Chapter 4

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I was sitting in a room all by myself. Yeah, the girls couldn't come up with a very good punishment, since they couldn't do anything sexual with the girls around, so I got put in a room. I looked around the room for any escape, since I was getting bored. I spotted a vent on the ceiling and I smiled. I picked up a desk and put it right underneath the vent. I jumped up and took the vent cover off. I then climbed into the vent quietly and put the vent cover back on. I decided to go free my children, since it seems we need more bonding time. I followed Asena's scent all the way to the queen's personal chamber. I was looking through the Asena's vent as I heard a conversation,

'Mom! Come on! We didn't do anything wrong! And plus we're safe Y/N protected us!' Asena hissed angrily

'Don't yell at me young lady. You went against my wishes, and did you forget what you said earlier?' Diana hissed back

Asena just looked at the ground not saying anything.

'Now you will stay here until I say so.' Diana hissed leaving the room

I waited until I was sure Diana was out of earshot. I quietly took off the vent cover.

'Psst..Asena!' I hissed quietly

She looked up at me as her eyes lit up with joy.

'DAD!' She hissed

'Ssh keep it down we wouldn't want your mother to come back in here. Now come on we're going on an patrol.' I hissed while lowering my hand down.

Asena grabbed it and I pulled her into the vents. After getting Zaria, Alexis, and Lamika we crawled through the vent system quietly. We reached the vent that lead to the staircase and I removed it quietly and crawled out. My daughters quickly followed me and we climbed up to floor 7th floor.

'Okay you four stick close to me okay?' I looked at them

They nodded and we quietly moved throughout the floor. Suddenly we heard a pair of footsteps and I stopped in my tracks, and my daughters followed suit. I peered around the corner and there were two other predator females in the hallway.

 I peered around the corner and there were two other predator females in the hallway

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'Are you sure she's on this floor?' The one in grey asked

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'Are you sure she's on this floor?' The one in grey asked

'I'm sure Isla.' The red one responded

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