Chapter 10

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Reddie and Sabine returned to the main room. The rest of the crew was sitting at the table.

"It seems we won." Sabine smiled at everyone.

"We sure did." Hera nodded and smiled back.

"Where are we going?" Reddie asked.

"Nowhere particular – just away from Lothal." Hera said.

"Ok." Reddie nodded.

"Aren't you even a little happy that we succeeded?" Sabine asked him.

"I think I lost. Inquisitor pushed off my hood when we fought and it's just a matter of time till someone checks the security footage and exposes me." Reddie explained.

"Why is it so bad? They would probably be afraid of you as the Inquisitor was." Ezra said.

"The Inquisitor was afraid of you?" Sabine asked.

"You knew each other?" Ezra joined the questioning.

"Yes, he was and no, we have never met." Reddie answered.

"Ezra told me you used the Force." Kanan said out of nowhere. "Who are you?"

"Do you really want to know?" Reddie asked.

"Yes, I do." Kanan confirmed.

"Well, I guess it doesn't matter anymore, since the Empire knows…" Reddie trailed off. "But promise me first you won't try to kill me."

"That's not a problem. I still feel a bit dizzy I am glad I can sit." Kanan stated.

"Very well, then." Reddie agreed. He raised his hands and slowly removed his hood. The whole crew (except for Ezra) gasped in surprise. Reddie's skin was red but covered with black tattooed ornaments. His head was hairless but with short horns. His yellow eyes bored into Kanan's. Reddie looked amused by their reactions. Then he looked at Sabine.

"Well, I definitely did not expect that."

"I told you a have a specific appearance." Reddie said. "But you don't know me." He pointed out as he turned back to Kanan.

"No. Should I?" Kanan asked.

"I don't know. But I thought someone had mentioned me at your Temple. I am Darth Maul and I am sith lord. Well, a former one I guess."

Kanan froze with shock. "It can't be…"

"On a scale from 1 to 10, how bad is this?" Sabine turned to Kanan.

"Seven?" Reddie guessed.

"Master Kenobi killed you. You couldn't have survived that." Kanan refused to believe.

"The Dark side makes many impossible things possible. But it still took me few months to fully recover."

"Could you maybe explain to us what all of this means?" Hera interrupted.

"Oh, of course." Reddie/Maul answered. "Emperor Palpatine is a Sith lord. He used to be my master."

"You killed a Jedi Master Qui-Gon Jinn." Kanan said.

"Yes, I did." Maul confirmed.

"Why didn't you come back after you recovered?" Kanan asked.

"Darth Sidious didn't care for me."

Kanan snorted. "Siths don't really do that."

Maul looked at him murderously. "He took my journal and wrote about my death on Naboo before I went there. He could have at least warned me! But he found another apprentice instead."

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