

"Old enough to remember chancellor Valorum." Reddie chuckled. "Thankfully my race does not age as quickly as humans do, so if no one kills me I might have several decades ahead."***

"One more game?" Reddie beckoned to Zeb probably hoping to end the conversation.

"Prepare to lose." Zeb grinned.

Reaching Arkinnea took much longer than the previous trip to Lothal, but it went smooth as well. When the Ghost landed, the whole crew came out of the ship examining the environment. Even though the planet was under the Empire's influence, they didn't see any soldiers in the small town. They probably stayed in the capital city and didn't bother to watch over towns or villages spread though the mountainous and wooded planet.

Hera came to Reddie and asked him: "Do you want us to wait for you for few days?"

The man ran his eyes over the town while considering the offer.

"No," he finally decided, "I think I will stay here a bit longer than usual. But it was nice to travel with you." Reddie said as a goodbye and handed Hera some credits.

Kanan felt relieved that Reddie was leaving them, even though he was a source of a relatively safe income. On the other hand, Sabine hoped they would meet again and said her good bye just as: "See you soon," and waved.

Notes: *** I couldn't find anywhere, if that is true or not, but I would like it to be the truth. But it will probably be same as the humans. But this is my story. My rules.

I would like to ask you for a feedback about my English language. Are there sentences that are difficult to understand? Do I use some words inappropriately? Are my sentences stylistically correct? I would be grateful for any comments and reviews referring to it.

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