Chapter 14

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Zaria POV

I sat next to dad, intertwining our hands. Dad's hand was bigger, and it made my hand seem so small. Asena was on the other side of her, sleeping. Lamika was next to me, and Alexis was next to Asena. We've stayed by dad's side for the past two days. Victoria had to put this weird device on her nose and mouth. I asked her what it was and all she said was that it helped her to breathe. She also connected dad to some weird devices which I didn't recognize either.  I frowned as I put my head on her arm. I wanted dad to wake up so bad! She promised me that she wouldn't leave! S-She promised! I could feel tears brim my eyes as Xana walked into the room,

'Girls, your mothers want to see you.' 

We didn't want to go, but we knew our mothers would makes us leave one way or another. We nodded and we hopped off our chairs. We walked out as Xana and Victoria walked in the door. We walked towards the main part of the ship, where our mothers were waiting. As we walked in my mother gestured me to come to her. I walked over to her and she picked me up. I looked up at her with tears in my eyes. She gave me a sad smile before I broke into tears. She hugged me closer as she stroked my hair,

'I w-want dad back.'

'I know, but we need to wait for her to wake up.' My mother whispered as I clung to her

I cried into her chest, and I slowly fell asleep from exhaustion.

Diana POV

I watched as Zemira slowly rocked Zaria to sleep. Asena sat in my arms looking around the room sadly,

'Mom when is dad going to wake up?' Asena looked at me with the most innocent gaze I've ever seen

I smiled sadly at her,

'Soon, I promise.' 

Asena smiled and cuddled into me. It was quiet for a few moments until we heard aggressive hissing. 

'Y/N! STAY STILL!' I heard Victoria hissed

I put Asena down and ran towards the med bay. As I got to the door I saw Victoria and Xana struggling to keep Y/N down. I ran in wrapped my tail around her arms, and waist. As I got closer Y/N seemed panicked, and she seemed to be sweating.

'LET ME GO!' She struggled more as Alexandra ran in

Alexandra pulled out a sleep dart. She quickly stuck it in Y/N's neck, and moments later she started to go back to sleep,

'' She trailed off as she went back to sleep

As Y/N went back to sleep Alexandra looked at Victoria, 

'Can you get a blood sample? I think the creature may have something toxic on its claws, hinting at Y/N's actions.' 

Victoria nodded before grabbing a syringe. She stuck it in Y/N's arm, and draws blood. She puts it in a vial before giving it to Alexandra. Alexandra walked out of the room, with Victoria following her. I looked down at Y/N as she slept peacefully. I stroked her hair when I heard a voice,


I looked over at the door, and I saw Asena and the other girls looking at Y/N afraid.

'Is dad okay?' Zaria asked cautiously walking into the room

'Yes, she is okay. She was just shocked so we had to put her back to sleep.' I lied as the other girls walk into the room

Zaria jumped up to a chair beside Y/N looking at her worriedly. Zemira came in moments later and sat down beside her. She looked up at her, sadness and guilt in her eyes,

'Its our fault right? If wasn't for would be alright..'

'Zaria its not your fault. We should've kept a better eye on you all.' Zemira stated picking her up and setting her on her lap

'I-I just want dad back!' Zaria cried into her mothers chest

'I promise you, Y/N will be fine.' Zemira stroked her hair calmly 

Zaria nodded, and Victoria walked back into the room,

'My queen, Alexandra wishes to speak with you.'

I nodded my head and stood up, following her out of the room. She led me down the corridor, and into a room that had a lot of unfamiliar machines. Alexandra was in the middle reading some kind of report.  She turned around once she notice that we were in the room,

'Well, Y/N's blood tested positive to black toxins, which is extremely lethal on this planet.'

My eyes widened,

'Do you have some kind of cure?' 

'We do but...its for my kin. We don't know how it'll react with xenomorph blood. It may cure her or..kill her.' 

'But we don't know how long she has.' Victoria added picking up, what I was assuming the cure, 'Although it may cost us something dear.'

They both looked at me,

'I've already put my call in.' Alexandra spoke, 'I'm willing to risk it. Are you?'

I weighed the pros and cons. If we did this Y/N could die, but if it works she would live. I bit my lip as thoughts ran through my head. Eventually I made a decision,

'Alright lets do it.' 

Victoria nodded, and grabbed a syringe. She put the syringe and drew the amount of the cure that we needed. We walked towards the medbay, and I asked them to wait outside for a moment. I walked in and the girls were still in there. I made eye contact with Zemira, and she stood up,

'Girls I need you to go with Zemira for a few minutes.' I looked at all four of the girls and they nodded

They hopped off their chairs before walking out of the room. Alexandra walked in with Victoria behind her,

'The cure will cause her to wake up, so someone needs to hold her.'

'I'll do it.' I stated as I wrapped my tail around her waist pinning her arms

'The cure needs the patient to be awake, and it will cause tremendous pain, so be prepared for her to scream.' Victoria warned as she approached Y/N

She made eye contact with me before she stuck the needle in her neck, and emptied the contents. As soon as she pulled out the syringe, Y/N jolted awake thrashing. She hissed in pain and I felt tears brim my eyes. She started to scream in pain as the cure started to take effect. I leaned down and kissed her forehead,

'I'm so sorry..' 

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