Chapter 9

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Ezra cut a hole in the wall with his lightsaber and everyone crawled through. They all aimed into the cells. But before they ran through few corridors, the stormtroopers started waking up.

"Now, Ezra and I will go together to get the Jedi. You" Reddie turned to face Hera, Sabine and Zeb. "You go in the other direction and distract them. The stormtroopers will follow you when they wake up and we will have a clear path."

They split up. Reddie followed Ezra to the cells. Exactly as he said, they didn't run into anyone on their way. When they reached the prison, Ezra stopped for a moment to find with the Force which cell was the right one. Soon he chose and opened the door.

Kanan was tied to a table with his head lowered. He didn't react at all until Ezra called his name.

Kanan looked at him: "You shouldn't have come, but I am glad you did." he whispered.

Ezra saddened at the sight and grew angry as he imagined what the Empire could have done to him. Reddie on the other hand seemed completely composed as he walked to Kanan and untied him.

The Jedi fell forward, but Reddie caught him and supported him.

"Reddie." Kanan acknowledged him with a small smile. Then he lost conscious.

"Kanan?" Ezra was immediately at his side.

"We need to get out as quickly as possible." Reddie said and tossed Kanan over his shoulder to carry him.


Reddie's comlink beeped when they left the cell.

"Stormtroopers found our ship, don't go back there!" Hera warned them.

"Where are you now?" Reddie asked.

"We are on our way to docks. We will try to steal one of their ships."

"We will do the same. Don't wait for us." Reddie said.

"No way. We can't leave without you."

"It could help. It would create a diversion, if you fly back to Ghost and attack them or something. Maybe they would think no one else remained on the cruiser and we could sneak out." Reddie explained.

"Ok. You made your point. Did you find Kanan already?" Hera agreed finally.

"Yes, we've got him. He is unconscious at the moment, but he's fine." Ezra joined the conversation.

"Good. Call us when you're out."

Reddie and Ezra ran through the corridors. Once they came across few stormtroopers, but Ezra reflected their shots with his lightsaber and Reddie took out a blaster and shot them.

"And I actually wondered if you had any weapons at all," Ezra teased him.

Few minutes later they finally reached the docks.

"I hope there won't be many stormtroopers in there." Ezra said and opened the door and froze with shock.

The whole place was full of soldiers pointing their blasters at them. In the middle the Inquisitor stood with a victorious smile.

"Surrender. You have no chance." He said and ignited his lightsaber for effect. Ezra looked at Reddie, who seemed to be calm.

He lowered Kanan on the floor carefully and told Ezra: "Stay with him, I will take care of this."

Then he took few steps toward the Inquisitor.

"Actually. It's you who has no chance. Let us go and you will stay alive." Reddie suggested.

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