Chapter 5

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Notes: Thank you so much for your support. I already have more views, followers and reviews on this story than on my first one and it's been just a few days! This chapter is almost twice as long as the previous, so enjoy!

After the dinner, the crew returned to their usual activities. Hera went to the cockpit, Zeb and Kanan played Dejarik, and Sabine went to her cabin. She took out her sketchbook and pencils and lost herself in drawing. This time her sketch was neither complicated nor colourful. Usually she worked on it long time and used variety of colours, but now she needed just two colours – black and red. When she was done with it, she hid the sketchbook and sneaked furtively to Reddie's cabin. She knocked not wanting to storm in as she did the last time.

"Come in."

Sabine entered and saw Reddie sitting at the table again reading one of the books that were in the bookshelf beside the bed.

"Hi, again." Sabine smiled somewhat nervously.

"Um, hi." Reddie answered, sounding confused.

"Do you have everything you need? I could bring you water or something." Sabine offered.

"No, thanks, I do not need anything, except for a ride to Lothal." He raised the book, so Sabine could read the title. It was about Lothal history and interesting places to visit.

"Have you even heard of that planet?" Sabine asked, glad she could move the conversation to a sensible topic, and tried to slowly and unobtrusively sit at the bed.

"Yes. It could be an interesting visit. Have you been there?"

"Yes, we go there all the time."

"It sounded as if you had your base there."

"Well, not really. I guess it's just our favourite destination." Sabine said and realised she shouldn't talk about them much and be careful as Reddie was. He could've been an undercover agent trying to get information about rebels…

"Good. Do you know it well, then?" Reddie asked. "Probably." Sounded the vague reply.

"How much is it controlled by the Empire? Are there many soldiers in the streets?"

Sabine eased. "Quite a lot. They have a huge military base there and the Academy for young cadets. But they mostly stay in the cities."

"Ok." Reddie nodded.

"Why is the Empire looking for you?" Sabine asked. She had no idea how to lead the conversation that way, so she just asked directly and hoped Reddie would answer. He seemed to be taken by surprise by her question.

"They are not actually looking for me." He answered eventually.

Sabine raised her eyebrows and looked at him questioningly, then she realised he couldn't see her face so she frowned.

"They think I died. But if they found out I survived they would hunt me down." Reddie explained.

"What so terrible have you done?" Sabine continued.

"Well, it's complicated. Anyway, occasionally when I need money I accept jobs as a bounty hunter currently."

"Bounty hunter?" Sabine looked surprised.

"What? Do I look like someone with an honest occupation?" Reddie shrugged. "I target high ranks officers and important people of the Empire."

"I don't like bounty hunters." Sabine folded her arms and silently judged him.

"I didn't ask you to like them." Reddie wasn't amused.

"So you kill people for living." Sabine stated.

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