Chapter 10

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I woke up to Asena squirming in my arms. I opened my eyes and looked down at her. She looked at me before looking at something across from me. I looked across the bed, and not a short distance away was Alexandra, who had her arms around my waist, pulling Asena in between our bodies. I let go of Asena immediately and she scurried to the other side of me. She looked over from behind my back, and looked frightened at the sleeping body of Alexandra. SuddenlynAlexandra began to wake up and Asena hid behind my back.

'Mhmm..where did Asena go?' She asked sitting up slightly 

Asena crouched down trying to hide from Alexandra's sight, although it didn't work. Once Alexandra sat up she saw her behind my back.

'There you are!~'

She reached over to pick up Asena when she clung to my back, and hissed at her. Alexandra narrowed her eyes at her, and Asena shrank back in fear.

'Stop it Alexandra. All you're doing is scaring her.' I growled and sat up with Asena still clutching to my side. 

Alexandra looked at Asena one more time before she laid on her side facing away from me. After a few moments Asena started to crawl away from me, and regain her spot in the bed. I chuckled as I saw her carefully crawl over me before laying down in the middle of Alexandra and I. She scooted closer to me before she curled up in a little ball. A few moments later something beeped from Alexandra's wrist. Alexandra suddenly stood up and grabbed her spear,

'I'll be right back darling~'

Alexandra walked out of the room before locking it. I waited a until her footsteps were gone when I started to pull at my collar. After a few more tugs I got the chains to break. Next, I started to work on my shock collar. I felt around it for some type of keyhole, and I eventually found one. I put one of my claws in the hole and try to unlock it. After a few failed attempts I finally got it to unlock. I looked down and noticed that Asena was trying to get her collar off, but was failing miserably. I chuckled before helping her get her shock collar off. Once it was off she hopped on my back and I ran towards the door. I opened it quietly and looked around, not spotting anyone. 

I quietly closed the door as I took a step out in the hallway. Asena held onto me tighter as she looked around the dark hallways. I tapped my temple, activating my infrared. I didn't see any predators around, so I deactivated my infrared and headed towards the ships ramp. I looked around the hangar bay as I quietly waled down the ramp. It seemed almost a little too quiet. I walked towards the hangars door, looking around to make sure no one was following us. Once I was through the door, I made sure to lock it. I started towards the staircase, and Asena hopped off my back, and walked beside me. 

We were almost to the staircase when something jumped on me from above. I pushed Asena away, so she didn't get hit. I hissed aggressively when I saw that it was a male xenomorph. He hissed at me before turning his head and looking at Asena. He started to walk towards Asena and she backed into a wall. I hissed at him and hit him with my tail sending him against the wall,

'Stay the fuck away from my daughter!'

He hissed before standing up,

'The queen commands me to bring her daughter back to the hive..along with you.' 

I hissed at him, much louder than before. I felt my eyes glow brighter, but I didn't care about that right now. He snarled at me as more of his buddies came to help him. I glared at him and his friends,

'I've been wanting to kick some asses. I guess you'll have to do.'

They all hissed at me before two of them charged at me. I smirked and swiftly punched one of them in the gut. It knocked him back some as the other charged forward. He tried to punch me but I grabbed his clawed hand and threw him over my shoulder. I turned around to finish him off when two more xenomorphs jumped on my back. I hissed in pain as their claws dug into my back. The other xenomorph from before charged and tackled me to the floor, knocking the other two off me. Right before they were going to drag me off, a spear went right through the head of the xenomorph that tackled me. I threw his body off me, and I saw Alexandra and the rest of the predators standing there.

The male xenomorph that was going after Asena hissed loudly, most likely alerting the others. Freya shot him in the head before he could do anything else. The rest of the males charged towards them, with the intention to kill. The predators charged and met them head on, easily killing all the male xenomorphs. I tried to sit up, and I felt blood trickle down my back from the claw marks the male xenomorphs gave me. Alexandra walked over to me and helped me sit up. I felt her trace the newly made claw marks on my back. But suddenly we heard a voice,

'Get you're fucking hands off MY Y/N."

We look to the sound of the voice to see Diana, and the rest of the girls.

'MOM!' Asena cried running to her and jumping into her arms

Diana smiled and hugged her close before kissing her forehead. She said something to her that I couldn't hear. Diana put her down, and Asena stood to the side as her mother glared at Alexandra.

'Who are you?' Diana growled 

'I am Alexandra. Queen of the predators!' Freya and the others let out a low growl that seemed to be some sort of battle cry, 'And you must be Diana, queen of these xenomorphs.'

Diana just hissed at her and took a step forward. Alexandra smirked before pulling me up to my feet, and wrapping her arm around my waist. She walked me backwards until I stood in line with the other predators.

'Get you're slutty hands off our Y/N.' Aurora hissed

'I'll kill you slut for talking to my queen like that.' Freya growled stepping forward, readying her staff and blaster

'I'll give you one more chance..give us Y/N.' Diana growled

'Come get her thots.' Alexandra smirked readying her spear

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